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Credit Profiles, 700+ Cs, w/CR, Fullz, Also, Profiles with valid CC, scans available


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Basic credit profiles 700 credit score and up, 800+ profiles also available. Starting at $50 for basic profile with at least 700 score withh all information including credit report, ssn, dob,address, phone number. Add ons available are specific state $5, specific age $5, Specific location $5, gender m/f free. Also, if you want a credit profile that comes with a vallid credit card with exp date, cvv, billing information guranteed valid I have those too. I buy a card on my own and then I get their ssn, and the rest of their informtion and run a credit report and have everything from a simple profile with the basic info too profiles with the valid card also. I can do background and credit report for a specific person as well as ssn lookup, mmn lookup. SSN lookup if you don't already know how to do that on you own I will give you the 2 best sites for $20, or I will do the lookup for you ssn $30, mmn $40. Last thing is I have an insider with Synchrony bank and have Synchrony credit cards and Synchrony branded Visa and Mastercard accounts that come with card number, exp date, cvv, card holder information and online log in access for the card on synchrony and branded synchrony cards. I am busy as fuck and Ib do not have time for people that have a million questions, or doubters. If you have doubts then please save us both some time and do not contact me at all. This is what I do all day every day and I make pretty damn good money doing it and I am not hurting for extra customers or business. If you are interested and you have bitcoin ready to hit me up and we can get to work. If I have not responded initially don't worry at which point I do respond to you that is because I am devoted to taking care of you as a customer/client right then and from there the turn around time is literlly almost in real time. For those who have reached out to me that havent gotten a response that is because I am busy taking care or someone else at the moment but the minute I finish and am done with whoever or whatever I am in the middle of I go to the next person on the list. A side note nothing is fucking free, just like you have to pay for shit from me almost everything I provide cost me money of some sort. SSN lookups I pay for, credit cards, mmn lookups, sometimes I even have to pay for a credit report here and there too. So please do not contact me if you just have questions, or are curious, or you are not serious. That means when you ask me for something , only, and I mean only ask if you are willing and have btc ready to send for whatever it is you are buying from me. That being said, whatever you are buying whether it be a basic credit profile, a loaded profile with a valid card included with driver license scans front and back and social security cards scans front and back , or a Synchrony visa/mastercard with account login access or whatever it is you are seeking if I have that and we determine we are going to do business am am super quick with giving you what you pay for and I won't leave you waiting for hours after you have paid me. The minute I see one confirmation I will send or give you whatever it is that you paid for. If we are doing business and I am telling you a price and giving you a wallet address to send funds too we are most likely going to be communicating back and forth in real time. I am sure that two or three people use me and my services and they leave some type of feedback or comment about whatever business they have done with me this will eliminate alot of the bullshitters or naysayers, or motherfuckers that are being cheap and tight or have no money at all but are looking to get rich and are not trying to invest in whatever they are doing. It fucking takes money to make money and anyone who has half a brain knows that . So fuck with me or don't fuck with me either way I don't give two fucks. If I respond to you and start a dialogue with you the very first time I get a question like " how do I know you won't just take my money", or "can you show me some type of proof", or anything even remotely close to a question that shows me you are going to take up my time asking dumb ass questions and you are so so worried about losing $50 or $100 I will block you and never respond to you again. Most people that have a million questions and are hesitant , or nervous , or are in a position where $50 will make or brake them , are the kind of people I don't want to do business with any fucking way. I have several people that I do business with almost every day and it does not take long to see whether or not someone is serious and they are not trying to scam you or get something from you for free. So, if you do fraudulent activity like I do and it is how you make a living and you think I have something you can use to benefit whatever fraud you are doing holler at me. I am strictly business and just the 15 minutes I took to write this long ass paragraph annoys me but I don't have time to be wasting . Time is money. You can hit my telegram it is @moneymaniakk or send an email to Oh yeah, also I literally paid $50 on this forum just to be able to post this which is a prime example of how you have to be willing to spend money to make money.
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