I'm new to carding and I've had a bit of success but, how do I fully drain a CC? It seems that Ill get one purchase usually $500-1300 and then the card will get blocked. Why is that when the limit was $9000 or a similar amount? Will certain bins get blocked even if they have a high balance? ALSO what about if the order goes thorough then the actual store owners decide to call the bank or customer to check if the purchase is legit, different shipping and billing perhaps? Lastly, is EVERY site cardable (eventually) or are some just bound to kill the card? It seems a specific hydro store that Im trying to hit has shut down 2 CCs, with a 9k+ balance; + even when I warm up amazon for 3 days it'll still block a charge for anything over $50 but, one time I got 2 PS4s (different bin though).
I'm new to carding and I've had a bit of success but, how do I fully drain a CC? It seems that Ill get one purchase usually $500-1300 and then the card will get blocked. Why is that when the limit was $9000 or a similar amount? Will certain bins get blocked even if they have a high balance? ALSO what about if the order goes thorough then the actual store owners decide to call the bank or customer to check if the purchase is legit, different shipping and billing perhaps? Lastly, is EVERY site cardable (eventually) or are some just bound to kill the card? It seems a specific hydro store that Im trying to hit has shut down 2 CCs, with a 9k+ balance; + even when I warm up amazon for 3 days it'll still block a charge for anything over $50 but, one time I got 2 PS4s (different bin though).