Help ! - Begginer


Carding Novice
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Hello Guys!, new to this forum and carding world, During the last few days I’ve managed to card bout 100 USD worth of stuff, it was going great until now.

Today I got my cards and tried to card w them, but it errored, it declines. EVERY TIME. I did the same thing as with previous cards, got my setup with proxies socks 5, browser, etc.

I’ve tried on my phone to and it also declines, I’ve also tried multiple cards and all of them decline, and they are approved by the checker. Have I been blacklisted in some way? Maybe MAC address?, but what concerns me is that It’s also in my phone.

The other days I was carding successfully and it sometimes opened up VBV like a sign that the card is working, but this time it doesn’t even pop up, it’s just a error message, it just errors out. Any help?


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Hello Guys!, new to this forum and carding world, During the last few days I’ve managed to card bout 100 USD worth of stuff, it was going great until now.

Today I got my cards and tried to card w them, but it errored, it declines. EVERY TIME. I did the same thing as with previous cards, got my setup with proxies socks 5, browser, etc.

I’ve tried on my phone to and it also declines, I’ve also tried multiple cards and all of them decline, and they are approved by the checker. Have I been blacklisted in some way? Maybe MAC address?, but what concerns me is that It’s also in my phone.

The other days I was carding successfully and it sometimes opened up VBV like a sign that the card is working, but this time it doesn’t even pop up, it’s just a error message, it just errors out. Any help?

where did you buy the cards ?


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Hello Guys!, new to this forum and carding world, During the last few days I’ve managed to card bout 100 USD worth of stuff, it was going great until now.

Today I got my cards and tried to card w them, but it errored, it declines. EVERY TIME. I did the same thing as with previous cards, got my setup with proxies socks 5, browser, etc.

I’ve tried on my phone to and it also declines, I’ve also tried multiple cards and all of them decline, and they are approved by the checker. Have I been blacklisted in some way? Maybe MAC address?, but what concerns me is that It’s also in my phone.

The other days I was carding successfully and it sometimes opened up VBV like a sign that the card is working, but this time it doesn’t even pop up, it’s just a error message, it just errors out. Any help?
Hey Brother, maybe try swapping between different browsers and make sure you're creating cookies as well within the website by just viewing different products etc, so there is less chance of it flagging you and declining when you go to the site and instantly try to buy something.

also if you don't mind sharing where did you buy ur ccs? I have tried prozone and authorize and both have not worked.
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