
Fraud Daddy
Reaction score

💳 LCD: Live Carding Demo - BackMarket.com 💳


Alright fuckers, were hitting BackMarket.com today. If youve been ignoring this goldmine, its time to wake up and smell the fucking money. This aint your average carding target – were talking next-level shit here.

For those of you living under a rock, BackMarkets been crushing it in the refurbished electronics game. Forget your run-of-the-mill secondhand shops. This is the big leagues of pre-owned tech, and its begging to be exploited.

"Bu-bu-but d0ctrine, who gives a shit about used phones?" Listen up, BackMarket isnt just another mark – its a fucking treasure trove waiting for the right bastard to crack it open.


Why BackMarket?

BackMarkets the kingpin of secondhand phone distribution in the US. And guess what? Used phones are a carders wet dream. Less heat, more profit. Ive basically explained this equilibrium rule from weeks ago! Its like finding a wad of hundreds in your dirty laundry, but better.
Let me break it down for you mouth-breathers:

  • High Volume, Low Suspicion: BackMarket moves phones like water. Your orders are lowkey, just another drop in the ocean.
  • Easier Resale: Less bullshit, quicker flips.
  • Price Range: From broke-ass budget to bougie high-end, BackMarkets got plenty of phones and gadgets from all sort and sizes.
  • Fast delivery: These fuckers who sell here ship fast. This gives you less time for the chargeback to bite your ass and for your order to get cancelled.
These refurbed gadgets? Theyre the sweet spot between "hot as fuck" and "easy to move". Score an iPhone for cheap, flip it fast, and laugh your way to the bank.


Firing up our HTTP sniffer, BackMarket looks pretty vanilla. Just your standard analytics bullshit - nothing fancy tracking your every move. This means theyre not watching you browse like a hawk, just checking your overall fraud score when it matters.
Now, heres where it gets interesting. BackMarkets using Adyen for payments. Adyens like Stripes dumber cousin - easier to fool, but still got some tricks. Theyre all about two things: email and address. So if youve got a virgin US drop and a solid US card, youre already halfway there.


Dual Gates

BackMarkets got a two-step verification process thatll make you feel like youre clowning around like a retard, but once youve gotten the hang of it, its pretty easy. Heres how it goes down:

  • During Checkout: Theyre checking your drops address and your card. This is where that virgin US drop comes in handy. If you pass this, youll see an auth charge hit your card.
  • After Checkout: Theres a sneaky 10-minute window where your order sits in ‘pending status. Theyre now eyeballing your proxy and overall fingerprint. Fail this, and youll get a shiny “verification failed” email and a refund.
This flowchart shows BackMarkets dual-gate process. Pay attention, ‘cause this is where shit gets real.

The trick is to nail both gates. Pass the first, and you might think youre home free. But that second gate? Thats where the real test begins.

Sample of a transaction blocked by the second gate:


Advanced Tricks

Two of our favorite tricks work like a charm on BackMarket:

The Trusted Email Play:

This is some next-level shit. Use the cardholders actual email when checking out. Yeah, you heard me right. Heres why it works:

  • BackMarket and Adyen put a lot of weight on email history.
  • A legit email address with a purchase history? Thats gold.
The second your order confirms, unleash hell on that email. Use an email spam bot and bury that confirmation email under a mountain of dick pill ads and Nigerian prince scams. This keeps the real cardholder in the dark while you wait for that sweet, sweet shipping confirmation.

The Shipping Switcharoo (Advanced Edition):

This is for the pros. Its risky but the reward is huge:

When you check out, use the cardholders address as both billing and shipping. This increases your chances of getting past their initial checks by 10x.
Now I know what youre thinking: “But how do I get the stuff to my drop?”

Simple, just call the cardholder and tell him you sent him a phone, ask him to cover for the shipping fee to your drop and tell him youll pay him back once you sell the phone.
Nah, Im just fucking with you.

Once your order is confirmed, its time for you too put on your acting hat:

Contact the seller directly (remember BackMarket is just a platform with different sellers) or hit up support.

Heres where you need to channel your inner Shakespeare. Spin a tale so sad itd make a statue weep.
Your dog died, your grandmas in the hospital, you were high on bath salts - whatever bullshit excuse you can come up with for why you “accidentally” put your billing as shipping.
The key is to sound desperate but not suspicious. Youre not asking for a favor; youre begging them to fix your “mistake.”
Depending on how kind the seller is (or more likely how much they care about making the sale) theyll often amend the shipping address.
Remember this isnt a guaranteed win. But if you can pull it off, youve just bypassed one of BackMarkets strongest security measures.

And for fucks sake, dont actually call the cardholder. I shouldnt have to say this but I know some of you dumbfuckers might take that seriously.
Thats a one-way ticket to getting your ass handed to you by the feds.


Well, you made it this far without your brain exploding. Good job. Now lets get real.

BackMarket isnt just another carding site but if youve got the balls and the brains to do it, its a treasure trove waiting to be plundered.
Remember this game is about adaptability.

BackMarket might change their security tomorrow, next week or next month.
Stay on your toes and keep your ear to the ground and never stop learning.

And for the love of god use your head. Dont get greedy, dont get sloppy and dont think youre bulletproof.

So there you go. You have the knowledge, you have the tools. Now go out there and use them. Go forth and conquer you beautiful bastards. Just remember when youre swimming with the sharks dont bleed.

Class dismissed. Now get the fuck out there and make some money. d0ctrine out.


