Hey, I am looking for someone that can do kyc bypass for USA squareup accounts. It uses Veriff and deepfakes appear to no longer work for it. I have tried LivePortrait, DeepLiveCam/Roopcam, DeepFaceLive, etc with Maycam and OBS and still no luck.
If someone has experience bypassing Veriff with their tools and is interested in long term business, hit me up.
Alternatively, if someone can print physical IDs and use their face, they should not have any issues with verification. So if anyone is willing to do that, you can also hit me up.
Telegram: @acb1980_123
If someone has experience bypassing Veriff with their tools and is interested in long term business, hit me up.
Alternatively, if someone can print physical IDs and use their face, they should not have any issues with verification. So if anyone is willing to do that, you can also hit me up.
Telegram: @acb1980_123