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  1. d0ctrine

    Carding 💳 Live Carding Demo (LCD): (Giftcards + Video) 💳

    💳 Live Carding Demo (LCD): (Giftcards + Video) 💳 Welcome to our latest Live Carding Demo. Today we will set our sights on Yeah, I know I just roasted gc carding earlier through my writeup but people kept annoying me about giftcards and I felt that Dundle deserved a second...
  2. L

    Looking for professional Carders from Germany/Italy/France

    Wassup fellow Carders :) I am looking for professional Carders who are able to card Products like Iphones and Stuff from Amazon/Alibaba etc... Due to the amount of Scammers i need to verify if you are legit, so the first order the transaction should be in Person, you give me the Products and i...
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