Carding ðŸ’³ Carding Bites: Stripe Radar as Your Fraud Lab 💳


Fraud Daddy
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💳 Carding Bites: Stripe Radar as Your Fraud Lab 💳

Whats up, dawg? Today were taking a wild left turn into Stripe territory. Yeah, you heard me right. The same payment processor thats been the bane of our existence is about to become our secret weapon.
Were about to harness Stripe Radar for our own carding purposes.

Think of it as infiltrating enemy lines to steal their playbook. Were gonna use their own system against them, turning their sophisticated fraud detection into our personal testing ground.

Heres the deal:
Were setting up our own Stripe merchant account. Not for cashing out, but for something way more valuable - testing our cards before we use them on shops.
Think of it as X-ray vision for your cards. Well run them through Stripes system, get their fraud scores and figure out why theyre getting flagged or sliding through unnoticed.

Get ready, because by the end of this, youll be using Stripe Radar like its your own personal carding cheat code. Time to turn their defense system into our testing playground.

Now, let me be crystal fucking clear: This guide isnt about how to bypass Stripe. Thats a whole different beast and well tackle that in another writeup. What were doing here is successfully creating a Stripe account and learning to assess our own cards using Stripe Radar. Were giving you the tools to think for yourself, to analyze and interpret what Stripe sees when it looks at our cards.

Why Stripe?
Now youre probably wondering, "Why the fuck are we bothering with Stripe?" Sit tight and let me enlighten you:
Stripe isnt just some random payment processor - its the 800-pound gorilla in the room. Were talking about a system that handles payments for over 3.3 million websites. Thats not just a big slice of the pie; its practically the whole damn bakery.
But heres where it gets really interesting. You know those other payment processors you might be trying to dodge? Paddle, LemonSqueezy? Surprise, motherfuckers - theyre all riding on Stripes system.
Even Shopify,that smug bastard, pretends to have their own payment system. Its Stripe all the fucking the way down. They might slap ther logo on it but under the hood its pure Stripe.

This popularity and reach is exactly why were targeting Stripe. By learning to navigate their system, were essentially getting a master key to a fuckton of online stores. Its like were peeking at the answers before taking the test.

Remember that AI fraud detection shit I talked about before? Well, Stripe is the king of that castle. Theyre processing millions of transactions daily and every single one of those is feeding their AI, making it smarter, more efficient at catching our asses.
By setting up our own Stripe account and using their Radar system, were essentially tapping into this vast ocean of data. Were using their own intel against them. Were gaining inside knowledge of the most widespread payment system on the internet

Every card we test gives us insight into how Stripe thinks, how it flags suspicious activity and most importantly, how we can slip under its radar.

Preliminary Requirements
Lets get our hands dirty.
Setting up a Stripe account for our purposes requires precision and caution. One wrong move and you might find yourself locked out before you even begin.

1. A Good US Proxy:
Were not talking about some bargain-bin proxy here. You need a high-quality, residential US proxy. Remember, Stripe isnt some mom-and-pop shop - theyre looking at your connection with a microscope. Using any shit proxy is possible, but using a high-quality one guarantees your Stripe account doesnt get flagged fast.
This is where things get spicy. Stripe needs to verify youre a real person and for that, they want your Social Security Number and Date of Birth. You can buy these from any SSN-DOB sites if you prefer, or if youre feeling adventurous (or cheap), theres another way.
3. A Business Ecommerce Website:
For this purpose, we will need to use an ecommerce site with low to medium traffic. If you have none, Ill guide you below.
4. A Dummy Bank Account:
Since we dont plan to cash out, a dummy bank account will do. Well need this to complete our Stripe account setup.

What If I Have No SSN-DOB? Or Im too cheap to buy
Dont sweat it, Ive got you covered. Heres how you can get your hands on some SSN-DOBs:
Open up Google
Type in this search query:
site: ssn dob

Youll see a lot of results. Heres how to choose:
1. Look for recent posts. The fresher, the better.
2. Avoid anything that looks too good to be true (like a list of 1000 SSNs)
3. Cross-reference the info using yellow pages, etc.

If Pastebin isnt yielding results, try Doxbin with the same technique. Just replace "" with "" in your search. There are hundreds of different paste sites leaking free SSN DOBs, feel free to use them.

Finding Your Ecommerce Front
If you dont already have an ecommerce site, dont sweat it. Were going to comb through website marketplaces like to find a decent low to medium traffic ecommerce site. Well pretend were migrating to Stripe as our payment processor.

Heres how to find the perfect site:
Head to (use your proxy, obviously)
Filter for ecommerce sites with monthly revenue between $500-$2000
Look for sites with established history (at least 6 months old)
Avoid anything too popular or with complex or digital products

The Flippa Marketplace

Were not actually buying these sites. Were just using them as references when setting up our Stripe account.

