
  1. hindsighttt

    EMV Full software package

    You can contact me on telegram at https://t.me/hindsighttt Hello, If you're looking to buy the software required to swipe and clone EMV, you're in the right place. I currently offer a really cheap software package that includes everything needed and some couple .IST files. The package include...
  2. Interscore


    CARDING DICTIONARY This is important to understand, to avoid gettng bullied by the carding scene. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. Interscore


    EMV TUTORIAL: HOW TO ENCODE A BLANK CARD 2023 (UPDATED) WRITTEN BY: @Interscore Required Equiment: 1. Omnikey (for writing the chip data on the card) 2. Magnetic Stripe Card Reader (I recommend the Msr605x) 3. Computer/Laptop 4. Blank card (J2a040 and Unfused) All of the equipment listed above...

    How to swipe ( write dumps, 101&201s) / FULL EMV CLONING PACK ( x2, emvfoundry, jcopenglish, msrx, atrtool etc... )

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ****** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  5. ScamLikely

    Carding Ist Files? Free

    Anyone got the ist files? I’ll help you with great dump site & I have all software free of charge lmk asap
  6. L

    dumps without pin

    noob question, but hopefully someone can help. if i write a dump with no pin to a card is there a limit to how and where it can be used or do i just hit credit at the POS check out? will an id be required for certain amounts because of this... thanks
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