hi guys! i know alot of people are fustrated and in need of help & actual working software , now alot of people will sell you bullshit that doent work for cheap thinking you got a deal but in the end just puts you out of pocket! :/ well my provider has working software for $650 with full tutorial guide + 10 dump to you started! hit my telegram and i will put you in touch with the man himself and he'll add you into a group chat of over 40k+ carders all cashing out if you need further questions feel free to hit my telegram and i can put you in touch with our provider and inside the group chat where you can buy dumps + find out all information you need, have a good day! telegram>>> JLtrappo
ps. its a private server so i cant sell you it as our provider will have to verify your authorization once youve brought the software
ps. its a private server so i cant sell you it as our provider will have to verify your authorization once youve brought the software