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Advanced Carding: Using Cloud-Based iOS Devices
Lets get one thing straight: if youre serious about
carding you need to be using
clean fingerprints. And if youre really serious youre probably already on the
iPhone train as Ive talked about before in my guide
The iPhone: A Carders Ultimate Tool.
But what if youre not in the
Apple ecosystem? What if youre stuck with some
cheap-ass Chinese Android phone thats about as unique as a fingerprint in a database of millions? Thats where these
cloud-based mobile device farms come into play. Today were going deep into one of these services that lets you wield the power of mobile straight from your browser:
Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.
The Fuck is BrowserStack?
BrowserStack on the surface is a legitimate tool used by developers to test their websites and apps across a shitload of different devices and browsers. Theyve got everything from the latest
iPhones and
iPads to a whole zoo of
Android devices. But heres where it gets interesting for us: these arent some
janky emulators or
virtual machines. These are
real physical devices sitting in a data center somewhere just waiting for your commands.
Now compare that to those
mobile antidetects that we also covered on
A Primer on Mobile Antidetects 
Most of them dont even offer
iOS and the ones that do are usually just running
simulators. With
BrowserStack youre getting the
real deal. When you fire up
Safari on one of their
iPhones youre getting a
genuine iOS fingerprint not some
half-assed approximation.
- Another great part is that theyve got pretty much every recent Apple device you can think of from the latest iPhone 16 Pro Max down to the iPad Mini.
- That means you can constantly switch between different devices which is especially useful when you want to keep hammering the same site without getting fingerprinted.
You can card discard and be on to the next device in minutes. Start a session do your dirty work end the session and boom – your next device is practically
brand new. No lingering cookies no cached data just a
fresh start every time. The site youre hitting wont be able to fingerprint you because youre constantly switching actual devices. Its like having an endless supply of
burner phones except you dont have to deal with some shady dude in a back alley.
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Oh and the cherry on top?
BrowserStack itself is
cardable. Thats right you can use their own service against them. Its like stealing the keys to the candy store.
Carding Your Way In
Getting a
BrowserStack account is straightforward and requires minimal effort. You can use even the
weakest cards - ones with pathetically low limits that most wouldnt bother with. These low-limit cards work perfectly fine for this purpose.
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- First things first head over to BrowserStacks website.
- Dont worry its not some dark web marketplace – its a legit site which makes it even more hilarious when you think about what were about to do.
- Once youre there look for the 'Sign Up' or 'Free Trial' button. They practically beg you to take advantage of their generosity.
Now heres where your card comes in. When they ask for your payment details feed them that
low-limit card youve got lying around. Hell even a $2 card can do the trick.
BrowserStacks payment processor is about as strict as a blind security guard. Theyll happily accept your card without a second thought.
Once youve filled in the necessary details and completed the signup process youre in. Youve got yourself a shiny new
BrowserStack account ready to be used and abused. Thats where the fun begins.
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Once youre logged in launching an
iOS device is dead simple. Head to the 'Live' section pick your
iPhone or
iPad of choice and within seconds youve got a
real iOS device at your fingertips. No bullshit setup no complicated configurations - just point click and youre in. The browser window becomes your portal to a physical device sitting in some rack somewhere ready to do your bidding. And unlike those
janky Android emulators gets flagged as fake from a mile away this is the real deal -
genuine iOS genuine device fingerprints genuine everything.
Using Proxies
All those pristine device fingerprints and constant switching wont mean shit if youre connecting from an
IP address halfway across the world from your cardholders location. Thats where
proxies become crucial.
BrowserStacks '
Local Tunnel' feature lets you route your traffic through
residential proxies that match your targets location.
Local Tunnel creates an encrypted pipeline between your machine and the
BrowserStack device. This lets you funnel your traffic through any proxy you want - residential mobile or datacenter. But for carding youll want
residential proxies that match your cardholders area. A perfect device fingerprint combined with a matching residential IP is what makes hits land.
The setup process might look intimidating at first but its actually straightforward. Download the Local Testing binary from
BrowserStack run it and youre ready to roll. The learning curve is short - youll be routing traffic through your proxies in no time.
Uma vez configurada, cada conexão do seu dispositivo
BrowserStack flui através do proxy escolhido. O site de destino vê o tráfego vindo de um
IP residencial na vizinhança do seu titular do cartão enquanto você mantém essa impressão digital limpa do dispositivo. É essa combinação que separa os cartões bem-sucedidos daqueles que são sinalizados instantaneamente.
Compras no aplicativo
Agora vamos falar sobre compras no aplicativo. Vou ser honesto, não testei isso extensivamente, mas pelo que vi, usar
o BrowserStack para coisas como comprar
Robux ou outras porcarias no aplicativo parece ter uma taxa de sucesso melhor do que a média.
A questão é a seguinte:
a Apple sabe que esses são dispositivos
BrowserStack . Eles não são estúpidos. Eles certamente têm algumas medidas extras de segurança em vigor. Você nem consegue fazer IDs do iCloud com os dispositivos. Mas é aqui que temos uma vantagem: diferentemente dos dispositivos reais que geralmente são atingidos pelo
temido erro "Compra não pode ser concluída" (que, a propósito, tem um bypass que abordarei no futuro), esses dispositivos
BrowserStack parecem ser resistentes a ele.
Por quê? Porque eles são usados por desenvolvedores legítimos para testar compras no aplicativo.
A Apple não pode simplesmente bloqueá-los sem irritar um bando de desenvolvedores. Então eles estão meio que presos entre a cruz e a espada.
Agora, não estou dizendo que é infalível. Mas, pelos meus testes preliminares, parece que as compras no aplicativo no
BrowserStack têm uma chance decente de passar. Definitivamente vale a pena explorar se você gosta desse tipo de coisa.
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O melhor playground de cardagem
Vamos encerrar isso, certo?
O BrowserStack é uma ferramenta incrível para carders. É como ter acesso a um suprimento infinito de
dispositivos móveis limpos e não rastreáveis . Você tem
impressões digitais reais do iOS , uma seleção enorme de dispositivos e a capacidade de trocá-los rapidamente. E o fato de que você pode entrar com o cartão? Isso é só a cereja do bolo.
Mas lembre-se de que isso não é uma solução mágica. Você ainda precisa ser inteligente sobre isso. Use proxies, não seja idiota. Lembre-se: isso é uma ferramenta e, como qualquer ferramenta, ela só é boa na medida em que a pessoa a usa.
Então aí está.
BrowserStack é o sonho molhado de um carder. É um playground onde você pode correr solto, desde que saiba o que está fazendo. Agora vá lá e coloque esse conhecimento em bom uso. E se você vir algum script kiddie se gabando sobre sua configuração
de emulador Android de merda, apenas ria e vá embora. Eles estão jogando damas enquanto você joga xadrez 4D.
Fiquem calmos, seus bastardos magníficos.
Doutrina fora