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Today's guide, let's look at Tails OS (one of the best operating system for privacy and anonymity which leaves traces behind).

As a fraudster, drug dealer or buyer on a darknet, I know you normally do purchase things. You might not know but you are compromising your privacy and anonymity or you are risking yourself if you are still using Windows OS or Mac OS for purchases on the darknet.

So today, we are going to learn how tails can help us leave traces behind.


Tails OS is secure live operating system that can be boot from USB drive, "CD or DVD" or SD card. which will work out of the box. Most software we will use will be included right in tails itself. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to:

1 Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship (because all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network)

2. leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly and

3. use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.

As you can see it is a very useful operating system for doing things that you do not want others to know about. Also, one good things about tails is, you don't need to install any additional tools or software for using darknet markets! Instead, Everything you need as a buyer is already installed.

Tails users who would have a hard time dealing with all the different settings if they were all set to high and they would have to make adjustments. Therefore the developers decided to set the default settings to not so strict values to make the Tails experience better for these users. However, you have to make sure that you set the security slider to high (safest) every time you start the Tor browser (because it is not possible to save the security slider settings between the reboots, even with persistence enabled).

Tails has a step by step detailed documentations that will help you through the installation process
Use the link below, to install tails on your default OS :
Installing Tails OS

You can install for windows, Mac, Linux etc. you can also use terminal to install as well.

Note: if you use another keyboard layout than the default American one, you need to change it on the Tails greeting screen. Just click on the drop down list on the bottom right and scroll through the list. If you can not find yours, select the "Other…” entry at the bottom of that list and then start typing the name of your keyboard layout, i.e. if you want the Russian or English one, start typing “Rus or Eng” and it will automatically jump to it. After you have selected the correct one on the list, press enter twice and you will be back at your Tails greeting screen with the changed keyboard layout.
If you are facing problems, press Got issues or problems!.

you can download Tails over the clearnet (i.e. without using the Tor browser or a VPN). It is not illegal to download or use Tails. But you have to make sure that you verify the downloaded .iso file afterwards as it is described in the linked
. Otherwise you could easily end up with a malicious .iso file which sends all your passwords to someone who can later steal all your information and money.

1. Anytime or Every time you sart the Tor browser, you need to go to settings and set the security slider to safest. This disables JavaScript (a programming language that websites can use to de-anonymize you) by default and enables some more security features.

2. If you use clearnet websites that require JavaScript (like if you want to post, comment or vote), change the NoScript appearance so you can easily allow and disallow the scripts that you nee.

3. Keep in mind, If a DNM site ever asks you to enable JavaScript, you should leave immediately.

4. When shutting Tails down, it is best to wait until your computer is shut down completely before removing the USB sick, you should always shut it down when you are not using it anymore for a longer
period of time
(e.g. 10 minutes). Yes, it is a pain and difficult to restart your computer every time, but it is good for security. Otherwise law enforcement could just visit you and would have all the unencrypted evidence they need even though you used Tails.

it's possible to run tails on a virtual machine, but however, it's not recommended. You can read about it here :

To upgrade tails, read the guide here :
Upgrading Tails

Incase you are facing problems, you can read the guide here :

It is very important to "back up" your data. Not just the data you have on Tails but all your other documents too. However this chapter will only deal with how to back up your persistence data which is stored on Tails. You probably do not want to loose any access to your market account and wallet with all your money in it, so you need to do the following steps. Yes, nobody likes to make backups but you will be really annoyed if you loose your Tails USB stick and your market account and coins with it. Backing up will only take a few minutes over your time be sure you do it regularly! To start you will need another USB that you wish to back your system up onto.

Note: If this is your first time backing up to this USB you need boot into your backup USB first enable persistent volume and everything else you want enabled. (Electrum, GNUPG or PGP key, DOT files) Once everything is enabled on your backup drive, boot back into your main Tails drive that you will be backing up.

1. On the Welcome Screen, enable the Administration Password. You can make it whatever you want it will reset after you shutdown tails. (Click the + in the bottom left)#Insert welcome screen image

2. Once you have booted up tails with the Administration Password enabled go to, Applications-> Accessories-> Files to open the Files browser

3. Plug in your backup USB stick.
You should see a encrypted volume in the sidebar of the Files browser. Click on it and enter the Persistent storage password for your BACKUP tails. It should now appear as TailsData volume on the sidebar.

4. Open up root terminal. You can either go up top and type terminal and click root terminal or go Applications-> System Tools -> Root Terminal enter the Administration Password that you made.

