I use too many cards all cards have 3D Secure Or Buy After That Declined Order I Tried Games , Stores If you do it how the do it can you explain me ı use incegnation ? what programs should ı use ? ı watch too many videos but ım doing nothing ıf you know anything can you explain to me.
I Try Too Many Times Use Card But Not Working SSN - DNS ( check the blacklist ) but not working any one help me I would like to get detailed information or we can exchange information together in this forum. If you give valuable information I will send you money such as a video
🔊 Carding Guide: Sonos (Audio, Easiest Target) 🔊
Sonos. The training wheels of carding. Tons of newcomers have been pestering me for an easy target, congratulations - your prayers to the fraud gods have been answered.
For all you people starting out, Sonos is your chance to finally score...