Using a Dummy Bank Account
For our purposes, we can use random ass numbers for the bank account number, but heres the catch: Stripe still validates if the routing number is legitimate. Heres how to get around this:
Look up the city associated with your SSN-DOB details
Search for banks in that ctiy
Find the routing number for one of these banks

Pro Tip: You can easily find bank routing numbers online. Just search "[BANK NAME] [CITY] routing number".

Caption: Looking up a Wells Fargo routing number for California

Once you have a legitimate routing number, you can pair it with a random 10-12 digit number as your account number. Stripe wont actually try to verify funds in this account since were not going to be withdrawing money.
The whole point of this song and dance is to look legit as shit when were setting up our Stripe account. Were not trying to win an Oscar here, but we need to be convincing enough that Stripes systems dont immediately call bullshit on us.

Creating Your Account

Youve got all your shit together. Now its time to dance with the devil. Were gonna walk through Stripes signup process step by step. Pay attention:

Step 1: Initial Setup
Fire up your high-quality US proxy. Double-check its working.
Head to and click "Start now".
Create an email address that matches your ecommerce sites domain.

Step 2: Personal Information
Heres where that SSN-DOB comes in handy:
Full name: Use the name associated with your SSN.
Date of birth: You know the drill.
Last 4 of SSN: Dont fuck this up.
Phone number: Use a burner number that matches your chosen area code.

Step 3: Business Details
Company name: Use your ecommerce sites name.
Business type: Choose "Individual/Sole Proprietorship".
Industry: Pick something that matches your site.
Description: Make shit up, or copy the description from the Flippa listing. Dont say youre selling fucking hand grenades.

Business details - make it believable
Pro Tip: If Stripe asks for full SSN (they sometimes do), dont panic. Just enter it.

Step 4: Bank Account Details
Remember that dummy bank account we set up? Time to use it:
Account number: Your made-up nmber.
Routing number: The legit one you found.
Account holder name: Match it with the name you used earlier.

Step 5: Verification
Stripe might ask for additional verification. Be ready with:
A utility bill matching your address (Photoshop skills come in handy here).
A business description that matches your ecommerce site.

Remember: The goal isnt to cash out. Were here to test cards, so dont stress if they limit your account initially.

If youve done everything right, you should now have a shiny new Stripe account that we can use to test our cards.

Stripe Radar: Your Personal Fraud Lab

Now that we've infiltrated Stripe, its time to put our setup to work.
First, enable Stripe Radar. Head to the Radar section in your dashboard and turn that shit on. While Stripe itself can test cards, the real power lies in analyzing the Radar score.
The most straightforward way to test? Payment links.
Heres why theyre golden: youre not just testing your cards fraud score, youre putting your proxy and antidetect setup through their paces too.

Heres how to create a payment link:
Go to "Products" in your Stripe dashboard
Click "Add product"
Name it something boring like "Consulting Fee"
Set a price (keep it under $20 to avoid suspicion or heightned fraud score due to account age)
Save and create a payment link for this product

Creating a payment link - keep it simple, stupid

Now, fire up your antidetect browser and open that link. Remember: One payment link per identity. That means one card, one proxy, one antidetect instance. Since Stripe keeps your IP and device in check, testing multiple cards on the same antidetect session will not only give you inaccurate results, it will most likely heighten your cards fraud score to the point it becomes unusable.

After your transaction goes through (or gets declined if your cards shit), head to the Transactions section. Youll see your transaction with its fraud score. Click on that score and youll see Stripe Radars metrics.

Scroll to the bottom and youll find a toggle to enable scoring for each evaluation. This is where magic happens.

Heres what Stripe Radar is looking at:
  • Fraud history
  • Previous disputes from this IP address?
  • Previous early fraud warnings from this IP address?
  • Customer email
  • Time since email first seen on the Stripe network
  • Name
  • Are name and email similar?
  • Authorization rate for transactions associated with this email (all time)
  • Number of declined cards previously associated with this email (last 7 days)
  • Time since first card decline associated with this email
  • Related customers
  • IP address
  • Internet service provider
  • Authorization rate for transactions associated with this IP address (all time)
  • Number of cards previously associated with this IP address (last 7 days)
  • Number of IP addresses previously associated with this card (last 7 days)
  • Time since IP address was first associated with this card
  • Number of names previously associated with this IP address (last 7 days)
  • Time since customer was first seen on the Stripe network with this IP address
  • Operating system
  • Browser
  • Device brand
  • Device model
  • Number of cards previously associated with this device ID (last 7 days)
  • Time since card was first seen on the Stripe network with this device ID
  • Card number
  • Expiration date
  • CVC
  • Postal code
  • Email address
  • Issuing bank
  • Country
  • Card name
  • Card number
  • Card type
  • Number of countries previously associated with this card number on authorized payments (last 7 days)
  • Debit card?
  • Prepaid card?
  • Number of names previously associated with this card number (last 7 days)
  • Distance between billing and shipping address
  • Distance between shipping and IP address
  • Distance between billing and IP address