In your root Terminal, run the following command:
rsync -PaSHAXv --del /live/persistence/

When the command finishes running you should see something like this displayed:
sent 32.32M bytes  received 1.69K bytes  21.55M bytes/sec total size is 32.30M  speedup is 1.00

You have successfully backed up your entire drive. Going forward you do not need to clone your drive again. You can just boot up with administrator password enabled, unlock your backup, and run that command. It will update the backup for you.

First thing we need to do is clone your current tails drive. If you already have Tails cloned you can skip to the backing up Persistent Storage section below

Note: This part will NOT backup your persistent! You must clone tails before you can backup

1. First login to the tails USB you want to backup. Once you are logged in to Tails plug in your USB stick that will
serve as your backup.

2. Choose Applications ▸ Tails ▸ Tails Cloner to start Tails Cloner
If the other Tails has a Persistent Storage, another option Clone the current Persistent Storage is available.

If you select the option Clone the current Persistent Storage, the Persistent Storage of the other Tails is also be copied
3. Choose the new USB stick in the Target USB stick menu.

4. To start the installation, click on the Install button.

5. Read the warning message in the confirmation dialog.

6. Click Delete All Data and Install to confirm.

7. The installation takes a few minutes.

Read the warning message in the confirmation dialog. Click Yes to confirm.Depending on your computer will vary how long the installation will take. The progress bar usually freezes for some time while synchronizing.

8. Finally it should say Installation Complete
Common issues :
As mentioned previously, Tails works on almost any computer. So it is possible that your installation will not go as flawlessly as it usually should. However there are many way to solve issues that might come up. Please go through the
following options one after another if you have difficulties getting tails on a USB stick or to boot:

1. Look at the list of known issues ( and check if there is hardware on it that you use too (for example a USB brand or a
certain network card). If it is on the list please check if there is also a solution described, if yes try it. Sometimes it is best to try booting Tails on another computer to see if it is working there, so you know if your computer is the problem.

2. Tor is not ready or other internet connection issues? Boot Tails, log in and do something else for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then go back and check if Tor is ready now by opening the Tor browser. If you still get the “Tor is not readywarning, reboot Tails and try again. If that does not work try disabling MAC address spoofing on the Tails
greeting screen when rebooting (select “More Options”, click on “Forward” and click once on “Spoof all MAC addresses”).

3. Are some password not getting accepted although they should be correct? Please check that you set the correct keyboard layout on the Tails greeting screen

4. Having trouble booting Tails although you followed the instructions on the Tails website? Check that your USB stick is not on the list of problematic USB sticks USB sticks and see if they work.

5. If Tails freezes after you press enter in the boot screen , try not pressing enter to boot but letting Tails count down itself. If Tails worked previously but suddenly has freezing issues, try rebooting a couple of times.

6. Does Tails freeze and only shows you a blue screen? When Tails first boots up (before choosing tails or tails failsafe version), press tab to open up the console. Don’t modify anything, just type all of the following commands:
nouveau.modeset=0 modeset.blacklist=nouveau noslash
One of the commands above should get you past the blue screen. Unfortunately you will have to enter the commands every time you boot but it’s better then it not working at all.

7. Having issues accessing your persistence data? You may be able to fix your problem by simply re-running the persistence configuration tool: Applications > Tails > configure persistent volume and enable the same options that you had before. Then reboot.

8. For OS X: If Tails does not show up when holding the alt key upon restart, try the following. Install rEFInd (if you use a Mac with El Capitan or later, rEFInd may not install properly). Then temporarily disabled SIP: hold command
+ R when you see the Apple logo after restarting, then go to Utilities
-> Terminal, then type “crsutil disable” in the Terminal window then press Enter, then restart as normal and install rEFInd, then repeat the process but this time type
 crsutil enable,”
turning SIP back on.

9. Can you not connect to your WiFi because it keeps asking for the password but you know you entering it correctly (e.g. it just asks for password after a few minutes of trying to connect)?. It could be an issue with Tails not recognizing drivers, so a solution would be to use a WiFi adapter or a wired connection (i.e. plug in an ethernet cable that is connected to your router).

For other issues you can check their documentation here :

This brings us to the end of the guide. Hope you will put windows and Mac aside If you want to make purchases on the darknet to avoid the risk of being caught. Tails is the best for us. It's a secure live boot operating system from USB or CD leaving traces behind - and that's what is best for us

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