Carding Hitting Big with Facebook Ads


Fraud Daddy
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Hitting Big with Facebook Ads

Lets talk Facebook Ads. Its the fucking jackpot of digital fraud. Why? Because unlike that laptop you just carded thats probably sitting in some FedEx warehouse, ad spend is instant and untraceable.

Think about it. You card a Facebook Ad account, and suddenly youre sitting on a pile of digital gold. The possibilities? Fucking endless. Pump up your cousins failing dropshipping store, blast out some gambling affiliate links, or go full black hat with a phishing operation. You can also arbitrage. Card a fat ad balance, flip that digital currency to other advertisers, and watch the real cash roll in.


Now, dont get it twisted. Facebook isnt dumb. Carders have been hitting them since forever, so they know the drill. But thats what makes it fun, right? Its a challenge, and you know us carders, were always up for a challenge as long as it makes us money.

This guide is designed with beginners in mind, breaking down the basics of hitting Facebook Ads. Well cover the essentials to get you started but remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What youll learn here will give you enough knowledge to run your first set of ads and get a taste of the potential. The world of Facebook Ad fraud goes much deeper, but for now, lets focus on getting your feet wet. Ready to turn Zuckerbergs platform into your personal playground? Lets fucking go.

Why Hit Facebook Ads?
You’re probably thinking, “Why the hell should I bother with Facebook Ads when I can just card some Yeezys?” Well, sit back and I’ll tell you, young Padawan.

First off, Facebook Ads are very versatile. Want to make some quick cash? Run ads for affiliate products. Want to build a long-term scam? Set up a dropshipping store and use those ads to drive traffic. Hell, you can even use them to promote your own card shop if you’re feeling extra bold.

But here’s where it gets really good. Remember that arbitrage I mentioned? That’s where the real money is. See, once you’ve carded a fat ad balance, you can turn around and sell that ad space to legit businesses. They’re always hungry for more reach and you’re sitting on a goldmine of eyeballs. It’s like you’re running your own little ad agency, except your overhead is zero.


And let’s not forget about the instant gratification factor. When you card physical goods, you’re always playing the waiting game. Will it ship? Will someone intercept the package? With Facebook Ads, as soon as that card clears, you’re in business. No waiting, no sweating bullets every time you see a delivery truck.

And, and this is the best part, Facebook is everywhere. We’re talking billions of users, in every country, every demographic. You want to advertise to left-handed ukulele players in Timbuktu? Facebook can do that. That kind of reach is worth a fortune.

Risk Assessment Score
At the heart of Facebook Pay - the system were gonna exploit for our ad credits - is their paranoid risk scoring system. If youve read my AI fraud systems guide, youve got a head start. If not then catch the fuck up.

Facebook basically looks at three things when deciding whether to let you run ads:

Prepaid Amount: This is how much theyll let you deposit upfront. Its a trust meter - the more they like you, the more you can prepay. If Facebook thinks youre sus, they wont even give you the option.
Amount Threshold: This is how much theyll allow you spend before they come knocking for payment. The funniest part is that this isnt about us - its about regular schmucks who forget theyre running ads and shit themselves when they see their bill.
Card Usage: This is the big one. Its whether you can use your card at all. Back in the day you could slap any old card on there and go to town. Now Facebook wants to verify 95% of cards in my personal experience.


All this shit is tied to how much Facebook trusts you. Card usage is the toughest nut to crack - if you can bind a card without triggering verification, great. But dont hold your breath.

Some of you might be thinking, "Ill just buy an aged account according to some random dude from tele!" Sure, if you want to piss away money. Because you gotta "warm" those accounts first. That means running scripts that make the account look legit for days before you even think about adding yur card. Some antidetects support this, while some dont so your mileage will vary.

Why do this? Because Facebook has its tentacles all over the internet with tracking cookies. Theyre watching, theyre always fucking watching the sites you browser and porn you watch. So theyd know if youre a legitimate person or someone whos trying to fuck them over.

If youve read my Appropriation guide, youve got an advantage. But for now, were not focusing on bypassing this shit entirely. Were gonna learn how to bind a card even when Facebook is begging for verification.

