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Carding egift cards from walmart


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Hello everyone

I go by Polarwsp here and im new to the forum. Ive been coming to this site for tips on carding instore and virtual. Today im going to show you the method i use to card walmart egift cards so pay attention!!!!!

First and most importantly is the setup on ur computer. Make sure u do mac address change, flush dns, then set ur socks5. I personally recommend 911 socks5 cuz they r good.

Next get ur cc. I use jstash.bazar and get bin 414720 which is a chase classic. Trust me its a good bin to use because if u have the cc number and billing zip code then u can check the balance via skype.

Now set socks5 to the same city if possible or if not somewere close.

Make 2 email accounts. 1 for the cc that has the cardholders name in it. Ex: cc owner is john doe the email is the 2nd email account should be another made up name but with the same last name. Ex:

Now go to walmart from a search engine not.

Create account with the cc email address.

Now add a gift card to cart. I suggest only the blue or yellow regual gift card and do no more than $75 (best results come from $50)

Now write a msg for the gift card. Something like "use this for ur school supplies" or somethin like that u get the idea.

Now checkout.

Depending on ur cc, it will go thru or give u a decline msg.

If it goes thru, u will immediately get a email saying its processing.

There its as easy as that.........SIKE!!!!!!!!

after u get the email saying its processing u will immediately get another email saying its cancelled. NNNOOOO!!!!! lol sorry having a lil fun.

Ok back to it.

So on the email stating its cancelled u will see the order number. Copy that order number and then u will also see a lil link saying help center. Click that and it will take u back to walmart website.

From here u need to get to the "chat with representative" option so that u can chat wit a rep via a small rectangular box on lower right hand of screen.

Once u do say ur order got cancelled. They will then ask u for the email u used and order number. After that it will show u ur order in a screenshot and ask if it solved ur issue. Say "no" then it will ask if u wanna chat wir a real rep. Say "yes"

U will then get connected with a real agent and they will ask ur order number again.

Give ur order number and say something like "i dont knw y it got cancelled i called my bank and i have enough money" something that makes u seem like u really dnt knw wats going on.

They will say its a automatic fraud protection and then will say they are going to put it theu manual validation but u will have to wait 30 mins and try to order again.

Now wait like 35 to 45 mins (just to be safe)

After go rite back and buy the exact same thing. (Literally the exact same gift card color and amount... Dont try anything different.. If u brought blue card for 75 then do that again not yellow for 75.

When you put the order thru this time it should go thru again and this time it shouldnt bounce back with a cancelled order email.

Now keep checkin the 2nd email were the gift card is suppose to be sent to and it should come within like 15 mins.

AND WALAAAA!!!!! u carded a gift card.

Now let me tell u this.

Sometime wen u come back to re order after the 30 mins, ur card might be dead.

Im thinkin thats y they cancel it and make u wait 30 mins, probably so that the cc owner has time to catch on and cancel there cc. OH WALMART WE CLEVER MUTHAFUCKAS LOL.

For this reason i usually like to have like 3 cc on hand from the same city (if possible) or state. So that if the card is dead when u try to reorder after the 30 mins u can ise the back up card. And since walmart knows ur going to reorder they wont cancel it.

Again listen wen i say its good to have like 2 or 3 backup cc from same city or state because its a bitch wen u get the first order thru then it cancels then u contact them then u reorder in 30 mins and ur card is dead and u have no backup cc. IT SUCKS BALLS WHEN THAT HAPPENS CUZ U WASTE A HOUR FOR NOTHING.

well there you have it fellow carders a full guide for yall to cashout.

What i was doing is getting the gift card then using to flip it to btc, but as of today the site is closing down .

Also i only use bin 414720 for the walmart hit. Remeber to use that bin.

Now that im done, like i said wen i started writing this im new so please if this guide helps please give me some likes and reactions cuz i cant view anything on here without it.

Hay Mey

Reaction score
Hello everyone

I go by Polarwsp here and im new to the forum. Ive been coming to this site for tips on carding instore and virtual. Today im going to show you the method i use to card walmart egift cards so pay attention!!!!!

First and most importantly is the setup on ur computer. Make sure u do mac address change, flush dns, then set ur socks5. I personally recommend 911 socks5 cuz they r good.

Next get ur cc. I use jstash.bazar and get bin 414720 which is a chase classic. Trust me its a good bin to use because if u have the cc number and billing zip code then u can check the balance via skype.

Now set socks5 to the same city if possible or if not somewere close.

Make 2 email accounts. 1 for the cc that has the cardholders name in it. Ex: cc owner is john doe the email is the 2nd email account should be another made up name but with the same last name. Ex:

Now go to walmart from a search engine not.

Create account with the cc email address.

Now add a gift card to cart. I suggest only the blue or yellow regual gift card and do no more than $75 (best results come from $50)

Now write a msg for the gift card. Something like "use this for ur school supplies" or somethin like that u get the idea.

Now checkout.

Depending on ur cc, it will go thru or give u a decline msg.

If it goes thru, u will immediately get a email saying its processing.

There its as easy as that.........SIKE!!!!!!!!

after u get the email saying its processing u will immediately get another email saying its cancelled. NNNOOOO!!!!! lol sorry having a lil fun.

