In this guide, we shall look into what Bins are to some tricks on how to get Non verified by Visa Bins or Bins that can pass OTP verification. It's going to be a very long guide with details. Please take your time and read.
So let's wrap up quickly.
In front of a credit card or Debit card, you will Mostly see the
Credit card number that’s the PAN ( Primary Account Number, name of the customer or Card holders name, Issuing bank name or Card issuer, Card network ( could either be Visa Card, Master Card, American Express in Short AMEX and Discover), EMV chip, Account Opening date/Expiry date, Contactless logo, and Card brand depending on the issuing bank.
At the back of the Card, it has a Code that’s the CVC/CVV (Credit verification Code/Credit verification value ) again we have, Magnetic stripe, Signature box, hologram, Customer helpline or bank contact info.
A "BIN" is an acronym that refers to
Bank Identification Number and it's usually the first 6-8 digits of a credit card.
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So we will focus on the
6 digits for now.
Bin helps us identify the card brand, for example, we will only pick the first number. Like with the information above, let's assume we have
123456 we will pick 1 so we will replace 3, 4, 5, 6 with the 1.
To understand what I'm saying,
Let's take this for example 346288 We have
Amex to start with 3, 457398
, Visa start with 4, 522849,
MasterCard start with 5 and 678828
Discover start with 6
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Hope you get it now.
347484 – The First number 3 represents Amex
473838 – The first number 4 represents Visa
574884 – The first number 5 represents MasterCard
683839 – The first number 6 represents Discover.
Quick Note : Amex can start with 3 or 37
Visa usually starts with 4
Mastercard can start with 5, 51 through 55.
Discover can also begin with 6, 6011 or 65.
Bin doesn’t only identify the card brand but also help us with a lot of information like the
card type ( Credit/Debit), Card level, Issuing Bank and Country, website & issuers contact. Here are some examples of Card levels we have,
1. Classic
2. Gold
3. Platinum
4. Business
5. Corporate
6. Signature
7. Premier
8. Infinite ect ...
1. Classic : Classic cards are recognized and accepted by a large number of Merchants all over the world, including the Internet. This card is usually used by Students, young couples, or people trying to establish credit. The limits of these Cards are usually around $1000.
2. Gold : A premium card used by people around the world. With higher spending Limits and greater purchasing power, the Visa Gold card is the choice of consumers Who want more from their cards. Average limit of this type of card is $3000
3. Platinum : Platinum is one of the best cards around. Average limit could be Around $8000.
4. Business : Very high limits, often around $15,000
5. Corporate : This is used by large corporations. The limits are usually around $15,000 as well.
6. Signature : The 2nd best card around. I’ve gotten many signature cards with a Limit of $30,000
7. Premier : Same as Signature. Limits are usually $30,000.
Infinite : This is the absolutely best card around. However, it is incredibly hard to Find. If you do manage to get your hands on one of these, you are very lucky. There Are usually no limits to such cards.
It is important to note that all these numbers are subject to change depending on The subject’s credit score, history, and spending pattern."
So now, we know the information Bin can tell us. So let’s assume you picked a random bin, you can check it on or, or any bin checking sites, you will get all the information needed from card brand, Issuing Bank, Country, Card type, Card level and sometimes the contact of the Issuer.
Now let’s take a look at some random bins I will be listing and give out the information or details about them
We will pick some random one’s :
1. BIN :
View attachment 51629
2. BIN : 444607
View attachment 51630
3. BIN : 517546
View attachment 51631
4. BIN : 601100
View attachment 51632
Now we have seen the details of each Bank identification number. So Bin can give us all the information above. Some even listed the Issuer's website and contact, Others were not listed.
Bins are posted everyday, we can get bins from Dumps, forums or you can create your own set of bins.
I know you will be wondering and asking how is creating your own set of bins possible? I will be teaching you. (It's a method that has been there for a long time and I've been using for several years now and it still works.)
Today I will teach you.
Now let's go ....
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Okay so let's talk about something here. Although there are bin which works on some particular sites for sometime, There is nothing like specific or special bin.
