
Fraud Daddy
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🎭 Supercharge your Carding with Social Engineering 🎭

Forget what you think you know about carding. If youre still relying solely on garbage cards and fancy proxies youre living in the goddamn stone age. Welcome to the next level shit: social engineering.
This isnt just about smooth talking your way past customer service. Were talking about psychological tactics that can turn your carding game from hit-or-miss into a consistent money printer. Social engineering is what separates the amateurs from the pros pulling six-figure scores.

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In this intro guide well scratch the surface of how social engineering supercharges your carding ops. From crafting believable personas to manipulating customer service reps well cover the basics that can level up your game.
But heres the thing: social engineering is fucking huge. It spans way beyond carding into every aspect of security and manipulation. Were just dipping our toes in today. Consider this your gateway drug into the world of human hacking.

The Curious Case of Malone Iam

Unless youve been living under a rock you shouldve heard about the arrest of Malone Iam and his crew by now. These dipshits managed to pull off a $243 million heist from a single mark using nothing but social engineering skills. No fancy hacks no zero-day exploits just pure psychological manipulation.



They posed as Google support compromised some accounts then pretended to be Gemini exchange reps "helping" with the "hack". Before anyone knew what hit them $238 million in crypto vanished into thin fucking air. What they made in a couple of hours by doing a bunch of calls is more than what a lot of you can make in your lifetime, combined!


Now I'm not a fan of how sloppy they were. These morons got caught flashing their loot on social media like a bunch of trust fund babies on spring break. But the most mind-boggling part is that a bunch of amateur fraudsters with barely any technical skills managed to pull off one of the biggest heists in crypto history.


This case proves what Ive been saying all along: social engineering isnt just another tool in your kit its the whole damn toolbox. It doesnt matter how tight a systems security is if you can convince the human behind it to hand over the keys.

What the heck is Social Engineering?

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and Im not sure about the universe.

That's fucking Albert Einstein, and his quote still applies decades after his death. While AI fraud detection systems and algorithms keep getting smarter humans remain the weakest link in any security chain. These flesh bags havent upgraded their firmware since the Stone Age. Theyre still falling for the same old tricks that worked decades ago.

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You can patch software but you cant patch stupidity. No matter how many security trainings companies force their employees to sit through people will always be susceptible to manipulation. Fear urgency greed and the desire to be helpful are hardwired into our monkey brains. A skilled social engineer knows exactly which buttons to push to bypass logical thinking and get straight to the lizard brain decision-making center.

Thats why phishing emails still work in 2024. Its why vishing (voice phishing) is more effective than ever. Hell its why Malone and his crew managed to swipe $243 million with a few phone calls. As long as humans are involved in decision-making theres always a way in for those who know how to pull the right psychological strings.

Social Engineering for Carders

Since Social Engineering is a pretty expansive topic we will be focusing on a couple of concepts and how they might apply to you as a carder:
  • Pretexting: This is all about crafting a believable backstory. As a carder you might use pretexting to change a delivery address after an order passes AI checks. "Hi Im calling about order #12345. I accidentally used my old address. Could you please update it?" Another example: create a persona as a SaaS startup founder trying to withdraw funds from Stripe. Or maybe you are trying to get your Remitly account restored.

    The key to successful pretexting is consistency and detail. Flesh out your character and stick to it. If youre posing as a busy exec dont suddenly start talking like a surfer dude. Research your chosen persona thoroughly. Remember pretexting isnt just about the initial story. Be prepared for follow-up questions. Practice your pretext beforehand so you can deliver it confidently.

  • Urgency and Authority: Fraudsters often use this combo to extract OTPs from cardholders. "This is Bank Security. We detected suspicious activity on your account. We need the verification code we just sent you immediately or your account will be locked."
    The pressure of urgency combined with the illusion of authority can make people act without thinking.

    This technique works because it triggers our fight-or-flight response overriding logical thinking. When using this approach in your carding ops dial up the pressure. Use phrases like "immediate action required" or "security breach in progress". The more you can make your target feel they might face negative consequences by not complying the better.

