Biden cash none of your domains are working, Please provide a woking domain
BidenCash — платформа для продажи карт от хакеров, для хакеров. Я прошел долгий путь от покупки банковских карт до взлома магазинов и продажи своих банковских карт в других магазинах. Исходя из своего опыта, я понял, что ни один из магазинов не удобен для покупки или продажи карт, и решил сделать свой, в котором учтены плюсы и минусы всех магазинов банковских карт в интернете!
На данный момент я залил более 2,5 миллионов банковских карт!
Среди особенностей магазина хотелось бы отметить:
1. Интуитивно понятный и не перегруженный интерфейс
2. Удобная система пополнения
3. Трехуровневая система лояльности
4. Реферальная система
5. Система предзаказов и автопокупок
6. Хорошая тикет-система
7. Двухфакторная система аутентификации
8. Восстановление учетной записи GPG
9. Раздел скидок
10. Статистика продаж по поставщикам
11. Система модерации скачиваемых баз (поставщик сам может ставить уценку на базу, подклеивать остатки от непроданных баз, выкладывать новые игры без необходимости общения с поддержкой)
12. Система мгновенного возврата
На данный момент я являюсь и владельцем этого сайта, и программистом и поставщиком карт. Я постараюсь сделать все возможное, чтобы работа с нами была для вас максимально выгодной и комфортной.
Ассортимент обновляется раз в сутки с использованием моих ресурсов, что позволит найти материал даже самым искушенным покупателям.
Для обсуждения спорных вопросов и условий сотрудничества используется только тикетная система в магазине, на все тикеты стараюсь отвечать максимально быстро.
Поставщикам предлагаются лучшие условия на рынке!
Все официальные домены представлены по ссылкам ниже
BidenCash - a platform for selling cards from hackers, for hackers. I have come a long way from buying bank cards to hacking shops and selling my bank cards in other shops. Based on my experience, I realized that none of the stores is convenient for buying or selling cards, and I decided to make my own, which takes into account the pros and cons of all bank card stores on the Internet!
At the moment, I have filled in more than 2.5 million bank cards!
Among the features of the store I would like to note:
1. Intuitive and not overloaded interface
2. Easy replenishment system
3. Three-level loyalty system
4. Referral system
5. System of pre-orders and auto-buying
6. Nice ticket system
7. Two-factor authentication system
8. GPG account recovery
9. Discount section
10. Sales statistics for suppliers
11. Moderation system for downloaded databases (the supplier himself can put a markdown on the database, glue the leftovers from unsold databases, upload new games without the need to communicate with the support)
12. Instant refund system
I am both the owner of this site and the programmer and supplier of maps at the moment. I will try to do everything possible to ensure that working with us is as profitable and comfortable as possible for you.
The assortment is updated once a day using my resources, which will allow even the most sophisticated buyers to find material.
To discuss controversial issues and terms of cooperation, only the ticket system in the store is used, I try to respond to all tickets as quickly as possible.
Suppliers are offered the best conditions on the market!
All official domains are presented at the links below
The sensitive bin .. huh, do not put a tester on it, and then it says that the sensitive bin cannot be checked, and the card is dead ...Updates on the platform
1. SSH section: Architecture filters have been cleaned up.
2. Card section: Added filter history.
3. Purchased SSH section: Server sorting is now based on the purchase date, from newest to oldest.
4. Introduced the concept of sensitive bins. More information about them can be found in the FAQ section.
Please note that the sensitive bin system is currently in the testing phase, and the sensitivity parameters will be adjusted and optimized over the next two weeks. The number of sensitive bins also depends on the user's rating, with higher-rated users having fewer sensitive bins.
Update 18.07.2023
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] MIX VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] Japan VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS SNIFFED HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller36641> [18.07.2023] MIX sniff HQ Ref CVR 68%
<seller3356> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 93%
<seller22092> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 57%
<seller47141> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 50%
<seller22840> [18.07.2023] USA FRESH VHQ NoRef CVR 90%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA Hacked DB MQ Ref CVR 60%
<seller48368> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 90%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] United States Hacked Magneto HQ Ref CVR 75%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA Sniffed HQ Ref CVR 65%
<seller66001> [18.07.2023] USA FROM COINBASE SCAM VHQ NoRef CVR 92%
<seller48187> [18.07.2023] New Update Mix Sniff HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] USA&CA SNIFFED VHQ NoRef CVR 97%
<seller48187> [18.07.2023] June sniffed inter LQ Ref CVR 42%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS SNIFFED VHQ NoRef CVR 93%
<seller64749> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA CARDS FRESH HQ Ref CVR 65%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] MIX ffrom SNIFFER LQ Ref CVR 44%
<seller47113> [18.07.2023] USA CARDS VHQ NoRef CVR 88%
<seller68918> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 64%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 79%
<seller56456> [18.07.2023] MIX HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller16221> [18.07.2023] US/CA/GB/MIX FristHand VHQ NoRef CVR 95%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA Fresh hand HQ Ref CVR 75%
<seller48678> [18.07.2023] US/GB Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller25473> [18.07.2023] USA CC FIRSTHAND VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 68%
<seller69391> [18.07.2023] USA Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller48368> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller47326> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 83%
<seller32677> [18.07.2023] UNITED STATES HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller3610> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller78512> [18.07.2023] US&UK Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller47141> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller39687> [18.07.2023] USA Independent Station VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller35856> [18.07.2023] USA FULL INFO VHQ NoRef CVR 88%
no man, it's not exit scam, you used looks like phishing link. Next time be more careful and don't use random links.its on an exit scam or something? i test my credencial using wrong ones to check if is a phishing site and everiything looks like it was the real weebsite cause they give me access only with my real ones... onec i log in they ask me to top up account with 100 to activate my account when i already spend thousands of dollars on your website.... no balance history, no cards purchased anymore.... clearly exit scam, beware people.... looks like there is not even one decent store this days, they all do the same soon or later...
