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i am claiming 450$ from @H!DD£N. his post is

I read post of HID7N where he stated that he sell major usa bank leads which he extracted from database. I contacted him and asked him for huntington leads, he said it will take time and after 2 days he said 5k leads are was already late and i didnt need huntington lead but still i paid him and took that leads and never used. As extraction was taking time i asked him to teach me his method of extracting leads so i can save time and extract my self. We agreed at 450$. And a license fees of 150$ for software to extract. He assured me that method is good and working. I paid him 450$ and he gave me a telegram group name heart sender where he sell tools.

I paid this guy 120$ to buy that tool which generates number. I got tool with license. I generated some numbers and tested them and found most of numbers are fake in that which dont even exist. I asked @HID7N again about it that have you ever used his numbers. It doesnt look good. He said they are good.. when i found out most numbers are wrong i went again to heartsender and asked him. Where he said you have to buy another tool for 120$ which will remove fake numbers and give u exact numbers. I had spent 570$ already so i decided to spend 120$ more and took another tool. I used that tool to remove fake numbers. And honestly fake numbers are removed this tool worked. But numbers which are left behind was real but not from bank they were just random numbers. I used proxy tools to find his number generator is not connecting to any database and just generating those numbers randomly. When i told this to heartsender he denied and stopped replying me. I came @HID7N and asked him to refund me 450$ cuz he is a fake guy. But he is saying he was good guy before if hes fake now its not his problem.
it is same like i can ask money from anyone to give him some seller and later tell him i dont knw if seller is bad now he was good before

as he already accepting he took money then there is no need of sharing screenshot of payments.


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My Case.

Such ungratefulness and reputation damageby @saahil40

Junaid as he’s called contacted me for bank leads. He asked what banks I can generate and I gave him a list. He asked about price and I gave him my price which he asked for price reduction and I accepted after a long back and forth. I delivered first leads for $50 and he ask for the tool I use to generate leads. Told him it’s my private source so can’t share. He insisted if I can give him the tool he will be grateful because of what he uses leads for. I refused but after consistent request I agreed to point him to my source for a fee which I asked for $600 and he will have to pay for his own license fee but he then requested that it’s too much and he will do for $450. I didn’t agree initially but due to his constant plea I agreed and he paid $450 through LTC and agreed to pay for his license key from source that provides tool. Then I sent him source. He confirmed the source and was grateful I provided the source. Now he tells me tool isn’t was he expected so I should refund his money. And that he lost another $300 to the source which I gave him. I’m not the creator of this tool but I used it time past and it worked fine. He ask for it and I provided him source and he bought tool and now he blames me for causing him to loose money. I don’t understand this. How do I fault in this. You got what you wanted and it didn’t meet your expectations and I’m to blame for it. Well please tell me how I wrong here. Thanks

In TG you admit you received a call from a number from lead generated.

Question is did I point you to my source?

Yes or No

Did you find the tools there ?

Yes or No

How can the tool be fake if you admit to have received a call from lead generated?

Do I have any connection with seller?

Yes or No
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yes in TG i admitted that i recieved a call from a number from lead generated. but that is from 1000 leads. all other leads were dead. i also mentioned in same message that i get alot more calls from normal 1000 leads this leads are shit and dead. and i am not blaming you for losing my money i am just demanding my 450$ back which i paid you to get source.

Regarding your questions
Answer 1 : Yes you point me to source
Answer 2 : Yes i found tools there
Answer 3 : if you are generating random 1000 numbers then its highly possible to get 10 or 20 valid numbers. even if i use excel to generate numbers i will get some valid numbers its common sence.
Answer 4: no you dont have connection with seller thats why i am not telling you scammer not i am demanding extra money i paid to buy tools. i am just demanding that 450$ i paid you to get source.

regarding tool i am ready to prove its a fake tool to anyone who have a little knowledge of how things works. i can show it live on anydesk/teamviewer.(i simply used middle proxy to see what tool is doing and i found out tool is not extracting anything from any web instead just generating random numbers offline) i didnt spend 690$ for a random number generator. that can be generated by excel or any free tool. i paid 750$ to get a lead generator which extract leads from banks or anything related to banks.
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So then what’s your case here. You needed the source and I provide which you were willing to pay for. How is it my fault that the tool I used sometime that was good didn’t meet your expectations. You agreed to paid for source so what is really your argument here trying to eat your cake and still have it. Stop soiling my reputation. You agreed to pay for source and I delivered and now you have it now you request for money back. Shaking my head. You just ungrateful.


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Arbitrator please rule over this matter after reading our cases let this matter end. Waiting for your judgment. Thank you


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again i told you multple times its not about expectation. its a fraud and fake tool. it says it can generate bank numbers even if it generates it 50% of bank numbers i dont have any issue but its totally generating random numbers so there is nothing about expectation.. its about having a fake tool.. again you gave me source of someone who provided fraud/fake tool. if this is fair then i can open a thread here selling 100s type of sources and direct them to any fraud/scammer for some money and later claim that i forwarded you to person its not my fault. i paid you because i needed a legit source and you told me multiple times that source is legit and perfect. else why would someone pay 450$ just for having a random source
So then what’s your case here. You needed the source and I provide which you were willing to pay for. How is it my fault that the tool I used sometime that was good didn’t meet your expectations. You agreed to paid for source so what is really your argument here trying to eat your cake and still have it. Stop soiling my reputation. You agreed to pay for source and I delivered and now you have it now you request for money back. Shaking my head. You just ungrateful
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