First i will not use telegram it is a joke, its wide open, all the stuff you read about how secure it is are total rubbish, and to prove it a security tech guy was on stage he first played a video of him cracking it, then he let the audiance shout out things, can you do etc and live on the big screen as he sat at his p.c. he tore their security apart, he pulled up deleted messages he jumped in and out of several accounts and then he pulled up a server just to show it was situated in China of all places, i am going to copy it and put it on youtube cos people need to know, everyone thinks its secure yet it is as secure as kim il whatshisface of N Korea, now that is done i have a well used B.O.A. with card, but if you are going to say you need control of the account or card it's a no go, i've heard every line in the book why the card is needed, the best one was so he knew when the cash landed.