    For the authority part impersonating financial institutions can be effective. But dont limit yourself. Tech support agencies or even senior management of the targets own company can work. Just pretending as a Senior Rep for Amazon worked with getting free replacements for any item a year ago. The key is to project confidence and use insider language that reinforces your perceived authority.

  • Reciprocity: This works wonders on customer service reps whore used to dealing with assholes all day. When trying to get an Amazon account reinstated be extra friendly and understanding. "I totally get youre just following protocol. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out here." Even if they cant directly reinstate you theyre more likely to transfer you to someone who can.

    Reciprocity is all about creating a sense of obligation. Start by doing something for your target even if its just being unusually pleasant. Compliment them on their helpfulness. Express genuine-sounding understanding for their position.
    For maximum effect combine reciprocity with other techniques. If youre using a pretext as a confused elderly person express profuse gratitude for their help. This not only triggers reciprocity but also makes them less likely to suspect youre a carder.

  • Social Proof: In credit card fraud this might look like: "Many of our high-value customers are verifying their information today due to a system upgrade." Or "We had several clients in your industry increase their credit limits recently to take advantage of our new rewards program." People are more likely to comply if they think others are doing the same.

    Social proof exploits our herd mentality. Were hardwired to follow the crowd. For carders this principle is fucking gold. When youre trying to extract info or push through a sus transaction frame it as something normal that everyone else is doing.
    The key is to make your target feel like theyre missing out or falling behind if they dont comply. Bonus points if you can make it specific to their demographic or industry.

  • Baiting: This is gold for phishing campaigns. "Click here for a chance to win a free iPhone!" Or "Exclusive 90% off sale for the next hour only!" For crypto scams it might be "Install our wallet app for 100 free tokens!" The promise of something valuable lowers peoples guard.
    Baiting works because it triggers greed and curiosity. People will ignore red flags if they think theres something in it for them. As a carder you can use this to your advantage in multiple ways.
    For phishing campaigns tailor your bait to your target audience. In carding ops baiting can help you bypass security questions. Remember the bait doesnt always have to be a reward. Sometimes the promise of avoiding a loss works just as well.

  • Tailgating: While this works for bypassing AI it's also effective with humans. Say youre trying to card a high-end Razer laptop. Start by making smaller legitimate purchases of accessories. Build up a history. Then when you go for the big score and get declined contact support: "Ive been a loyal customer for months. I dont understand why my purchase isnt going through." This established history makes your claim more credible.

    Tailgating in carding is all about building credibility over time. Its playing the long game. Youre essentially creating a Trojan horse of legitimacy to slip your fraudulent shit through. This technique works especially well with luxury brands or high-value electronics. These companies often have loyalty programs or special treatment for repeat customers.

Social Engineering as Your Carding Superpower

We barely scratched the surface of social engineering here. These concepts are just the tip of the iceberg but theyre enough to rewire your brain and start thinking like a true social engineer.
Incorporating these techniques into your carding ops can elevate your game to a whole new level. Suddenly sites you thought were unhittable become vulnerable. That designer store with god tier security? A well made pretext and some social proof might just crack it open.

Social engineering isnt just about getting past customer service. Its about manipulating every human touchpoint in the carding process. From creating believable identities to pushing through declined transactions these skills are your keys to the carding kingdom.
This shit takes practice. You cant just read a guide and become a master manipulator overnight. Start small. Test these techniques on low risk targets. Refine your approach. Build your confidence. Over time youll develop an instinct for which buttons to push in any given situation.

Remember while other carders are frantically chasing the latest methods youll be playing 4D chess with human psychology. And unlike coding skills or hacking techniques social engineering will never become obsolete. As long as humans are involved in decision-making theres always a way in for those who know how to pull the right strings.

So get out there and start honing your social engineering skills. Your carding success rate will thank you. Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility... and the potential for some serious fucking profits.

