If you have a credit card number, clone the physical card. Download mag stripe writer software and buy a writer on Amazon and input a card.
If it's a debit card you can use a large number of cards and brute force the pin over time or use date of birth.
Go to an atm and order a cash advance. You can do this at a teller with a fake ID. You can also access the entire bank account and do a transfer if I give you the bank statement to fill the withdrawal slip.
This can be done at a bank teller or atm, you need to clone the physical card, but otherwise there's basically no way to block this as you're using an ID and verifying in person.
If it's a debit card you can use a large number of cards and brute force the pin over time or use date of birth.
Go to an atm and order a cash advance. You can do this at a teller with a fake ID. You can also access the entire bank account and do a transfer if I give you the bank statement to fill the withdrawal slip.
This can be done at a bank teller or atm, you need to clone the physical card, but otherwise there's basically no way to block this as you're using an ID and verifying in person.