Ok back to it.

So on the email stating its cancelled u will see the order number. Copy that order number and then u will also see a lil link saying help center. Click that and it will take u back to walmart website.

From here u need to get to the "chat with representative" option so that u can chat wit a rep via a small rectangular box on lower right hand of screen.

Once u do say ur order got cancelled. They will then ask u for the email u used and order number. After that it will show u ur order in a screenshot and ask if it solved ur issue. Say "no" then it will ask if u wanna chat wir a real rep. Say "yes"

U will then get connected with a real agent and they will ask ur order number again.

Give ur order number and say something like "i dont knw y it got cancelled i called my bank and i have enough money" something that makes u seem like u really dnt knw wats going on.

They will say its a automatic fraud protection and then will say they are going to put it theu manual validation but u will have to wait 30 mins and try to order again.

Now wait like 35 to 45 mins (just to be safe)

After go rite back and buy the exact same thing. (Literally the exact same gift card color and amount... Dont try anything different.. If u brought blue card for 75 then do that again not yellow for 75.

When you put the order thru this time it should go thru again and this time it shouldnt bounce back with a cancelled order email.

Now keep checkin the 2nd email were the gift card is suppose to be sent to and it should come within like 15 mins.

AND WALAAAA!!!!! u carded a gift card.

Now let me tell u this.

Sometime wen u come back to re order after the 30 mins, ur card might be dead.

Im thinkin thats y they cancel it and make u wait 30 mins, probably so that the cc owner has time to catch on and cancel there cc. OH WALMART WE CLEVER MUTHAFUCKAS LOL.

For this reason i usually like to have like 3 cc on hand from the same city (if possible) or state. So that if the card is dead when u try to reorder after the 30 mins u can ise the back up card. And since walmart knows ur going to reorder they wont cancel it.

Again listen wen i say its good to have like 2 or 3 backup cc from same city or state because its a bitch wen u get the first order thru then it cancels then u contact them then u reorder in 30 mins and ur card is dead and u have no backup cc. IT SUCKS BALLS WHEN THAT HAPPENS CUZ U WASTE A HOUR FOR NOTHING.

well there you have it fellow carders a full guide for yall to cashout.

What i was doing is getting the gift card then using to flip it to btc, but as of today the site is closing down .

Also i only use bin 414720 for the walmart hit. Remeber to use that bin.

Now that im done, like i said wen i started writing this im new so please if this guide helps please give me some likes and reactions cuz i cant view anything on here without it.
Method is real you got that bin from Lonnie bandz though lol


Reaction score
Hello everyone

I go by Polarwsp here and im new to the forum. Ive been coming to this site for tips on carding instore and virtual. Today im going to show you the method i use to card walmart egift cards so pay attention!!!!!

First and most importantly is the setup on ur computer. Make sure u do mac address change, flush dns, then set ur socks5. I personally recommend 911 socks5 cuz they r good.

Next get ur cc. I use jstash.bazar and get bin 414720 which is a chase classic. Trust me its a good bin to use because if u have the cc number and billing zip code then u can check the balance via skype.

Now set socks5 to the same city if possible or if not somewere close.

Make 2 email accounts. 1 for the cc that has the cardholders name in it. Ex: cc owner is john doe the email is the 2nd email account should be another made up name but with the same last name. Ex:

Now go to walmart from a search engine not.

Create account with the cc email address.

Now add a gift card to cart. I suggest only the blue or yellow regual gift card and do no more than $75 (best results come from $50)

Now write a msg for the gift card. Something like "use this for ur school supplies" or somethin like that u get the idea.

Now checkout.

Depending on ur cc, it will go thru or give u a decline msg.

If it goes thru, u will immediately get a email saying its processing.

There its as easy as that.........SIKE!!!!!!!!

after u get the email saying its processing u will immediately get another email saying its cancelled. NNNOOOO!!!!! lol sorry having a lil fun.

Ok back to it.

So on the email stating its cancelled u will see the order number. Copy that order number and then u will also see a lil link saying help center. Click that and it will take u back to walmart website.

From here u need to get to the "chat with representative" option so that u can chat wit a rep via a small rectangular box on lower right hand of screen.

Once u do say ur order got cancelled. They will then ask u for the email u used and order number. After that it will show u ur order in a screenshot and ask if it solved ur issue. Say "no" then it will ask if u wanna chat wir a real rep. Say "yes"

U will then get connected with a real agent and they will ask ur order number again.

Give ur order number and say something like "i dont knw y it got cancelled i called my bank and i have enough money" something that makes u seem like u really dnt knw wats going on.

They will say its a automatic fraud protection and then will say they are going to put it theu manual validation but u will have to wait 30 mins and try to order again.

Now wait like 35 to 45 mins (just to be safe)

After go rite back and buy the exact same thing. (Literally the exact same gift card color and amount... Dont try anything different.. If u brought blue card for 75 then do that again not yellow for 75.

When you put the order thru this time it should go thru again and this time it shouldnt bounce back with a cancelled order email.

Now keep checkin the 2nd email were the gift card is suppose to be sent to and it should come within like 15 mins.

