
Carding Novice
Reaction score

🛒 Carding Bites: Understanding Shopify 🛒

Alright, you delinquents, its time to get into the beast thats been both a blessing and a curse for carders everywhere: Shopify. If youve been in this game for more than a while, you probably hit more Shopify stores than you had hot meals. But how much do you really understand about whats going on under the hood?


So get in, shut up and pay attention. Class is in session, and todays lesson might just be the difference between your next big score and your next big failure.

What is Shopify and Why?

Unless youve been living under a rock (or in a federal penitentiary), youve run into Shopify more times than you can count. This e-commerce giant powers over 29% of all online stores in the US, making it the 800-pound gorilla of the digital marketplace. As a carder, understanding Shopify isnt just useful - its fucking essential, especially if you like card physical stuff and none of the gay ass bank logs shit.


Now, you might be thinking, Its just another checkout page, whats the big deal? Wrong. Shopify is a labyrinth of configurations, security measures, and potential loopholes. Each store might look the same on the surface, but under the hood, its a whole different ballgame. One Shopify store might roll over easier than a submissive in a BDSM club, while another might be locked down tighter than a nuns asshole.

I get more messages about Shopify than almost anything else. Every day, some newbie slides into my DMs asking how to crack Shopify like its a fucking Rubiks Cube. And you know what? Theyre not entirely wrong. Hitting Shopify stores can print you money if you know what youre doing, or a quick path to failure if you dont.

Heres the deal: understanding how Shopify works isnt just about increasing your success rate (though itll do that too). Its about opening up a whole new world of opportunities. When you really get how this platform ticks, youll start seeing vulnerabilities and exploits that the average script kiddie couldnt spot if their life depended on it.

So buckle up, buttercup. Were about to plunge headfirst into the world of Shopify. By the time were done, youll either be getting those dildo orders shipped or youll have realized youre in the wrong fucking business. Either way, youre in for one hell of a ride.

Knowing A Shopify When We See One

The first step to understanding Shopify is knowing if the site youre trying to hit is actually powered by Shopify. Any seasoned carder should know this by now, since most Shopify sites tend to have a specific look, most especially during checkout. But if you dont, heres the simplest and most accurate way to know if the sites Shopi-fucking-fy:

  • Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or View Page Source (or hit Ctrl+U on most browsers).
  • Once youre looking at the source code, hit Ctrl+F to open the search function.
  • Type in shopify and hit enter.
  • If you get a bunch of hits, especially from cdn.shopify.com, congratulations - youve found yourself a Shopify store.

This method is foolproof because Shopify leaves its fingerprints all over the source code like a sloppy burglar at a crime scene.

Now, if youre too lazy to do that or youre trying to find Shopify stores to hit, there are tools like Wappalyzer and BuiltWith. These browser extensions can tell you what platform a site is using before you squeeze in your nasty cards. Just keep in mind that while these tools are great for bulk searching, theyre not always 100% accurate for specific sites. They might miss some cleverly disguised Shopify stores or give false positives on others. What they are good however, which is something Ill explain later, is looking for Shopify stores to hit.

The Shopify Maze

Lets get one thing straight: theres no one-size-fits-all approach with Shopify stores. Theyre all are a unique beasts with their own configuration and security measures. Some have AI fraud systems thatll leave you scratching your head, others are running on the digital equivalent of a rusty bike lock. The key? You have to know your fucking target.

Before you even think about hitting a Shopify store, do your goddamn homework. Run a test checkout with Burp or Caido like we always do in our Live Carding series. This isnt just busy work - its your roadmap to understanding the sites security measures, payment flow, and all the dirty little secrets that could determine your success or failure.

Now, lets dive into how Shopify processes payments, because this is where most of you dipshits are getting tripped up.

Direct vs. External Payments

Shopify stores generally fall into two camps: Direct Payment and External Payment.

Direct Payment (Shopify Payments):


The vast majority of Shopify stores use Direct Payment, and most of those are running Shopify Payments. How can you tell? If youre not redirected to another page to complete your payment, youre dealing with Direct Payment.
And heres the twist: Shopify Payments is just Stripe in disguise.
Yeah, you heard that right. That Stripe motherfucker is the reason your orders are getting cancelled or declined. Store owners love Shopify Payments because its cheaper and easier to set up. But for us? Its like trying to rob a bank thats inside a police station.

External Payment:

Basically any site that redirects to a different payment gateway. Approaches here will depend on which payment gate you are redirected to.

The Stripe Radar Mindfuck

Every goddamn transaction that goes through Shopify Payments gets a once-over from Stripe Radar. Heres the flow:


Now, heres where it gets interesting. Due to some legal bullshit and privacy rules, Stripe Radar in Shopify Payments doesnt get your full details of your session. Like trying to judge a beauty pageant while wearing a blindfold - Radar only gets to fondle the card details, and it has, in my experience, no access to your the IP or fingerprint when checking out of a Shopify store.

What does this mean for you, dipshit? It means hitting a Shopify store is often easier a Stripe checkout page. Shopifys assessment of your IP and fingerprint is so dumb and broken and easy to bypass its as strict as a drunk bouncer at 2 AM.

But dont get cocky. Because Stripe Radar still assessing your card, and heres roughly how it breaks down in my personal experience:


  • Radar score > 90: Youre fucked. Order gets declined or cancelled instantly.
  • Radar score > 80: 3DS challenge. Better have a bypass ready.
  • Radar score > 60: Youre in limbo. Might go through, might get cancelled, might need to jump through more hoops.
  • Radar score < 50: Youre golden. Order accepted and shipped.