Each of these factors contributes to your overall fraud score. Most of this shit is self-explanatory, but bypassing them is a whole other beast. Well tackle that in a future guide on fucking with Stripe specifically.
For now, focus on these three factors. Theyre the holy trinity of Stripes risk assessment:

Number of cards previously associated with this IP address
This shows how fucked your proxy is. High numbers? Youre fucked as other dipshits have been carding on your IP.​
Authorization rate of card
Tells you if your cards been declined before. Could be the real owner fat-fingering their CVV, or more likely, the cards been passed around like a joint at a frat party.​
Average transaction for card - Standard deviation for card
This is the cardholders spending pattern. Stray too far from it and your fraud score shoots up faster than a crackheads heart rate. But heres the silver lining: cards with high average transactions? You can push bigger orders without tripping alarms.​
Get a handle on these three and youll be running circles around the morons still blindly punching in numbers and praying.

Closing Thoughts: Knowledge is Fucking Power

Lets wrap this shit up. We've just handed you the keys to Stripes kingdom. Youve got insider access to their fraud detection system and if youre not seeing dollar signs, youre in the wrong game.

Remember what I always say: in the world of carding, knowledge is power. Using Stripe to assess our cards is like having X-ray vision in a world of blindfolded dipshits. Youre not just guessing anymore,youre making informed moves.

Sure, bypassing each metric is a whole different beast - thats a writeup for another day. But armed with this intel, youre already miles ahead of the competition. Youre not just another script kiddie throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.
Use this knowledge wisely. Dont get cocky and dont get sloppy. The games always changing and you need to stay sharp to stay ahead.

Now get out there and put this shit to work and make me proud. d0ctrine out.
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Carding Novice
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Wow this guide meet my need well treated are the greatest


Reaction score
I've just made 3 attempts to open stripe radar step by step like in this guide.
3 times I was prompted to pass verification with ID and selfie.
I was using Indigo browser, super clean proxies.
Tried to bypass it with OBS virtual camera and fake DL but failed.
What am I possibly doing wrong?


Fraud Daddy
Reaction score
I've just made 3 attempts to open stripe radar step by step like in this guide.
3 times I was prompted to pass verification with ID and selfie.
I was using Indigo browser, super clean proxies.
Tried to bypass it with OBS virtual camera and fake DL but failed.
What am I possibly doing wrong?
Could be the SSNDOB you're submitting is toast.


Carding Novice
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What can i do when the payment is vbv ( idk if it's stripe or bank who send the request)


Fraud Daddy
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What can i do when the payment is vbv ( idk if it's stripe or bank who send the request)

Unless you have access to the OTP (via OTP bot and such) there's nothing else you can do. If it's requested by Stripe, find a way to lower your fraud score. If it's requested by bank, cool the card off for some time.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Unless you have access to the OTP (via OTP bot and such) there's nothing else you can do. If it's requested by Stripe, find a way to lower your fraud score. If it's requested by bank, cool the card off for some time.
It may be possible that the cause is the country issuer (Belgium) ? I've only worked with this country and it "always" asking for an OTP. I tried with an US one and the 3D2 passed but got caught by radar (ip 922proxy redflag). My final question : It is possible that EU country has not 3D2 but 3D1 ? Your documentation are valid for those country ? (By the way i'm looking forward to the next carding bites 3ds/vbv guide)


Fraud Daddy
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It may be possible that the cause is the country issuer (Belgium) ? I've only worked with this country and it "always" asking for an OTP. I tried with an US one and the 3D2 passed but got caught by radar (ip 922proxy redflag). My final question : It is possible that EU country has not 3D2 but 3D1 ? Your documentation are valid for those country ? (By the way i'm looking forward to the next carding bites 3ds/vbv guide)
Look out for my next 3DS demystified guide. Long story short is that EU countries implement what is called SCA (Strong Customer Auth). I will write about this in the future.


Reaction score
Look out for my next 3DS demystified guide. Long story short is that EU countries implement what is called SCA (Strong Customer Auth). I will write about this in the future.
Hey. I found a way to lower my fraud score to low 40’s by using victim’s email when checking out but I would like for it to go lower.. any tips?


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Look out for my next 3DS demystified guide. Long story short is that EU countries implement what is called SCA (Strong Customer Auth). I will write about this in the future.
Okay, I'm going to read up on it while waiting for your guide. thanks for the leads
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