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Carding Novice
Reaction score

💳 LCD: Live Carding Demo - BackMarket.com 💳


Alright fuckers, were hitting BackMarket.com today. If youve been ignoring this goldmine, its time to wake up and smell the fucking money. This aint your average carding target – were talking next-level shit here.

For those of you living under a rock, BackMarkets been crushing it in the refurbished electronics game. Forget your run-of-the-mill secondhand shops. This is the big leagues of pre-owned tech, and its begging to be exploited.

"Bu-bu-but d0ctrine, who gives a shit about used phones?" Listen up, BackMarket isnt just another mark – its a fucking treasure trove waiting for the right bastard to crack it open.

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Why BackMarket?

BackMarkets the kingpin of secondhand phone distribution in the US. And guess what? Used phones are a carders wet dream. Less heat, more profit. Ive basically explained this equilibrium rule from weeks ago! Its like finding a wad of hundreds in your dirty laundry, but better.
View attachment 44912
Let me break it down for you mouth-breathers:

  • High Volume, Low Suspicion: BackMarket moves phones like water. Your orders are lowkey, just another drop in the ocean.
  • Easier Resale: Less bullshit, quicker flips.
  • Price Range: From broke-ass budget to bougie high-end, BackMarkets got plenty of phones and gadgets from all sort and sizes.
  • Fast delivery: These fuckers who sell here ship fast. This gives you less time for the chargeback to bite your ass and for your order to get cancelled.
These refurbed gadgets? Theyre the sweet spot between "hot as fuck" and "easy to move". Score an iPhone for cheap, flip it fast, and laugh your way to the bank.


Firing up our HTTP sniffer, BackMarket looks pretty vanilla. Just your standard analytics bullshit - nothing fancy tracking your every move. This means theyre not watching you browse like a hawk, just checking your overall fraud score when it matters.
Now, heres where it gets interesting. BackMarkets using Adyen for payments. Adyens like Stripes dumber cousin - easier to fool, but still got some tricks. Theyre all about two things: email and address. So if youve got a virgin US drop and a solid US card, youre already halfway there.

View attachment 44909

Dual Gates

BackMarkets got a two-step verification process thatll make you feel like youre clowning around like a retard, but once youve gotten the hang of it, its pretty easy. Heres how it goes down:

  • During Checkout: Theyre checking your drops address and your card. This is where that virgin US drop comes in handy. If you pass this, youll see an auth charge hit your card.
  • After Checkout: Theres a sneaky 10-minute window where your order sits in ‘pending status. Theyre now eyeballing your proxy and overall fingerprint. Fail this, and youll get a shiny “verification failed” email and a refund.
View attachment 44910
This flowchart shows BackMarkets dual-gate process. Pay attention, ‘cause this is where shit gets real.

The trick is to nail both gates. Pass the first, and you might think youre home free. But that second gate? Thats where the real test begins.

Sample of a transaction blocked by the second gate:

View attachment 44911

Advanced Tricks

Two of our favorite tricks work like a charm on BackMarket:

The Trusted Email Play:

This is some next-level shit. Use the cardholders actual email when checking out. Yeah, you heard me right. Heres why it works:

  • BackMarket and Adyen put a lot of weight on email history.
  • A legit email address with a purchase history? Thats gold.
The second your order confirms, unleash hell on that email. Use an email spam bot and bury that confirmation email under a mountain of dick pill ads and Nigerian prince scams. This keeps the real cardholder in the dark while you wait for that sweet, sweet shipping confirmation.

The Shipping Switcharoo (Advanced Edition):

This is for the pros. Its risky but the reward is huge:

When you check out, use the cardholders address as both billing and shipping. This increases your chances of getting past their initial checks by 10x.
Now I know what youre thinking: “But how do I get the stuff to my drop?”

Nah, Im just fucking with you.

Once your order is confirmed, its time for you too put on your acting hat:

Contact the seller directly (remember BackMarket is just a platform with different sellers) or hit up support.

Heres where you need to channel your inner Shakespeare. Spin a tale so sad itd make a statue weep.
Your dog died, your grandmas in the hospital, you were high on bath salts - whatever bullshit excuse you can come up with for why you “accidentally” put your billing as shipping.
The key is to sound desperate but not suspicious. Youre not asking for a favor; youre begging them to fix your “mistake.”
Depending on how kind the seller is (or more likely how much they care about making the sale) theyll often amend the shipping address.
Remember this isnt a guaranteed win. But if you can pull it off, youve just bypassed one of BackMarkets strongest security measures.

And for fucks sake, dont actually call the cardholder. I shouldnt have to say this but I know some of you dumbfuckers might take that seriously.
Thats a one-way ticket to getting your ass handed to you by the feds.


Well, you made it this far without your brain exploding. Good job. Now lets get real.

BackMarket isnt just another carding site but if youve got the balls and the brains to do it, its a treasure trove waiting to be plundered.
Remember this game is about adaptability.

BackMarket might change their security tomorrow, next week or next month.
Stay on your toes and keep your ear to the ground and never stop learning.

And for the love of god use your head. Dont get greedy, dont get sloppy and dont think youre bulletproof.

So there you go. You have the knowledge, you have the tools. Now go out there and use them. Go forth and conquer you beautiful bastards. Just remember when youre swimming with the sharks dont bleed.

Class dismissed. Now get the fuck out there and make some money. d0ctrine out.
Thank you man
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