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Method CashOut Chase (Wire)


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This method worked a year ago and more than successfully, I think there are those here who made their first capital on volume. Take the method as a basis and finalize it if it is necessary :)

And so let's begin:

1. To begin with, enter Chase's lk (if it is a log, then the entrance only by cookies, rarely happens that gives you the choice for otp mail).
2. Then go to Pay & Transfer
3. Select Wires & global transfers
Select “Do you want to refuse to provide an activation code?”.

4. Click ~Next~.
5. In this window we add acceptance details here it depends on the type of transfer we want to make

It is either Wire or Swift.

In this example I choose Swift.

In this window specify Swift acceptance code and account number. Then First Name|Last Name|address (you can specify any of the main thing that it was in the country of acceptance).

6. Then wait 24 hours for the acceptance to be confirmed.

After 24 hours, sometimes earlier, the acceptance is confirmed and we get Status: Active.

7. Now we get to the most interesting part, sending the transfer.

Go to Wires & Global transfer and click Send Money

Then choose the account from which we will send and the account of acceptance that we have added.

And the most important point, the transfer amount should not exceed 1.000$ per day!

(otherwise you will get the status of pending review)
Payment Purpose can be anything, we chose travel and invoice payment.

Payment statuses at Chase:

Submitted - The transfer has been accepted by the bank for processing.

In transit - The transfer has started to be processed by the bank.

Completed - The transfer has been processed and the payment has been sent.

Rejected, Pending Review, Cancelled - The payment has been canceled or left for operator's review.(Nothing good).

Good Luck!
TO Buy bank logs and log cashout methods. Contact me on telegram @spartazen
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