Minicharge: The Gateway to Facebooks Vault

Now that weve covered Facebooks risk assessment bullshit, lets talk about the next hurdle: the fucking minicharge. This is Facebooks way of making sure youre not some dipshit using stolen cards (News Alert: You are.) . Theyll hit your card with a $1 charge, complete with a random sequence of letters that you need to verify.
There are two ways to tackle this minicharge nonsense:

Visa Alerts: This is the easy mode for beginners. If you had read my Visa Alerts guide (and if you havent, what the fuck are you waiting for?), you know the drill. These are cards that let you see transactions in real-time. Sounds great, right? Well, hold your horses.

The good: Its easy as hell to set up. No SSN, no DOB, just plug and play.​
The bad: Most of these cards are as weak as piss. You might score a few hundred bucks, but hitting the big leagues? Good fucking luck.​
The ugly: Every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the carding world has been hammering these BINs. Facebook caught on and started throwing 3DS verification at known BINs, making Visa Alerts about as useful as tits on a bull.​

Enrolls: Now were talking. These are the cream of the crop for carding Facebook.
The good: You can often see the cards limits, so you know exactly how much you can milk it for. Plus, Facebook hasnt caught on with 3DS for these yet.​
The bad: Theyre not cheap, especially if youre eyeing those juicy platinum or business cards.​
The ugly: If you dont have a solid supplier, youre gonna get bent over and fucked harder.​


Now I know some of you cheap bastards are thinking, "Ill just stick with Visa Alerts." I get it. When youre starting out, Visa Alerts can help you get a feel for the process without breaking the bank. Its like learning to drive on your moms old cranky car before upgrading to a Ferrari.

But heres the thing: once youve got the basics down, you need to transition to enrolls. Visa Alerts will only get you so far before they become more of a headache than theyre worth. Unless youve got some god-tier Alerts BIN hidden up your ass (and if you do, share that shit with me, you selfish bastard), youre gonna hit a wall real quick.

Remember, Facebook Ads isnt about quick hits. Its about building a fucking empire. You want to be the guy running $10k ad campaigns, not the schmuck celebrating a $50 score. Enrolls give you that potential. Theyre your ticket to the big leagues, your all-access pass to Zuckerbergs piggy bank.

So use Visa Alerts to learn the ropes if you must, but dont get too comfortable. The real money, the big boy plays, theyre all waiting for you in enroll territory.

Binding a Card: Your Gateway to Facebooks Wallet
Now that weve covered minicharges, lets get down to business. Whether youre using Visa Alerts or enrolls, the process of binding a card follows the same basic steps. The difference lies in how you retrieve the verification code, but well get to that.

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Heres your roadmap to binding a card on Facebook Ads:

Bind the Card
Fire up your Facebook Ads account and input the card information. Simple as that.


Get the Minicharge
Facebook will hit the card with a small charge, typically around $1. This charge contains the verification code youll need.

Verify the Card
Heres where Visa Alerts and enrolls differ. With Alerts, youll get a notification with the code. For enrolls its different from bank to bank, but typically youll need to log into the banks system to find the transaction details. Either way, youre looking for that verification code.


Remember, the process is similar for both methods, but enrolls might require a bit more work depending on the bank. The payoff, however, is usually worth it.

Things to Consider: Your Carding Survival Guide
Alright, pay attention. Heres how to keep your operation smooth and Facebook off your back:

Dont bind multiple dead cards. Its like begging Facebook to bust you.​
After verifying, wait a couple hours before charging.​
Start small, especially on new accounts.​
Read the damn ToS. Dont get banned over stupid shit like advertising dildos and shit.​
Diversify your ad content and try looking like a real business.​
Use residential proxies matching your cards location.​
Dont get greedy. Increase spend slowly over time.​
Monitor your account health regularly. Fix issues fast.​
Have a backup plan and dont just rely on just one account.​

Remember, this is a long game. Play it smart and youll be swimming in ad revenue while others are drowning in bans.

Closing Thoughts: Your Next Move

Weve covered the basics of Facebook Ads. You now know how its security systems works and the how to bind cards.

This is just the start. Master these basics, then move on to advanced techniques like enrolls and arbitrage.
Remember: adapt constantly, learn continuously, and dont be reckless.

Now go turn Facebook Ads into your personal ATM. d0ctrine out.