Class dismissed. d0ctrine out.
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Carding Novice
Reaction score

🎭 Supercharge your Carding with Social Engineering 🎭

Forget what you think you know about carding. If youre still relying solely on garbage cards and fancy proxies youre living in the goddamn stone age. Welcome to the next level shit: social engineering.
This isnt just about smooth talking your way past customer service. Were talking about psychological tactics that can turn your carding game from hit-or-miss into a consistent money printer. Social engineering is what separates the amateurs from the pros pulling six-figure scores.

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In this intro guide well scratch the surface of how social engineering supercharges your carding ops. From crafting believable personas to manipulating customer service reps well cover the basics that can level up your game.
But heres the thing: social engineering is fucking huge. It spans way beyond carding into every aspect of security and manipulation. Were just dipping our toes in today. Consider this your gateway drug into the world of human hacking.

The Curious Case of Malone Iam

Unless youve been living under a rock you shouldve heard about the arrest of Malone Iam and his crew by now. These dipshits managed to pull off a $243 million heist from a single mark using nothing but social engineering skills. No fancy hacks no zero-day exploits just pure psychological manipulation.

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They posed as Google support compromised some accounts then pretended to be Gemini exchange reps "helping" with the "hack". Before anyone knew what hit them $238 million in crypto vanished into thin fucking air. What they made in a couple of hours by doing a bunch of calls is more than what a lot of you can make in your lifetime, combined!

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Now I'm not a fan of how sloppy they were. These morons got caught flashing their loot on social media like a bunch of trust fund babies on spring break. But the most mind-boggling part is that a bunch of amateur fraudsters with barely any technical skills managed to pull off one of the biggest heists in crypto history.

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This case proves what Ive been saying all along: social engineering isnt just another tool in your kit its the whole damn toolbox. It doesnt matter how tight a systems security is if you can convince the human behind it to hand over the keys.

What the heck is Social Engineering?

That's fucking Albert Einstein, and his quote still applies decades after his death. While AI fraud detection systems and algorithms keep getting smarter humans remain the weakest link in any security chain. These flesh bags havent upgraded their firmware since the Stone Age. Theyre still falling for the same old tricks that worked decades ago.

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You can patch software but you cant patch stupidity. No matter how many security trainings companies force their employees to sit through people will always be susceptible to manipulation. Fear urgency greed and the desire to be helpful are hardwired into our monkey brains. A skilled social engineer knows exactly which buttons to push to bypass logical thinking and get straight to the lizard brain decision-making center.

Thats why phishing emails still work in 2024. Its why vishing (voice phishing) is more effective than ever. Hell its why Malone and his crew managed to swipe $243 million with a few phone calls. As long as humans are involved in decision-making theres always a way in for those who know how to pull the right psychological strings.

Social Engineering for Carders

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Since Social Engineering is a pretty expansive topic we will be focusing on a couple of concepts and how they might apply to you as a carder:
  • Pretexting: This is all about crafting a believable backstory. As a carder you might use pretexting to change a delivery address after an order passes AI checks. "Hi Im calling about order #12345. I accidentally used my old address. Could you please update it?" Another example: create a persona as a SaaS startup founder trying to withdraw funds from Stripe. Or maybe you are trying to get your Remitly account restored.

    The key to successful pretexting is consistency and detail. Flesh out your character and stick to it. If youre posing as a busy exec dont suddenly start talking like a surfer dude. Research your chosen persona thoroughly. Remember pretexting isnt just about the initial story. Be prepared for follow-up questions. Practice your pretext beforehand so you can deliver it confidently.

  • Urgency and Authority: Fraudsters often use this combo to extract OTPs from cardholders. "This is Bank Security. We detected suspicious activity on your account. We need the verification code we just sent you immediately or your account will be locked."
    The pressure of urgency combined with the illusion of authority can make people act without thinking.

    This technique works because it triggers our fight-or-flight response overriding logical thinking. When using this approach in your carding ops dial up the pressure. Use phrases like "immediate action required" or "security breach in progress". The more you can make your target feel they might face negative consequences by not complying the better.

