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Be warned, this method does require an upfront investment. The amount of the investment will be whatever the cost of the item you wish to get for “free.” So if you'd like a new iPod Nano at a cost of $150, it will require a $150 payment (plus the cost of shipping, etc.). If you have enough cash (or credit) to purchase a larger item such as a laptop or television, it will work similarly. If you are planning to use my method to get items for free, and then reselling them, I highly suggest “big ticket” items such as the latest phone, laptop or computer.

1) Purchase the item as normal. This step is perhaps one of the most important. When purchasing your item, you will want to find a retailer that meets the following conditions: • Ships UPS or FedEx (not USPS or PO Box) • Requires no signature The first condition is easy enough, almost enough that you don't have to think about it, but please do pay attention, as there is a difference. Now for the second requirement: most people scold me when they hear this, because they immediately assume it's incredibly hard to come by. “Who is going to ship me a $2000 television with no signature required?” Actually, you'd be very surprised. See “Tried and Tested Retailers” section below to get started finding a retailer!

2) Enter your tracking number on or to see your estimated delivery date. On the day of delivery, you must do one simple thing. Since you have ordered from a retailer that requires no signature (as dicussed in step one), you do NOT want to open the door. Some UPS and FedEx drivers will knock anyways, but they will leave the package without confirming that you are home. This is what you want! The UPS/FedEx driver will mark your package's signer as “DOOR” or “PORCH” which comes in handy in the next step.

3) After 6+ hours after delivery, file a claim with the shipper. Send an e-mail / call up / or instant chat the company you purchased your product from stating that you expected the delivery but it has not arrived yet and you just wanted to check on it. Act clueless and cool, this isn't hard so don't over think it. They will ask for your order or invoice number, which you may provide to them. They will most likely check the tracking number themselves and see that it was delivered to “DOOR” or “PORCH” and ask you if you have checked your doors, etc. Tell them that you have also checked with your neighbors and they didn't receive it by mistake. Act concerned and ask them where your stuff that you paid your hard-earned money is! They will file a claim, which depending on the shipping courier and the company takes about 7-10 days to complete. At the end of this, they will ask if you want a replacement (which to you is buy-one get one-free, but don't tell them that!) or a refund. I always choose refund, as I have no need for a second device usually. You will receive your refund through your means of payment (whether PayPal or credit card, etc.)

Tried and Tested Retailers
This method is world-wide! Here are some retailers specific to North America that I have found very good. They all meet the UPS/FedEx and no signature requirement of this tutorial.

• Newegg Computers – – Electronics, televisions, computers
• Amazon – – Electronics, books, appliances, etc.
• Walmart – – Electronics, books, appliances, etc.
• ThinkGeek – – Geeky clothing and gadgets


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only for houses.. no condos (as front desk) would be accepting your package
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