1• I first clicked on File a new UI claim, if the state you applying for has a General Unemployment Portal then you can start with that first before you go to the Direct PUA
2• There many ways to file for it, I chose Online as that easy
3• This page came up next , I clicked on the Unemployment Benefit programs Online
4• I was asked to signup/register for a new account
5• After registering for a new account , I clicked on “File a new Claim” since it my first time of filing
6• Now the Q&A start, when they ask if you have worked for another states in the past 18 months or served in a military or government agency, just choose “NO”
7• At this point , you are to input the SSN information from the fullz info u got, put in the Ssn number , date of birth and then Gender
7b. Provide the filling date of any claims that you have filed within the last two years, Pick No with and Next it.
NOTE .!!!
Be sure to have an ID / DL or Generate one here.
https://www.elfqrin.com/usssndriverlicenseidgen. php
They don’t know your real ID or Drivers License number, so just put the generated one there if you don’t have one, then you will choose the state you apply in as the ID state
8• This next stage is for the address on the ssn info, don’t use a different address, make sure the address is the same one attached to the ssn info, don’t try changing anything
9• Statistical information . When you are asked these questions, you can choose from the different options but match the info you got.
10• When you are asked if you worked for any previous employer, choose “No”
11. Do Nothing, Just Next it.
12• Any information regarding previous employment, asking if you worked at some places, just choose “No”
13. They are asking for your type of Job. State your type of Job here E.g Retail / Nursing / Photographer and click Search...
14. Choose from the list of Jobs to match your full time / part-time Job and click Save
15a• When you’re asked which other kind of work you do, you can tell them you a Retailer or Real Estate Developer or any job which shows you as self-employed. You’ll have plenty of options to choose what suits you.
15b• Now this part is very important, the part that ask if you’re willing to accept work that matches your educational background, Choose Yes. ( it simply means that you are openly and willing to work if you get a job opportunity) this gives them assurance that you’re willing to work when the opportunity surfaces.
15c• If they ask how did the Covid-19 affect your business, Write it short and brief. In the text box I circle.
16• Any question regarding compensation from work or wages or allowances, Just choose “No” , let them think you are not getting anything at home and the COVID-19 has kept you broke and need assistance
17a• If they ask you, what type of disaster has caused your unemployment, just choose COVID-19
17b• Make up your annual income for 2019 from 39000 to 98000 write only in numbers don’t add dollar sign
17c• Again write in brief. How the disaster has affected your ability to perform Job. In the text box .
Add your address again and click Next to the last page. Next. and Next you’re done
Now some states will open a “Connect” portal for you where you will login with credentials to see any new message alert about your filings
So don’t be waiting for an email before you do something, continue checking the account to see if there is any new message for you
Okay so that is the total summary of how to File for the pandemic assistance
1. Always California address and use it as Residential address
2. Under mailing address select "Residential address is different from mailing address"
3. Enter your Mailing address,Note:This is address where your card will be shipped to, always ensure you confirm it's correct before you proceed.
NOTE.!!! California doesn’t pay to prepaid cards, they send an EDD card to the address on file.
When you login to your benefit Portal page and it shows weeks you need to Certify for.
Click: Certify for Benefits and on the Next Page Click [Certify] again to carry on to main page for certifying.
Here you need to answer the certify questions accordingly. on the next page that is required for job search. Cali stop requesting for that due of recent waves of covid but you can still fill that to avoid delay depending on the period you're filling for this
Or you can just [Next] it to repeat the same process on the second week.
Pick [NO] to indicate that you did not earn any money during the week you're certifying for. and Click Next again. to Review your filling and Submit.
After you review and ready to submit. you need to add your zip code. happy cashing out.
2• There many ways to file for it, I chose Online as that easy
3• This page came up next , I clicked on the Unemployment Benefit programs Online
4• I was asked to signup/register for a new account
5• After registering for a new account , I clicked on “File a new Claim” since it my first time of filing
6• Now the Q&A start, when they ask if you have worked for another states in the past 18 months or served in a military or government agency, just choose “NO”
7• At this point , you are to input the SSN information from the fullz info u got, put in the Ssn number , date of birth and then Gender
7b. Provide the filling date of any claims that you have filed within the last two years, Pick No with and Next it.
NOTE .!!!
Be sure to have an ID / DL or Generate one here.
https://www.elfqrin.com/usssndriverlicenseidgen. php
They don’t know your real ID or Drivers License number, so just put the generated one there if you don’t have one, then you will choose the state you apply in as the ID state
8• This next stage is for the address on the ssn info, don’t use a different address, make sure the address is the same one attached to the ssn info, don’t try changing anything
9• Statistical information . When you are asked these questions, you can choose from the different options but match the info you got.
10• When you are asked if you worked for any previous employer, choose “No”
11. Do Nothing, Just Next it.
12• Any information regarding previous employment, asking if you worked at some places, just choose “No”
13. They are asking for your type of Job. State your type of Job here E.g Retail / Nursing / Photographer and click Search...
14. Choose from the list of Jobs to match your full time / part-time Job and click Save
15a• When you’re asked which other kind of work you do, you can tell them you a Retailer or Real Estate Developer or any job which shows you as self-employed. You’ll have plenty of options to choose what suits you.
15b• Now this part is very important, the part that ask if you’re willing to accept work that matches your educational background, Choose Yes. ( it simply means that you are openly and willing to work if you get a job opportunity) this gives them assurance that you’re willing to work when the opportunity surfaces.
15c• If they ask how did the Covid-19 affect your business, Write it short and brief. In the text box I circle.
16• Any question regarding compensation from work or wages or allowances, Just choose “No” , let them think you are not getting anything at home and the COVID-19 has kept you broke and need assistance
17a• If they ask you, what type of disaster has caused your unemployment, just choose COVID-19
17b• Make up your annual income for 2019 from 39000 to 98000 write only in numbers don’t add dollar sign
17c• Again write in brief. How the disaster has affected your ability to perform Job. In the text box .
Add your address again and click Next to the last page. Next. and Next you’re done
Now some states will open a “Connect” portal for you where you will login with credentials to see any new message alert about your filings
So don’t be waiting for an email before you do something, continue checking the account to see if there is any new message for you
Okay so that is the total summary of how to File for the pandemic assistance
1. Always California address and use it as Residential address
2. Under mailing address select "Residential address is different from mailing address"
3. Enter your Mailing address,Note:This is address where your card will be shipped to, always ensure you confirm it's correct before you proceed.
NOTE.!!! California doesn’t pay to prepaid cards, they send an EDD card to the address on file.
When you login to your benefit Portal page and it shows weeks you need to Certify for.
Click: Certify for Benefits and on the Next Page Click [Certify] again to carry on to main page for certifying.
Here you need to answer the certify questions accordingly. on the next page that is required for job search. Cali stop requesting for that due of recent waves of covid but you can still fill that to avoid delay depending on the period you're filling for this
Or you can just [Next] it to repeat the same process on the second week.
Pick [NO] to indicate that you did not earn any money during the week you're certifying for. and Click Next again. to Review your filling and Submit.
After you review and ready to submit. you need to add your zip code. happy cashing out.