Whos going to be the Crdpro card champion tournament!!


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Anyone is welcome This is going to be a 3 stage competition,Round 1! the top 10 earners who ever can make the most money from the ccs that I provide or the set of fulls I provide,you get to choose either route you want to try,the ccs or the fulls and you can do what ever you think will make the most money how ever you think is possible ,the catch is you have to send me half of what u make each round!! and the top 10 who sends me back the most will move to the next round,and you have to show proof that it is the card info I provided or the fulls info I provided you,Round 2!! Is going to be strictly ccs only and there will be a 6 ccs given to each person,3 of them will have the full info and the other 3 cards will have just name,card number,exp and cvv,no location at all and they can be from anywhere,and the top 5 people to make the most and send me back half with proof will move to the next big money making round..Round 3!!!the business round will be strictly business accounts that will come with the companies info and there banking info,info includes ein,owners name,add,owners social,when the company started,what bank and the accounts and routing numbers,and i will try to give them with around the same amount in there accounts,hopefully around a half a Milly to a million in there accounts,and who ever sends me the most with half of what they make with proof will decide on partnership in some huge opportunities or I will give you some 5 business accounts to do as you please ,,note this though ...I got list and list of all the stuff I provided with more than i can handle alone ,and business info that has 1 mil up to 100 mil in the accounts,you can choose the route you want to take..im not going to waste my time trying to prove shit to anyone because I know what I got and got a lot of info put up where no one can get to it that i personally obtained through different methods,,so if you can't do it or don't believe me then you can stay your broke ass on the side lines finger poppin your biscuit ,you have one month till the first of next month on August 1st to sign up with me through here only,you can dm me or reply to post and i will keep track of who will be in,and some of the money made will go to the good people that run this great forum that gave us this opportunity,,..Thank you cardpro !!!,let the games begin and lets all try to eat!!
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