  • facebook-ads.png
    51.6 KB · Views: 392


Reaction score
Consistently the dopest info. Been nice getting the refreshers you drop


Carding Novice
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some one have good bins for facebook? text pls or pm


Reaction score

Hitting Big with Facebook Ads

Lets talk Facebook Ads. Its the fucking jackpot of digital fraud. Why? Because unlike that laptop you just carded thats probably sitting in some FedEx warehouse, ad spend is instant and untraceable.

Think about it. You card a Facebook Ad account, and suddenly youre sitting on a pile of digital gold. The possibilities? Fucking endless. Pump up your cousins failing dropshipping store, blast out some gambling affiliate links, or go full black hat with a phishing operation. You can also arbitrage. Card a fat ad balance, flip that digital currency to other advertisers, and watch the real cash roll in.

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Now, dont get it twisted. Facebook isnt dumb. Carders have been hitting them since forever, so they know the drill. But thats what makes it fun, right? Its a challenge, and you know us carders, were always up for a challenge as long as it makes us money.

This guide is designed with beginners in mind, breaking down the basics of hitting Facebook Ads. Well cover the essentials to get you started but remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What youll learn here will give you enough knowledge to run your first set of ads and get a taste of the potential. The world of Facebook Ad fraud goes much deeper, but for now, lets focus on getting your feet wet. Ready to turn Zuckerbergs platform into your personal playground? Lets fucking go.

Why Hit Facebook Ads?
You’re probably thinking, “Why the hell should I bother with Facebook Ads when I can just card some Yeezys?” Well, sit back and I’ll tell you, young Padawan.

First off, Facebook Ads are very versatile. Want to make some quick cash? Run ads for affiliate products. Want to build a long-term scam? Set up a dropshipping store and use those ads to drive traffic. Hell, you can even use them to promote your own card shop if you’re feeling extra bold.

But here’s where it gets really good. Remember that arbitrage I mentioned? That’s where the real money is. See, once you’ve carded a fat ad balance, you can turn around and sell that ad space to legit businesses. They’re always hungry for more reach and you’re sitting on a goldmine of eyeballs. It’s like you’re running your own little ad agency, except your overhead is zero.

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And let’s not forget about the instant gratification factor. When you card physical goods, you’re always playing the waiting game. Will it ship? Will someone intercept the package? With Facebook Ads, as soon as that card clears, you’re in business. No waiting, no sweating bullets every time you see a delivery truck.

And, and this is the best part, Facebook is everywhere. We’re talking billions of users, in every country, every demographic. You want to advertise to left-handed ukulele players in Timbuktu? Facebook can do that. That kind of reach is worth a fortune.

Risk Assessment Score
At the heart of Facebook Pay - the system were gonna exploit for our ad credits - is their paranoid risk scoring system. If youve read my AI fraud systems guide, youve got a head start. If not then catch the fuck up.

Facebook basically looks at three things when deciding whether to let you run ads:

Prepaid Amount: This is how much theyll let you deposit upfront. Its a trust meter - the more they like you, the more you can prepay. If Facebook thinks youre sus, they wont even give you the option.
Amount Threshold: This is how much theyll allow you spend before they come knocking for payment. The funniest part is that this isnt about us - its about regular schmucks who forget theyre running ads and shit themselves when they see their bill.
Card Usage: This is the big one. Its whether you can use your card at all. Back in the day you could slap any old card on there and go to town. Now Facebook wants to verify 95% of cards in my personal experience.

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All this shit is tied to how much Facebook trusts you. Card usage is the toughest nut to crack - if you can bind a card without triggering verification, great. But dont hold your breath.

Some of you might be thinking, "Ill just buy an aged account according to some random dude from tele!" Sure, if you want to piss away money. Because you gotta "warm" those accounts first. That means running scripts that make the account look legit for days before you even think about adding yur card. Some antidetects support this, while some dont so your mileage will vary.

Why do this? Because Facebook has its tentacles all over the internet with tracking cookies. Theyre watching, theyre always fucking watching the sites you browser and porn you watch. So theyd know if youre a legitimate person or someone whos trying to fuck them over.

If youve read my Appropriation guide, youve got an advantage. But for now, were not focusing on bypassing this shit entirely. Were gonna learn how to bind a card even when Facebook is begging for verification.

