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Investor - worth the read


Carding Novice
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Note: I am not looking forward to selling the codebase of this project. I am looking for an INVESTOR for initial project costs (servers etc.)

Note: Do not message me on this forum.

Looking for an investor. Read till the end.

Over the course of the last 15 months, I have developed (and finished) the most advanced CVV / Dump marketplace the scene has ever seen.

I'll go ahead and list a few key features. Writing out every single feature would take hours if not serveral days.

User levels:

- Multiple user levels
- Benefits with each level (Discounts, longer refund time, increased ticket priority, ability to place preorders, higher preorder limits etc...)

- Prevents abuse


Most advanced CVV card db filter:

- Search by:

- Base (multiple)
- Country
- State
- City
- ZIP codes (multiple)
- Bank
- Card vendor
- Card level
- Card type
- BINs (multiple)
- Price range (using users preferred fiat currency)
- Extras (phone, email, dob, ssn, name and many more)
- Refundable? Yes / No


Advanced CVV / Dump Preorder / reservation system:

- Preorders by BINs and extras (phone, email, dob, ssn, name and many more)


Modular referral system

- Users will receive X% of orders placed by users who signed up using their referral link
- Profit generated through referrals can be withdrawn in a fully automatic manner


Feature rich modular ticket system:

- Priority based on user level
- Close / Re-open tickets
- Mark tickets as unread etc...


Feature rich and secure fund management:

- Fully automatic deposits
- No external third party APIs for address generation etc...
- Fully automatic withdrawals
- PGP signed addresses (anti phishing)
- Feerate calculation


Deposit / address / withdrawal history:

- Logs of every deposit / address/ withdrawal created by user


Feature rich cart system:

- add / remove multiple items at once
- Details about all
- Info about current level based discount (if any)
- much more


Feature rich order system:

- Order exports (JSON)
- Automatic order checking system
- Info about remaining order refund time (if any)
- Order stats (placed orders, refunded orders, value of placed orders (fiat and crypto), value of refunded orders (fiat and crypto))
- Refund history
- much more


Account management:

- Change preferred fiat currency (USD, CAD, AUD etc...)
- Change contact info
- Change password
- Enable PGP 2FA
- Add PGP key
- Change PGP key
- Verify PGP key


Vendor application system

- Users can apply for vendor panel access


Vendor panel:

Vendors may sell their items for a % cut on every sale they generate.

- Automatic CVV / Dump base uploads (automatic card detail and extra parsing)
- Automatic approval system for CVV bases without bases
- Manual approval system for bases with extras (phone, email, dob, ssn, name etc...)
- Detailed base stats / details

- Detailed sale stats (sale count, amount of money made, refunds)

- Automatic profit withdrawals to vendor wallet

- Base promotions (vendor may promote certain bases for a certain amount of time by paying a certain amount of money) (fully configurable)

much more...


Moderator panel / Admin panel:

Privately discussed


Additional information:

- Code is clean, secure, modern, really advanced and wasn't written by a child
- Unique and extremely advanced / modern application architecture



No CVV / Dump shop ever has been this advanced. This project will take over and stay on top once its online. Trust me.

To my good old friend: You are always welcome to join at any time :)
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