Carding ðŸ’³ Live Carding Demo (LCD): Carding 💳


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LCD: Live Carding Demo -

Welcome back, folks. Today we're hitting It's not the easiest target, but it's not gonna break your balls either. Just pay attention and you'll be fine.

These guides are for newbies: No fancy talk, just the basics of how to card without fucking up. If you're already pro at this, you might pick up a trick or two, but don't expect any groundbreaking shit.

Why Asos?

Asos is a big player in online fashion. They ship worldwide and they ship fast. Wide range of prices too, which is good for us. Their security's decent, but nothing we can't handle. What matters most for Asos is your drop's address. If you've got limited drops, you need to learn
about jigging - check my previous guide for that.

What you'll need:

Fresh US/UK cards (UK's smoother)
Address jigging skills (crucial for consistently hitting Asos)
Clean residential proxies (state and city don't matter much, but they do blacklist addresses)
Antidetect browser
Patience (Asos doesn't charge instantly)


Asos uses a mix of in-house and third-party fraud checks. They're sneaky - sometimes they'll let an order through initially, then cancel it later. Stay alert.
They use Dynatrace for user behavior tracking. This means they're watching how you interact with the site. Move your mouse, scroll naturally, take your time.


Set up your environment (proxy, antidetect, etc.)
Browse the site naturally. Add and remove items from cart.
Choose your items. Mix high and low-value stuff.
Go to checkout. Use guest if possible.
Enter jigged address carefully. No copy-paste.
Enter card details slowly, like you're double-checking.
Submit order and pray.
Don't touch that card for at least 24 hours.

Exclusive Video Demo:

The Asos Process (Flow Chart):

Place order
Asos checks card validity and your user score
Order gets added to your account
Card charge happens later (don't reuse the card right away)
Final check on address and score before shipping

The delayed charging is both good and bad. Good because you can sometimes slip through initial checks. Bad because they might catch you later.

Key Points:

Address jigging is essential. Asos trcaks addresses closely. Learn to jig properly or you're fucked.
Don't go ham on expensive shit. Mix in some cheaper items to look legit.
Avoid next-day delivery. It triggers extra checks.
Use guest checkout when possible. If you need an account, age it first.
If an order gets cancelled, don't try again immediately. They'll be watching.
Vary your cart. Don't be the idiot buying 10 of the same item.
Keep order values moderate. £100-300 is a sweet spot.

Advanced Tricks:

Create accounts and let them age before using. Older accounts get less scrutiny.
Use different emails for each order. Asos tracks this.
If possible, make a small purchase first to build account history.
Use clean residential proxies. If an address gets blacklisted, jig it or cool it for a while.
Asos sometimes uses 3D Secure, but it's rare.

Asos has layers, but it's not that tough. Be smart, be patient, and you'll be fine.

What to Do If...

Order cancelled immediately: Your card's probably dead. If your account's still good, you could try another card, but be careful. You might get your order and account blocked.
Order cancelled later and account blocked: They caught your FP or your address has a high score. Jig it up, change your approach, and try again.
Order ships: Nice one, but don't pop the champagne yet. Wait till it's in your hands. Asos is known to ask couriers to return packages. If you order too soon after getting flagged, they might grab your earlier shipments too.

Difference between Declined and Blocked Orders:



OPSEC Reminders:

Rotate your proxies and fingerprints.
Don't get cocky and order to the same drop repeatedly.

Asos can be a good earner if you play it smart. But it can also burn you if you're sloppy. A great carder takes their time, learn the patterns, and is always ready adjust accordingly.

Final Word:
Asos is a solid target for stepping up your game. Follow the steps and it will be a walk in the park. You'll do fine.

Next time, we might crank it up a notch with a harder shop. Stay tuned.
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Carding Novice
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Which delivery country is the text talking about? I don't quite understand how jigging will help me if there is AVS in the US and UK, how do I get around the billing and shippings mismatch if antifraud often checks just the numbers in the address?


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This is quite curious...
Fix this video, please:
Vimeo banned me, lol. I'll reupload it later.

Which delivery country is the text talking about? I don't quite understand how jigging will help me if there is AVS in the US and UK, how do I get around the billing and shippings mismatch if antifraud often checks just the numbers in the address?
The demonstration showed using billing as the shipping, but feel free to use a drop in the US. AVS on Asos only verifies billing, so you're free to use your own drop as the package's destination and you don't need to use to match the billing to the shipping.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
Thanks, I hope to see an article from you on this topic in the future. "How to search for stores without strict reconciliation" or "working with brute "
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