Minicharge: The Gateway to Facebooks Vault

Now that weve covered Facebooks risk assessment bullshit, lets talk about the next hurdle: the fucking minicharge. This is Facebooks way of making sure youre not some dipshit using stolen cards (News Alert: You are.) . Theyll hit your card with a $1 charge, complete with a random sequence of letters that you need to verify.
There are two ways to tackle this minicharge nonsense:

Visa Alerts: This is the easy mode for beginners. If you had read my Visa Alerts guide (and if you havent, what the fuck are you waiting for?), you know the drill. These are cards that let you see transactions in real-time. Sounds great, right? Well, hold your horses.

The good: Its easy as hell to set up. No SSN, no DOB, just plug and play.​
The bad: Most of these cards are as weak as piss. You might score a few hundred bucks, but hitting the big leagues? Good fucking luck.​
The ugly: Every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the carding world has been hammering these BINs. Facebook caught on and started throwing 3DS verification at known BINs, making Visa Alerts about as useful as tits on a bull.​

Enrolls: Now were talking. These are the cream of the crop for carding Facebook.
The good: You can often see the cards limits, so you know exactly how much you can milk it for. Plus, Facebook hasnt caught on with 3DS for these yet.​
The bad: Theyre not cheap, especially if youre eyeing those juicy platinum or business cards.​
The ugly: If you dont have a solid supplier, youre gonna get bent over and fucked harder.​

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Now I know some of you cheap bastards are thinking, "Ill just stick with Visa Alerts." I get it. When youre starting out, Visa Alerts can help you get a feel for the process without breaking the bank. Its like learning to drive on your moms old cranky car before upgrading to a Ferrari.

But heres the thing: once youve got the basics down, you need to transition to enrolls. Visa Alerts will only get you so far before they become more of a headache than theyre worth. Unless youve got some god-tier Alerts BIN hidden up your ass (and if you do, share that shit with me, you selfish bastard), youre gonna hit a wall real quick.

Remember, Facebook Ads isnt about quick hits. Its about building a fucking empire. You want to be the guy running $10k ad campaigns, not the schmuck celebrating a $50 score. Enrolls give you that potential. Theyre your ticket to the big leagues, your all-access pass to Zuckerbergs piggy bank.

So use Visa Alerts to learn the ropes if you must, but dont get too comfortable. The real money, the big boy plays, theyre all waiting for you in enroll territory.

Binding a Card: Your Gateway to Facebooks Wallet
Now that weve covered minicharges, lets get down to business. Whether youre using Visa Alerts or enrolls, the process of binding a card follows the same basic steps. The difference lies in how you retrieve the verification code, but well get to that.

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Heres your roadmap to binding a card on Facebook Ads:

Bind the Card
Fire up your Facebook Ads account and input the card information. Simple as that.

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Get the Minicharge
Facebook will hit the card with a small charge, typically around $1. This charge contains the verification code youll need.

Verify the Card
Heres where Visa Alerts and enrolls differ. With Alerts, youll get a notification with the code. For enrolls its different from bank to bank, but typically youll need to log into the banks system to find the transaction details. Either way, youre looking for that verification code.

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Remember, the process is similar for both methods, but enrolls might require a bit more work depending on the bank. The payoff, however, is usually worth it.

Things to Consider: Your Carding Survival Guide
Alright, pay attention. Heres how to keep your operation smooth and Facebook off your back:

Dont bind multiple dead cards. Its like begging Facebook to bust you.​
After verifying, wait a couple hours before charging.​
Start small, especially on new accounts.​
Read the damn ToS. Dont get banned over stupid shit like advertising dildos and shit.​
Diversify your ad content and try looking like a real business.​
Use residential proxies matching your cards location.​
Dont get greedy. Increase spend slowly over time.​
Monitor your account health regularly. Fix issues fast.​
Have a backup plan and dont just rely on just one account.​

Remember, this is a long game. Play it smart and youll be swimming in ad revenue while others are drowning in bans.

Closing Thoughts: Your Next Move

Weve covered the basics of Facebook Ads. You now know how its security systems works and the how to bind cards.

This is just the start. Master these basics, then move on to advanced techniques like enrolls and arbitrage.
Remember: adapt constantly, learn continuously, and dont be reckless.

Now go turn Facebook Ads into your personal ATM. d0ctrine out.
cool bro love it.


⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Reaction score

Hitting Big with Facebook Ads

Lets talk Facebook Ads. Its the fucking jackpot of digital fraud. Why? Because unlike that laptop you just carded thats probably sitting in some FedEx warehouse, ad spend is instant and untraceable.

Think about it. You card a Facebook Ad account, and suddenly youre sitting on a pile of digital gold. The possibilities? Fucking endless. Pump up your cousins failing dropshipping store, blast out some gambling affiliate links, or go full black hat with a phishing operation. You can also arbitrage. Card a fat ad balance, flip that digital currency to other advertisers, and watch the real cash roll in.

View attachment 44345

Now, dont get it twisted. Facebook isnt dumb. Carders have been hitting them since forever, so they know the drill. But thats what makes it fun, right? Its a challenge, and you know us carders, were always up for a challenge as long as it makes us money.

This guide is designed with beginners in mind, breaking down the basics of hitting Facebook Ads. Well cover the essentials to get you started but remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What youll learn here will give you enough knowledge to run your first set of ads and get a taste of the potential. The world of Facebook Ad fraud goes much deeper, but for now, lets focus on getting your feet wet. Ready to turn Zuckerbergs platform into your personal playground? Lets fucking go.

Why Hit Facebook Ads?
You’re probably thinking, “Why the hell should I bother with Facebook Ads when I can just card some Yeezys?” Well, sit back and I’ll tell you, young Padawan.

First off, Facebook Ads are very versatile. Want to make some quick cash? Run ads for affiliate products. Want to build a long-term scam? Set up a dropshipping store and use those ads to drive traffic. Hell, you can even use them to promote your own card shop if you’re feeling extra bold.

But here’s where it gets really good. Remember that arbitrage I mentioned? That’s where the real money is. See, once you’ve carded a fat ad balance, you can turn around and sell that ad space to legit businesses. They’re always hungry for more reach and you’re sitting on a goldmine of eyeballs. It’s like you’re running your own little ad agency, except your overhead is zero.

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And let’s not forget about the instant gratification factor. When you card physical goods, you’re always playing the waiting game. Will it ship? Will someone intercept the package? With Facebook Ads, as soon as that card clears, you’re in business. No waiting, no sweating bullets every time you see a delivery truck.

And, and this is the best part, Facebook is everywhere. We’re talking billions of users, in every country, every demographic. You want to advertise to left-handed ukulele players in Timbuktu? Facebook can do that. That kind of reach is worth a fortune.

Risk Assessment Score
At the heart of Facebook Pay - the system were gonna exploit for our ad credits - is their paranoid risk scoring system. If youve read my AI fraud systems guide, youve got a head start. If not then catch the fuck up.

Facebook basically looks at three things when deciding whether to let you run ads:

Prepaid Amount: This is how much theyll let you deposit upfront. Its a trust meter - the more they like you, the more you can prepay. If Facebook thinks youre sus, they wont even give you the option.
Amount Threshold: This is how much theyll allow you spend before they come knocking for payment. The funniest part is that this isnt about us - its about regular schmucks who forget theyre running ads and shit themselves when they see their bill.
Card Usage: This is the big one. Its whether you can use your card at all. Back in the day you could slap any old card on there and go to town. Now Facebook wants to verify 95% of cards in my personal experience.

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All this shit is tied to how much Facebook trusts you. Card usage is the toughest nut to crack - if you can bind a card without triggering verification, great. But dont hold your breath.

Some of you might be thinking, "Ill just buy an aged account according to some random dude from tele!" Sure, if you want to piss away money. Because you gotta "warm" those accounts first. That means running scripts that make the account look legit for days before you even think about adding yur card. Some antidetects support this, while some dont so your mileage will vary.

Why do this? Because Facebook has its tentacles all over the internet with tracking cookies. Theyre watching, theyre always fucking watching the sites you browser and porn you watch. So theyd know if youre a legitimate person or someone whos trying to fuck them over.

If youve read my Appropriation guide, youve got an advantage. But for now, were not focusing on bypassing this shit entirely. Were gonna learn how to bind a card even when Facebook is begging for verification.

