I have been researching using FULLZ to get credit cards for almost a year, and have got some credit cards, but some problems have not been solved yet. Generally speaking, there are three requirements for successful credit card application. One is credit score, FULLZ can't get credit card if the score is lower than 680, and the other is address, which is what I want to discuss in detail. About a year ago, the use of historical address can be approved even if it is not the current address. But now it's hard to get approval for something other than the current address (this is just the result of my testing, which is what I want to discuss). 3 is the number of credit inquiries. There are other factors that go into the score, such as debt ratio, delinquency, and current credit card usage.
I would like to discuss with you in detail how to use FULLZ to get a credit card.
I would like to discuss with you in detail how to use FULLZ to get a credit card.