drop it data is uselessif i have credit card detailes and im tryin to write to card if i dont have the phicial card i cant get the descretionary data can i do i haver to put it on the track
so what do i put on tract 2 after the service codedrop it data is useless
Does it comes with this layout? Cc+Cvv EX
Fname Lname Address City State Zip Code Email DOB SSN DL Number DL State Phone Cell Amt Req Bank Name IBN Bank Bank Account Country Tele: @richy_rich1800
Its just it's a 201 service code and I don't have all the software to write to the emv chip all the numbers I have are credit cards look I'm trying to make extra cash my wife has cancer and I need to pay for her surgery that my medical don't pay. Can you please help meI got the card number everything except the CVV