Minicharge: The Gateway to Facebooks Vault

Now that weve covered Facebooks risk assessment bullshit, lets talk about the next hurdle: the fucking minicharge. This is Facebooks way of making sure youre not some dipshit using stolen cards (News Alert: You are.) . Theyll hit your card with a $1 charge, complete with a random sequence of letters that you need to verify.
There are two ways to tackle this minicharge nonsense:

Visa Alerts: This is the easy mode for beginners. If you had read my Visa Alerts guide (and if you havent, what the fuck are you waiting for?), you know the drill. These are cards that let you see transactions in real-time. Sounds great, right? Well, hold your horses.

The good: Its easy as hell to set up. No SSN, no DOB, just plug and play.​
The bad: Most of these cards are as weak as piss. You might score a few hundred bucks, but hitting the big leagues? Good fucking luck.​
The ugly: Every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the carding world has been hammering these BINs. Facebook caught on and started throwing 3DS verification at known BINs, making Visa Alerts about as useful as tits on a bull.​

Enrolls: Now were talking. These are the cream of the crop for carding Facebook.
The good: You can often see the cards limits, so you know exactly how much you can milk it for. Plus, Facebook hasnt caught on with 3DS for these yet.​
The bad: Theyre not cheap, especially if youre eyeing those juicy platinum or business cards.​
The ugly: If you dont have a solid supplier, youre gonna get bent over and fucked harder.​

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Now I know some of you cheap bastards are thinking, "Ill just stick with Visa Alerts." I get it. When youre starting out, Visa Alerts can help you get a feel for the process without breaking the bank. Its like learning to drive on your moms old cranky car before upgrading to a Ferrari.

But heres the thing: once youve got the basics down, you need to transition to enrolls. Visa Alerts will only get you so far before they become more of a headache than theyre worth. Unless youve got some god-tier Alerts BIN hidden up your ass (and if you do, share that shit with me, you selfish bastard), youre gonna hit a wall real quick.

Remember, Facebook Ads isnt about quick hits. Its about building a fucking empire. You want to be the guy running $10k ad campaigns, not the schmuck celebrating a $50 score. Enrolls give you that potential. Theyre your ticket to the big leagues, your all-access pass to Zuckerbergs piggy bank.

So use Visa Alerts to learn the ropes if you must, but dont get too comfortable. The real money, the big boy plays, theyre all waiting for you in enroll territory.

Binding a Card: Your Gateway to Facebooks Wallet
Now that weve covered minicharges, lets get down to business. Whether youre using Visa Alerts or enrolls, the process of binding a card follows the same basic steps. The difference lies in how you retrieve the verification code, but well get to that.

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Heres your roadmap to binding a card on Facebook Ads:

Bind the Card
Fire up your Facebook Ads account and input the card information. Simple as that.

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Get the Minicharge
Facebook will hit the card with a small charge, typically around $1. This charge contains the verification code youll need.

Verify the Card
Heres where Visa Alerts and enrolls differ. With Alerts, youll get a notification with the code. For enrolls its different from bank to bank, but typically youll need to log into the banks system to find the transaction details. Either way, youre looking for that verification code.

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Remember, the process is similar for both methods, but enrolls might require a bit more work depending on the bank. The payoff, however, is usually worth it.

Things to Consider: Your Carding Survival Guide
Alright, pay attention. Heres how to keep your operation smooth and Facebook off your back:

Dont bind multiple dead cards. Its like begging Facebook to bust you.​
After verifying, wait a couple hours before charging.​
Start small, especially on new accounts.​
Read the damn ToS. Dont get banned over stupid shit like advertising dildos and shit.​
Diversify your ad content and try looking like a real business.​
Use residential proxies matching your cards location.​
Dont get greedy. Increase spend slowly over time.​
Monitor your account health regularly. Fix issues fast.​
Have a backup plan and dont just rely on just one account.​

Remember, this is a long game. Play it smart and youll be swimming in ad revenue while others are drowning in bans.

Closing Thoughts: Your Next Move

Weve covered the basics of Facebook Ads. You now know how its security systems works and the how to bind cards.

This is just the start. Master these basics, then move on to advanced techniques like enrolls and arbitrage.
Remember: adapt constantly, learn continuously, and dont be reckless.

Now go turn Facebook Ads into your personal ATM. d0ctrine out.
A very informative topic, again thank you sir.