AND WALAAAA!!!!! u carded a gift card.

Now let me tell u this.

Sometime wen u come back to re order after the 30 mins, ur card might be dead.

Im thinkin thats y they cancel it and make u wait 30 mins, probably so that the cc owner has time to catch on and cancel there cc. OH WALMART WE CLEVER MUTHAFUCKAS LOL.

For this reason i usually like to have like 3 cc on hand from the same city (if possible) or state. So that if the card is dead when u try to reorder after the 30 mins u can ise the back up card. And since walmart knows ur going to reorder they wont cancel it.

Again listen wen i say its good to have like 2 or 3 backup cc from same city or state because its a bitch wen u get the first order thru then it cancels then u contact them then u reorder in 30 mins and ur card is dead and u have no backup cc. IT SUCKS BALLS WHEN THAT HAPPENS CUZ U WASTE A HOUR FOR NOTHING.

well there you have it fellow carders a full guide for yall to cashout.

What i was doing is getting the gift card then using to flip it to btc, but as of today the site is closing down .

Also i only use bin 414720 for the walmart hit. Remeber to use that bin.

Now that im done, like i said wen i started writing this im new so please if this guide helps please give me some likes and reactions cuz i cant view anything on here without it.
Good method bless you and your family


Reaction score
Hello everyone

I go by Polarwsp here and im new to the forum. Ive been coming to this site for tips on carding instore and virtual. Today im going to show you the method i use to card walmart egift cards so pay attention!!!!!

First and most importantly is the setup on ur computer. Make sure u do mac address change, flush dns, then set ur socks5. I personally recommend 911 socks5 cuz they r good.

Next get ur cc. I use jstash.bazar and get bin 414720 which is a chase classic. Trust me its a good bin to use because if u have the cc number and billing zip code then u can check the balance via skype.

Now set socks5 to the same city if possible or if not somewere close.

Make 2 email accounts. 1 for the cc that has the cardholders name in it. Ex: cc owner is john doe the email is the 2nd email account should be another made up name but with the same last name. Ex:

Now go to walmart from a search engine not.

Create account with the cc email address.

Now add a gift card to cart. I suggest only the blue or yellow regual gift card and do no more than $75 (best results come from $50)

Now write a msg for the gift card. Something like "use this for ur school supplies" or somethin like that u get the idea.

Now checkout.

Depending on ur cc, it will go thru or give u a decline msg.

If it goes thru, u will immediately get a email saying its processing.

There its as easy as that.........SIKE!!!!!!!!

after u get the email saying its processing u will immediately get another email saying its cancelled. NNNOOOO!!!!! lol sorry having a lil fun.

Ok back to it.

So on the email stating its cancelled u will see the order number. Copy that order number and then u will also see a lil link saying help center. Click that and it will take u back to walmart website.

From here u need to get to the "chat with representative" option so that u can chat wit a rep via a small rectangular box on lower right hand of screen.

Once u do say ur order got cancelled. They will then ask u for the email u used and order number. After that it will show u ur order in a screenshot and ask if it solved ur issue. Say "no" then it will ask if u wanna chat wir a real rep. Say "yes"

U will then get connected with a real agent and they will ask ur order number again.

Give ur order number and say something like "i dont knw y it got cancelled i called my bank and i have enough money" something that makes u seem like u really dnt knw wats going on.

They will say its a automatic fraud protection and then will say they are going to put it theu manual validation but u will have to wait 30 mins and try to order again.

Now wait like 35 to 45 mins (just to be safe)

After go rite back and buy the exact same thing. (Literally the exact same gift card color and amount... Dont try anything different.. If u brought blue card for 75 then do that again not yellow for 75.

When you put the order thru this time it should go thru again and this time it shouldnt bounce back with a cancelled order email.

Now keep checkin the 2nd email were the gift card is suppose to be sent to and it should come within like 15 mins.

AND WALAAAA!!!!! u carded a gift card.

Now let me tell u this.

Sometime wen u come back to re order after the 30 mins, ur card might be dead.

Im thinkin thats y they cancel it and make u wait 30 mins, probably so that the cc owner has time to catch on and cancel there cc. OH WALMART WE CLEVER MUTHAFUCKAS LOL.

For this reason i usually like to have like 3 cc on hand from the same city (if possible) or state. So that if the card is dead when u try to reorder after the 30 mins u can ise the back up card. And since walmart knows ur going to reorder they wont cancel it.

Again listen wen i say its good to have like 2 or 3 backup cc from same city or state because its a bitch wen u get the first order thru then it cancels then u contact them then u reorder in 30 mins and ur card is dead and u have no backup cc. IT SUCKS BALLS WHEN THAT HAPPENS CUZ U WASTE A HOUR FOR NOTHING.

well there you have it fellow carders a full guide for yall to cashout.

What i was doing is getting the gift card then using to flip it to btc, but as of today the site is closing down .

Also i only use bin 414720 for the walmart hit. Remeber to use that bin.

Now that im done, like i said wen i started writing this im new so please if this guide helps please give me some likes and reactions cuz i cant view anything on here without it.
that's love brotha, God bless you and yo family
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