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  1. CryptoGrab

    CryptoGrab Affilate, Drainer 60+ chain 0x|TON|TRON, Exchange and more

    Automatic Payments - Anti-Ban - Anti-DDoS - 500+ Designs - Google Ads - Twitter - Bing - TikTok 💰EVM DRAINER for 500+ Wallets💰 (Supports extensions and mobile apps such as Coinbase, TrustWallet, MetaMask, Ledger, and others) Available on over 50+ networks (such as ETH, BNB, MATIC, Arb, Blast...
  2. L

    [Exploit] Steal ERC20 & BEP 20 Tokens from Metamask wallet

    A program to create code that will allow metamask users to visit your website, approve a malicious contract, and from there you can empty their wallet to the wallet of your choice at any time. This particular tool was used for a 340 eth curve financing curve a week ago. (link...
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