Reaction score

Hitting Big with Facebook Ads

Lets talk Facebook Ads. Its the fucking jackpot of digital fraud. Why? Because unlike that laptop you just carded thats probably sitting in some FedEx warehouse, ad spend is instant and untraceable.

Think about it. You card a Facebook Ad account, and suddenly youre sitting on a pile of digital gold. The possibilities? Fucking endless. Pump up your cousins failing dropshipping store, blast out some gambling affiliate links, or go full black hat with a phishing operation. You can also arbitrage. Card a fat ad balance, flip that digital currency to other advertisers, and watch the real cash roll in.

View attachment 44345

Now, dont get it twisted. Facebook isnt dumb. Carders have been hitting them since forever, so they know the drill. But thats what makes it fun, right? Its a challenge, and you know us carders, were always up for a challenge as long as it makes us money.

This guide is designed with beginners in mind, breaking down the basics of hitting Facebook Ads. Well cover the essentials to get you started but remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What youll learn here will give you enough knowledge to run your first set of ads and get a taste of the potential. The world of Facebook Ad fraud goes much deeper, but for now, lets focus on getting your feet wet. Ready to turn Zuckerbergs platform into your personal playground? Lets fucking go.

Why Hit Facebook Ads?
You’re probably thinking, “Why the hell should I bother with Facebook Ads when I can just card some Yeezys?” Well, sit back and I’ll tell you, young Padawan.

First off, Facebook Ads are very versatile. Want to make some quick cash? Run ads for affiliate products. Want to build a long-term scam? Set up a dropshipping store and use those ads to drive traffic. Hell, you can even use them to promote your own card shop if you’re feeling extra bold.

But here’s where it gets really good. Remember that arbitrage I mentioned? That’s where the real money is. See, once you’ve carded a fat ad balance, you can turn around and sell that ad space to legit businesses. They’re always hungry for more reach and you’re sitting on a goldmine of eyeballs. It’s like you’re running your own little ad agency, except your overhead is zero.

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And let’s not forget about the instant gratification factor. When you card physical goods, you’re always playing the waiting game. Will it ship? Will someone intercept the package? With Facebook Ads, as soon as that card clears, you’re in business. No waiting, no sweating bullets every time you see a delivery truck.

And, and this is the best part, Facebook is everywhere. We’re talking billions of users, in every country, every demographic. You want to advertise to left-handed ukulele players in Timbuktu? Facebook can do that. That kind of reach is worth a fortune.

Risk Assessment Score
At the heart of Facebook Pay - the system were gonna exploit for our ad credits - is their paranoid risk scoring system. If youve read my AI fraud systems guide, youve got a head start. If not then catch the fuck up.

Facebook basically looks at three things when deciding whether to let you run ads:

Prepaid Amount: This is how much theyll let you deposit upfront. Its a trust meter - the more they like you, the more you can prepay. If Facebook thinks youre sus, they wont even give you the option.
Amount Threshold: This is how much theyll allow you spend before they come knocking for payment. The funniest part is that this isnt about us - its about regular schmucks who forget theyre running ads and shit themselves when they see their bill.
Card Usage: This is the big one. Its whether you can use your card at all. Back in the day you could slap any old card on there and go to town. Now Facebook wants to verify 95% of cards in my personal experience.

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All this shit is tied to how much Facebook trusts you. Card usage is the toughest nut to crack - if you can bind a card without triggering verification, great. But dont hold your breath.

Some of you might be thinking, "Ill just buy an aged account according to some random dude from tele!" Sure, if you want to piss away money. Because you gotta "warm" those accounts first. That means running scripts that make the account look legit for days before you even think about adding yur card. Some antidetects support this, while some dont so your mileage will vary.

Why do this? Because Facebook has its tentacles all over the internet with tracking cookies. Theyre watching, theyre always fucking watching the sites you browser and porn you watch. So theyd know if youre a legitimate person or someone whos trying to fuck them over.

If youve read my Appropriation guide, youve got an advantage. But for now, were not focusing on bypassing this shit entirely. Were gonna learn how to bind a card even when Facebook is begging for verification.