    For the authority part impersonating financial institutions can be effective. But dont limit yourself. Tech support agencies or even senior management of the targets own company can work. Just pretending as a Senior Rep for Amazon worked with getting free replacements for any item a year ago. The key is to project confidence and use insider language that reinforces your perceived authority.

  • Reciprocity: This works wonders on customer service reps whore used to dealing with assholes all day. When trying to get an Amazon account reinstated be extra friendly and understanding. "I totally get youre just following protocol. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out here." Even if they cant directly reinstate you theyre more likely to transfer you to someone who can.

    Reciprocity is all about creating a sense of obligation. Start by doing something for your target even if its just being unusually pleasant. Compliment them on their helpfulness. Express genuine-sounding understanding for their position.
    For maximum effect combine reciprocity with other techniques. If youre using a pretext as a confused elderly person express profuse gratitude for their help. This not only triggers reciprocity but also makes them less likely to suspect youre a carder.

  • Social Proof: In credit card fraud this might look like: "Many of our high-value customers are verifying their information today due to a system upgrade." Or "We had several clients in your industry increase their credit limits recently to take advantage of our new rewards program." People are more likely to comply if they think others are doing the same.

    Social proof exploits our herd mentality. Were hardwired to follow the crowd. For carders this principle is fucking gold. When youre trying to extract info or push through a sus transaction frame it as something normal that everyone else is doing.
    The key is to make your target feel like theyre missing out or falling behind if they dont comply. Bonus points if you can make it specific to their demographic or industry.

  • Baiting: This is gold for phishing campaigns. "Click here for a chance to win a free iPhone!" Or "Exclusive 90% off sale for the next hour only!" For crypto scams it might be "Install our wallet app for 100 free tokens!" The promise of something valuable lowers peoples guard.
    Baiting works because it triggers greed and curiosity. People will ignore red flags if they think theres something in it for them. As a carder you can use this to your advantage in multiple ways.
    For phishing campaigns tailor your bait to your target audience. In carding ops baiting can help you bypass security questions. Remember the bait doesnt always have to be a reward. Sometimes the promise of avoiding a loss works just as well.

  • Tailgating: While this works for bypassing AI it's also effective with humans. Say youre trying to card a high-end Razer laptop. Start by making smaller legitimate purchases of accessories. Build up a history. Then when you go for the big score and get declined contact support: "Ive been a loyal customer for months. I dont understand why my purchase isnt going through." This established history makes your claim more credible.

    Tailgating in carding is all about building credibility over time. Its playing the long game. Youre essentially creating a Trojan horse of legitimacy to slip your fraudulent shit through. This technique works especially well with luxury brands or high-value electronics. These companies often have loyalty programs or special treatment for repeat customers.

Social Engineering as Your Carding Superpower

We barely scratched the surface of social engineering here. These concepts are just the tip of the iceberg but theyre enough to rewire your brain and start thinking like a true social engineer.
Incorporating these techniques into your carding ops can elevate your game to a whole new level. Suddenly sites you thought were unhittable become vulnerable. That designer store with god tier security? A well made pretext and some social proof might just crack it open.

Social engineering isnt just about getting past customer service. Its about manipulating every human touchpoint in the carding process. From creating believable identities to pushing through declined transactions these skills are your keys to the carding kingdom.
This shit takes practice. You cant just read a guide and become a master manipulator overnight. Start small. Test these techniques on low risk targets. Refine your approach. Build your confidence. Over time youll develop an instinct for which buttons to push in any given situation.

Remember while other carders are frantically chasing the latest methods youll be playing 4D chess with human psychology. And unlike coding skills or hacking techniques social engineering will never become obsolete. As long as humans are involved in decision-making theres always a way in for those who know how to pull the right strings.

So get out there and start honing your social engineering skills. Your carding success rate will thank you. Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility... and the potential for some serious fucking profits.

Class dismissed. d0ctrine out.
great g
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