We can have a bin which works for some particular site but doesn't always last for long. Because,
someone could use a bin working on a particular site for some time and after some moments later when you are trying to purchase and item with the same bin on the same site, it won't work. Reason?
Banks and stores are always on updates with their payment systems and Anti-Fraud system. So to me,
Bins are not something you should be lounging for, you should rather focus on how to deal with this particular site. "That's why "RECON" is important before stepping into any site."
Another thing is that, people say they are selling Non vbv cards or bins. Note this down,
The only way to find out if a bin or cc is non vbv, is to try purchasing an item with the card and if it skips the 3ds verification, that's when you can confirm it's non vbv. Because someone can use that bin to skip 3d but you might not be able skip with the same bin due to the security of the store or bank.
Think about this logically.
Imagine you say you need specific “gun” to kill a person. It’s just doesn't make sense. These card owner probably just use their card no problems buying anything online.
A lot of factor matters when doing carding, because they have their own built in anti fraud system. There is usually two kind of anti fraud implemented that I kmow,
1. Artificial intelligence
2. Manual
What anti-fraud system look for in general!
The process of finding the PCIs DSS (PAYMENT CARD INDUSTRIES DATA SECURITY STANDARDS) was a simple process of trial and error, some of the device fingerprint they look for include;
1. Time zone
2. Browser data
3. Cookies it recalls(what you did on a website)
4. Real Or spoofed GPU/CPU
5. Canvas and WebGL
6. Risk Score
7. Clicks
8. Browser fingerprint
9. Operating systems
10. IP (Real or proxy), Fraudscore
11. User agent
12. Email age
13. Copy pasting
14. Font and Browser Language ext.
You can check about this on
threatmatrix (Google or YouTube)
Stripe, etc.
All have standard PCIs that once analyzed, gives you a pretty good idea on what the system looks for and classify as it “could be fraud” . Some of the device, browser and connection data collected to verify transaction by processors heads into the hundreds especially Amazon, PayPal and Skrill etc.
In order to bypass all these we need to take certain approach. Websites like
best buy and gift card are very high in security. Of course we can use a
non vbv card but it will be a total waste of time to warmup because we don’t know how much balance is inside the cards. Non vbv can be use on any sites as long as you warmup properly and don’t get detected by anti fraud system. (Non VbV - "mostly used on low security sites")
Let's take
Enrolled Cards for Example:
View attachment 51636
The advantage of these type of cards is “balance” “
watching owners activity”. We use these type of cards because it gives us time to
warmup properly and charge the card when warmup is ready. A normal non vbv will not have this kind of functions. I'm just telling you
the advantage of using enrolled cards because, we know the how much the card holder spends but with a normal non vbv we can charge high security sites too but the point is that we don’t know the how much the CH spends and it will waste a lot of time.
Visa Purchase Alert
Visa purchase alert helps us know the owners spending pattern and stores the victims normally make purchases.
Imagine warming up and about to charge the card but you don’t know the balance. It could be $15 or $50000. So a simple 400022 or 414740 can even do any sites.
Depending on your warmup and bypassing Anti fraud, Spending limits (Not going above the normal spending limits of the owner)
The best thing is either to use
Visa purchase alert or enrolled cards for big purchases and helps to also check the spending limits of the owner or know how much the owner spends,
Doing proper warmup and Bypassing anti fraud system.
You can test your private bins or the Bins you made on Visa Purchase Alert until you find the right one working for Visa purchase Alert. Or you can try some bins on forums people share.
Warming up takes time and it’s not just a one day process Meaning, it’s not about the bin but proper warming up ( like aging the account )and not getting detected by anti fraud, Payment gateway (spending patterns or limits)
That’s why it’s advisable to get an aged account, aged email and so on.. to deal with big stores.