Minicharge: The Gateway to Facebooks Vault

Now that weve covered Facebooks risk assessment bullshit, lets talk about the next hurdle: the fucking minicharge. This is Facebooks way of making sure youre not some dipshit using stolen cards (News Alert: You are.) . Theyll hit your card with a $1 charge, complete with a random sequence of letters that you need to verify.
There are two ways to tackle this minicharge nonsense:

Visa Alerts: This is the easy mode for beginners. If you had read my Visa Alerts guide (and if you havent, what the fuck are you waiting for?), you know the drill. These are cards that let you see transactions in real-time. Sounds great, right? Well, hold your horses.

The good: Its easy as hell to set up. No SSN, no DOB, just plug and play.​
The bad: Most of these cards are as weak as piss. You might score a few hundred bucks, but hitting the big leagues? Good fucking luck.​
The ugly: Every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the carding world has been hammering these BINs. Facebook caught on and started throwing 3DS verification at known BINs, making Visa Alerts about as useful as tits on a bull.​

Enrolls: Now were talking. These are the cream of the crop for carding Facebook.
The good: You can often see the cards limits, so you know exactly how much you can milk it for. Plus, Facebook hasnt caught on with 3DS for these yet.​
The bad: Theyre not cheap, especially if youre eyeing those juicy platinum or business cards.​
The ugly: If you dont have a solid supplier, youre gonna get bent over and fucked harder.​

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Now I know some of you cheap bastards are thinking, "Ill just stick with Visa Alerts." I get it. When youre starting out, Visa Alerts can help you get a feel for the process without breaking the bank. Its like learning to drive on your moms old cranky car before upgrading to a Ferrari.

But heres the thing: once youve got the basics down, you need to transition to enrolls. Visa Alerts will only get you so far before they become more of a headache than theyre worth. Unless youve got some god-tier Alerts BIN hidden up your ass (and if you do, share that shit with me, you selfish bastard), youre gonna hit a wall real quick.

Remember, Facebook Ads isnt about quick hits. Its about building a fucking empire. You want to be the guy running $10k ad campaigns, not the schmuck celebrating a $50 score. Enrolls give you that potential. Theyre your ticket to the big leagues, your all-access pass to Zuckerbergs piggy bank.

So use Visa Alerts to learn the ropes if you must, but dont get too comfortable. The real money, the big boy plays, theyre all waiting for you in enroll territory.

Binding a Card: Your Gateway to Facebooks Wallet
Now that weve covered minicharges, lets get down to business. Whether youre using Visa Alerts or enrolls, the process of binding a card follows the same basic steps. The difference lies in how you retrieve the verification code, but well get to that.

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Heres your roadmap to binding a card on Facebook Ads:

Bind the Card
Fire up your Facebook Ads account and input the card information. Simple as that.

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Get the Minicharge
Facebook will hit the card with a small charge, typically around $1. This charge contains the verification code youll need.

Verify the Card
Heres where Visa Alerts and enrolls differ. With Alerts, youll get a notification with the code. For enrolls its different from bank to bank, but typically youll need to log into the banks system to find the transaction details. Either way, youre looking for that verification code.

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Remember, the process is similar for both methods, but enrolls might require a bit more work depending on the bank. The payoff, however, is usually worth it.

Things to Consider: Your Carding Survival Guide
Alright, pay attention. Heres how to keep your operation smooth and Facebook off your back:

Dont bind multiple dead cards. Its like begging Facebook to bust you.​
After verifying, wait a couple hours before charging.​
Start small, especially on new accounts.​
Read the damn ToS. Dont get banned over stupid shit like advertising dildos and shit.​
Diversify your ad content and try looking like a real business.​
Use residential proxies matching your cards location.​
Dont get greedy. Increase spend slowly over time.​
Monitor your account health regularly. Fix issues fast.​
Have a backup plan and dont just rely on just one account.​

Remember, this is a long game. Play it smart and youll be swimming in ad revenue while others are drowning in bans.

Closing Thoughts: Your Next Move

Weve covered the basics of Facebook Ads. You now know how its security systems works and the how to bind cards.

This is just the start. Master these basics, then move on to advanced techniques like enrolls and arbitrage.
Remember: adapt constantly, learn continuously, and dont be reckless.

Now go turn Facebook Ads into your personal ATM. d0ctrine out.
let's hit it then hit it.


Reaction score
I have some bins that link to Visa Alerts, but they don't debit any amounts. Could someone send me some bins?
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