Carding ðŸ’³ Live Carding Demo (LCD): Hitting Hard 💳


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💳 Live Carding Demo (LCD): Hitting Hard 💳

Alright, vr aficionados, today were setting our sights on a juicy target: Why Meta? Because these fuckers are sitting on a goldmine of high-value VR gear thats practically begging to be carded. Watching porn on these little face computers is glorious!
They also have those sick-ass Rayban glasses that are just hip and fashionable (I have one myself lmao).

Heres the deal: Metas security is about as robust as a house of cards in a hurricane - if youve got your drop game on point. Multiple drops? Solid jigging skills? Youre already ahead of the curve.
Now, heres where shit gets interesting. Metas got a split personality:

US customers: In-house payment system
International: Shopifys playground

Two systems, two approaches, double the fun. Were gonna dissect both so whether youre carding from Uncle Sams backyard or some far-flung corner of the globe, Ive got you covered.
Stick around and Ill show you how to turn those overpriced VR toys into cold hard cash faster than Zuckerberg can rehabilitate his image (he's been pretendingt to be hip and cool lately). Lets dive in and make some digital magic happen.

Recon: Peeling Back Metas Digital Layers

Time to put on our hacker hats and do some digging. Firing up our trusty HTTP packet sniffer Caido, we start poking around Metas digital underbelly.

At first glance, the logs look about as exciting as watching paint dry. Were seeing your typical analytics tracking - nothing too fancy or out of the ordinary. But dont let that trick you into a false sense of security.
Heres where it gets interesting: theres a distinct lack of obvious JavaScript hooks for any fancy anti-fraud system. No red flags waving in our faces, no sirens going off. Its almost... too quiet.

This could mean one of two things:

Metas running a bare-bones operation (unlikely, given their size)
The real security magic is happening server-side

My moneys on option two. It looks like Metas keeping their cards close to their chest, running most of their anti-fraud checks on the backend. This is both good and bad news for us.

The good: Less client-side security means fewer hoops for us to jump through during the initial stages.
The bad: Backend security can be a black box. Were flying blind until we actually attempt a card.

As we move through the checkout process, everything looks standard. No crazy verification steps, no obvious tripwires. But dont let that fool you - the real test will come when we actually pull the trigger.

Lets not forget Metas split personality we mentioned earlier. Their international arm runs on Shopify, which we know has lackluster security measures. Shopifys anti-fraud is notoriously weak, but theres a catch: theyre piggybacking on Stripe for payment processing. While theyre not using Stripes full-fledged Radar system, a sky-high fraud score on Stripe will still trigger red flags. You might get slapped with a 3DS prompt or, worse, a flat-out block. So when youre hitting Meta internationally, steer clear of cards that have been run raped via Stripe. Read my Why cards you bought never work if youre confused.

Requirements: Gearing Up for the Meta Heist
Before we dive into the nittygritty lets make sure youve got all your ducks in a row. Heres what you'll need to pull off a successful hit on Meta:

Fresh Card: Your cards needs to be squeaky clean. The billing country should match the shipping country. Whether youre going US or international will dictate our approach, so choose wisely.
Quality Residential Proxy: None of that data center bullshit. Were talking high-grade, residential IPs that'll make you look like just another Joe Schmoe browsing for VR gear.
Virgin Drop Address: This is crucial, so listen up. Metas got a memory like an elephant when it comes to addresses with chargeback history. You need a drop thats never seen a carded Meta package. Fresh drops only, or youre dead in the water before you start.

Get these three elements locked down, and youre ready to dance with Meta. Lets get to work.

Approach 1: Meta US
Alright, lets tackle the US side of Meta first. This is where theyre running their in-house payment system, so we need to be on our A-game.

Fire up your antidetect browser and connect to your residential proxy.​
Browse Meta like youre actually interested in VR. Check out product pages, read reviews, maybe even watch a demo video or two.​
Add your main target to the cart - lets say its that shiny new Meta Quest 3.​
Heres where we get clever: toss in a small accessory. Were talking a cheap strap, a cleaning kit, whatever.​
Head to checkout. Now, pay attention - sometimes Meta allows multiple shipping addresses in one order.​
If you see this option, ship the accessory to the billing address and the main item to your drop.​
This little trick can significantly lower your fraud score as it basically forces your ortder to pass the billing=shipping check.​
Fill in your details carefully. Take your time, no need to set off any speed alarms.​
Hold your breath and hit that "Place Order" button.​

Approach no 2: International Meta (Shopify)
Now, lets switch gears to the international side where Shopify runs the show.

Same shit: antidetect browser, residential proxy matching your target country.​
Browse naturally. Add items to your wishlist, compare products, act like a curious customer.​
Choose your VR gear and head to checkout.​
Avoid using cards that have been run through Stripe before. They might not use full Radar, but theyre not completely blind either.​
If youre dealing with AVS, make sure your cards billing city is in the same neighborhood as your drop. Shopify loves to check this.​
Fill out the form slowly and deliberately. Typos are your enemy here.​
Double-check everything and submit your order.​

Remember, in both cases, the key is to blend in. Youre not a carder; youre just another tech enthusiast excited about virtual reality and excited to watch porn on it. Play the part, and you'll increase your chances of success dramatically.

Flow Chart

Closing Thoughts

We've dissected carding, covering both US and international approaches. You now have the knowledge to exploit Zuckerbergs VR empire effectively.
Remember, you need:

Drops cleaner than a nuns browser history
Cards fresher than a morning breeze
Execution as smooth as silk

Nail these, and youre not just playing in Metas virtual world - youre profiting from it in the real one. Those overpriced face computers are your ticket to fat stacks in the resale market.

Stay frosty and keep yourself updated. Metas security might evolve, but so will we. Adapt or die - thats the name of the game.
Now get out there and make Zuckerbergs digital playground your personal ATM. This is d0ctrine, signing off until our next attack.
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