Attention Section Rules: Unverified Vendors


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1. Accounts of Unverified Sellers:
- 1.1 Selling CC in this forum section is strictly prohibited.
- 1.2 All offers must be honest and accurate. Misleading information or deception will result in moderation actions.
- 1.3 It is recommended to provide evidence of the legitimacy of the offered goods or services (e.g., screenshots, additional descriptions).

2. Seller Responsibility:
- 2.1 The seller is fully responsible for the information and products provided.
- 2.2 Buyers are advised to engage in transactions with unverified sellers at their own risk.

3. Feedback and Complaints:
- 3.1 Users can leave feedback on transactions to alert others to potential risks.
- 3.2 Complaints about misrepresentation of products or violations of section rules will be addressed by moderators.

4. Moderation Measures:
- 4.1 Violating rules may lead to access restriction to the section or temporary suspension of the seller's account.
- 4.2 Moderators reserve the right to remove any content they deem in violation of the rules or posing a risk to forum participants.

5. Section Rules:
- 5.1 Users are required to familiarize themselves with any additional rules specific to this section.
- 5.2 Any changes to section rules will be communicated in the respective forum area.
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