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  1. Y

    CLAIM Forum-name Quickbucks.Telegram@Qu1ckbucks

    I had ordered with this person some foodie and sent him 20$ ltc. He attempt to order wat i wanted but was unsuccessful. I told him to try another store so Quickbucks proceeded to try another store then another to nothing ordered. We agreed that the amount is 23.59 in full but I’ll pay the 3.59...
  2. C

    CLAIM @U C Dept Scammed $550 BTc

    I contacted @U C Dept on his telegram for delivery of a stimulus check last year for $20k check and he said it will cost $850 plus shipping. I lowered the amount yesterday to minimize the risk and asked how much $400 can do and he said the lowest he can go is $550. He provided btc wallet and I...
  3. saiko

    CLAIM [Claim] @eurodollars Telegram:

    topic closed, that was MY FAULT @eurodollars, @CrdPro @Will Smith
  4. D

    Black List [Claim] Vacko11 forum : @veyron.14422 telegram @Vacko11

    Ripper for 250 usd blocked me after payment -his thread : -his profile : -Bought an canadian open up and blocked me after payment confirmation here video and screen proof. -video...
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