Site isnt loadingUpdates on the platform
1. SSH section: Architecture filters have been cleaned up.
2. Card section: Added filter history.
3. Purchased SSH section: Server sorting is now based on the purchase date, from newest to oldest.
4. Introduced the concept of sensitive bins. More information about them can be found in the FAQ section.
Please note that the sensitive bin system is currently in the testing phase, and the sensitivity parameters will be adjusted and optimized over the next two weeks. The number of sensitive bins also depends on the user's rating, with higher-rated users having fewer sensitive bins.
Update 18.07.2023
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] MIX VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] Japan VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller22242> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS SNIFFED HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller36641> [18.07.2023] MIX sniff HQ Ref CVR 68%
<seller3356> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 93%
<seller22092> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 57%
<seller47141> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 50%
<seller22840> [18.07.2023] USA FRESH VHQ NoRef CVR 90%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA Hacked DB MQ Ref CVR 60%
<seller48368> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 90%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] United States Hacked Magneto HQ Ref CVR 75%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA Sniffed HQ Ref CVR 65%
<seller66001> [18.07.2023] USA FROM COINBASE SCAM VHQ NoRef CVR 92%
<seller48187> [18.07.2023] New Update Mix Sniff HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] USA&CA SNIFFED VHQ NoRef CVR 97%
<seller48187> [18.07.2023] June sniffed inter LQ Ref CVR 42%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS SNIFFED VHQ NoRef CVR 93%
<seller64749> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller15017> [18.07.2023] USA CARDS FRESH HQ Ref CVR 65%
<seller25328> [18.07.2023] MIX ffrom SNIFFER LQ Ref CVR 44%
<seller47113> [18.07.2023] USA CARDS VHQ NoRef CVR 88%
<seller68918> [18.07.2023] USA MQ Ref CVR 64%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 79%
<seller56456> [18.07.2023] MIX HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller16221> [18.07.2023] US/CA/GB/MIX FristHand VHQ NoRef CVR 95%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA Fresh hand HQ Ref CVR 75%
<seller48678> [18.07.2023] US/GB Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller25473> [18.07.2023] USA CC FIRSTHAND VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller49835> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 68%
<seller69391> [18.07.2023] USA Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 85%
<seller48368> [18.07.2023] USA VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller47326> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 83%
<seller32677> [18.07.2023] UNITED STATES HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller3610> [18.07.2023] MIX CARDS VHQ NoRef CVR 86%
<seller78512> [18.07.2023] US&UK Sniffed VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller47141> [18.07.2023] USA HQ Ref CVR 70%
<seller39687> [18.07.2023] USA Independent Station VHQ NoRef CVR 99%
<seller35856> [18.07.2023] USA FULL INFO VHQ NoRef CVR 88%
Which website is CVVHUBAlmost your base is reselling from cvvhub. Almost your sellers are clones of a seller. I have proof. BidenCash owner is an idiot who was cheated by some f*king sellers. And you choose to ban buyer who report the seller, you are side with the cheating seller. Bad reputation!
Почти ваша база перепродает cvvhub. Почти ваши продавцы - клоны продавца. У меня есть доказательство. Владелец BidenCash — идиот, которого обманули какие-то чертовы продавцы. И вы решили запретить покупателю, который сообщает о продавце, вы на стороне продавца-мошенника. плохая репутация!
dont worry about me budy, when i start carding probably you was on kinder garden.... the links i use was the links are provided here by the owner, bye... keep sucking balls from shop owners maybe the give you a burned cc as a giftno man, it's not exit scam, you used looks like phishing link. Next time be more careful and don't use random links.
Checked my account, everything fine. So don't panic, you're just idiot![]()
yeah... tell tales clowndont worry about me budy, when i start carding probably you was on kinder garden.... the links i use was the links are provided here by the owner, bye... keep sucking balls from shop owners maybe the give you a burned cc as a gift
i got all reputation i need from the people who work with me, youre just a teen ager looking for ´´reputation´´ and ´´respect´´ from people who never gonna know or work with in a newbies forum, did im wrong? i dont want to broke your hart teenie, but you wish to got 10% of what i got in your account.... stop waste money here and go to theraphy, is going to be cheaper than this and maybe you get to the bottom of that self trust problem which make you look for approbation in places where nobody cares you boy, see you and sorry if i cant answer that fast as you, it because im doing money, you should try some time too you looser hahahaayeah... tell tales clown
guys like you dont have money for carding, cuz youre common liar & dumbass without any reputation![]()