Monthly Bonus Update – 200% Special Days!
Attention everyone! We are excited to announce that our bonus system is now fully automated and follows Central American Time (CST/CDT).

Special Bonus Days:
On the 1st of January, 2nd of February, 3rd of March, and so on until 12th of December, you will receive a 200% bonus on all top-ups!

How It Works:
On normal days, you get a 50% bonus for every top-up.
On the special dates mentioned above, you will get a 200% bonus automatically!

No manual activation required! Just deposit as usual, and the system will automatically apply the bonus when eligible.

Make sure to take advantage of these dates and maximize your credits!

Example Calculation:
If you top up 10 Credit on a normal day:

You receive 10 + 50% (total 15 credit).
If you top up 10 Credit on a special bonus day:

You receive 10 + 200% (total 30 credit).

This system is already live and fully functional! Happy top-ups and enjoy your bonus!