Você pode envelhecer e aquecer uma conta visitando o site que você está tentando carregar todos os dias. Depois de criar uma conta, use algumas horas lendo avaliações, adicionando coisas à lista de desejos, efetuando logout e fazendo a mesma coisa por alguns dias até que você tenha construído alguma quantidade de confiança. Se possível, você também pode fazer pequenas transações como $ 5 a $ 10, mas antes disso, certifique-se de inundar ou bombardear o e-mail das vítimas para evitar que elas vejam a transação. Em alguns dias, você pode tentar fazer uma compra grande, mas antes disso, assista a vídeos do YouTube, vá ao Facebook, inscreva-se em boletins informativos ,
tente navegar no que você realmente quer carregar e assista a vídeos e leia avaliações relacionadas a isso, etc.
1. VBV (Verified By Visa) é um termo para caixas que possuem o 3ds implementado.
2. Não VBV (Não verificado pela Visa): esses bins são um termo geral para bins que não têm a segurança 3DS (Three-Domain Secure) instalada.
Eles podem ser categorizados da seguinte forma:
1. 100% não-VBV bin – um bin que funcionará em todo o mundo sem qualquer verificação 3DS,
independentemente do valor. No entanto, isso não significa que os cartões de crédito associados a esse bin funcionarão em todas as lojas, pois pode haver outras restrições, como proibição de titular, proibição de banco ou proibição de IP.
Essas caixas geralmente são das categorias EUA e MISTA.
2. 50/50 não-VBV bin – um bin que funciona sem verificação 3DS algumas vezes,
dependendo das configurações bancárias, valores e IP do titular.
Geralmente também são das categorias US e MIX
3. Bin não VBV LinkCC – um bin que funciona como não VBV quando vinculado a um serviço, como entrega de pizza, aluguel de carro, táxi ou outros serviços online. O bin se torna não VBV quando o banco não cobra nada inicialmente. Após ser vinculado, o cartão de crédito pode ser usado sem 3DS em muitos lugares porque o sistema assume que ele já foi verificado.
Os bins não VBV do Linkcc geralmente são das categorias US e MIX.
4. RealCC non-VBV bin – um bin que funciona como non-VBV somente em plataformas de cobrança ou lojas específicas. As plataformas podem incluir Adyen, Ogone, Stripe, Shopify e outras. Os bins Realcc non-VBV são
geralmente das categorias EUA e MIX.
6. 100% auto-VBV bin – um bin que funciona como um bin 3DS regular, mas não é, geralmente de bins dos EUA ou alguns bins MIX. Esses são os tipos mais comuns de bins não VBV.
Nota : Tentar usar uma lixeira sem conhecimento ou preparação adequados provavelmente não dará certo. Além disso, tenha em mente que as lixeiras nas regiões dos EUA, CA, AU, UE e Reino Unido geralmente exigem proteção AVS (Address Verification System), o que significa que você deve fornecer informações relevantes, como CEP, endereço e nome completo. Sem essas informações, não funcionará.
Há duas maneiras comuns que uso principalmente para testar se o BIN não é VBV.
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Negocie com bancos locais porque os grandes bancos (como Boa, Chase etc.) têm caixas de alta segurança (geralmente) e a maioria não é adequada para alertas de compra de Visa.
Depois de encontrar um BIN que acerte, pegue todos os BINs de uma marca e nível semelhantes do mesmo banco e experimente-os também. Com o tempo, você criará seu próprio conjunto de bins ou lista de BINs e deve ficar mais fácil para você identificar um BIN que tenha potencial.
Listas de bins estão amplamente disponíveis, não pague por elas. Às vezes, haverá um bin que foi descoberto recentemente ou está em alta agora para um serviço específico. Se alguém descobrir um bin como esse, provavelmente o manterá para si ou contará apenas a amigos próximos para que o estoque não se esgote rapidamente/não funcione mais.
Se alguém estiver vendendo um bin legítimo, você deve comprá-lo por sua conta e risco .
Aprender o caminho certo vem com temeridade. Ninguém nasce
especialista . É sempre tentativa e erro, resultando em cobrança de experiência. O que posso aconselhar é, cave fundo. Faça alguma pesquisa, observe.