Heres an example of an order that failed Stripes assessment in a Shopify panel:


See how the entire list on Shopifys fraud analysis shows passed, but the it has a red alert? The specific card I used here has been checked with a bind-checker, and in that case it defaults to high fraud score on Stripe. If you do not understand what Im talking about better review my other guide:

🔥 A CrdPro Exclusive: Why the cards you bought never work, and what you can do about it. 💳

One thing you should also consider is that Shopify has plugins that let store owners customize their fraud rules based on Shopify assessment (not Stripe). Some paranoid fucks might cancel if your IPs a hundred kilometers away from the billing, while others might let an obvious fraudulent order slide if sales are slow. Its a goddamn crapshoot, but its a million times easier to pull off than other payment gates.

So whats the takeaway? When youre hitting Shopify stores that use Shopify Payments, your success or failure boils down to one thing: how Radar judges your fucking card. Thats it. Thats the ballgame. Shopify's own fraud analysis is easy to bypass, but if Stripe tells Shopify your cards fucked, your order is definitely fucked. Know this, and you'll be hitting Shopify stores like its your job (which, lets face it, it kind of is). Obligatory self-insert: if you want good first-hand cards, get them from me: d0ctrine.

Shopify Fraud Check Bypass Method

Now, lets talk about a little trick that will save your ass when Shopify stores try to play detective. You know the drill - you card successfully, then they hit you with that verification refund bullshit.

Instead of pissing away money on Visa Alerts or Enrolls, heres a method that works 100% of the time that I cooked up personally and its simpler than a cavemans diet.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Its that fucking easy. No more guessing games, no more relying on unreliable tools. Just pure, unadulterated access to the refund amount you need.
This method works because most Shopify store owners are too busy counting their money to realize theyve left the back door wide open. Use it while its hot, because in this game, good loopholes dont stay secret forever. Find sites that check for the refund, and fuck them dry.

Remember, half of carding is about finding these little cracks in the system. While everyone else is playing checkers, youre now playing 4D chess. Dont waste this knowledge - apply it, perfect it, and watch your success rate soar.

Finding Sites

Now that youve got the chops and understand how Shopify operates, its time to find your targets. This is where tools like Wappalyzer, Builtwith, and other scraping tools come to play.

These tools will give you a list of Shopify sites longer than your possible rap sheet. But dont just go in gunsblazing. Be strategic and look for stores that match your cards and your skills. A highend boutique might have tighter security but the payoff could be worth it. Meanwhile some mom-and-pop shop selling handmade coasters might be an easy score but is it worth your fucking time? Also why even hit small stores, dont you have morals?
Heres a pro tip: Use Google to your advantage. Try searching:

site:myshopify.com NAME OF ITEM

This will bring up Shopify sites with the specific items youre after. Whether its dildos, gift cards, or rat food, Shopifys got it all. Its like a goddamn shopping mall for carders.
But wait, theres more. Shopifys own search engine is a goldmine:


Theyve even got an AI chatbot to help you find your next score. Theyre pretty much begging us to card their stores.

One last thing: Dont underestimate the power of niche markets. That obscure store selling artisanal dog treats might just be your ticket to a fat payday. The more specific the product,. the less likely they have topnotch security on top of Shopify. Plus who the fuck is going to suspect fraud on gourmet Pomeranian snacks?


Lets wrap this shit up. Weve dissected Shopify like a frog in a high school biology class and now youve got the knowledge to turn this e-commerce giant into your personal wallet.
Remember: Shopify isnt just another platform - its a prime opportunity if you know how to fondle it. From spotting Shopify stores in the wild to understanding their payment flow and bypassing their half-assed security measures, youre now armed with tools to make Shopify your bitch.

But heres the thing: knowledge without action is about as useful as a cock that doesnt get hard. Dont just sit on this info like its a prized possession. Use it. Refine it. Make it your own.

Also: stay adaptable. The methods we hve covered today might work like a charm now, but like I always say, nothing stays the same for long. Keep learning, keep evolving, and stay one step ahead of the security teams that are either reading this guide right now or in the future (Hi there, Shopify devs!).


Lastly: remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Dont be a dumbass and overplay your hand. Hit smart, hit strategically, and live to card another day.
Class dismissed, you beautiful bastards.

Now get out there and make your daddy proud. d0ctrine out.


Carding Novice
Reaction score

🛒 Carding Bites: Understanding Shopify 🛒

Alright, you delinquents, its time to get into the beast thats been both a blessing and a curse for carders everywhere: Shopify. If youve been in this game for more than a while, you probably hit more Shopify stores than you had hot meals. But how much do you really understand about whats going on under the hood?


So get in, shut up and pay attention. Class is in session, and todays lesson might just be the difference between your next big score and your next big failure.

What is Shopify and Why?

Unless youve been living under a rock (or in a federal penitentiary), youve run into Shopify more times than you can count. This e-commerce giant powers over 29% of all online stores in the US, making it the 800-pound gorilla of the digital marketplace. As a carder, understanding Shopify isnt just useful - its fucking essential, especially if you like card physical stuff and none of the gay ass bank logs shit.


Now, you might be thinking, Its just another checkout page, whats the big deal? Wrong. Shopify is a labyrinth of configurations, security measures, and potential loopholes. Each store might look the same on the surface, but under the hood, its a whole different ballgame. One Shopify store might roll over easier than a submissive in a BDSM club, while another might be locked down tighter than a nuns asshole.

I get more messages about Shopify than almost anything else. Every day, some newbie slides into my DMs asking how to crack Shopify like its a fucking Rubiks Cube. And you know what? Theyre not entirely wrong. Hitting Shopify stores can print you money if you know what youre doing, or a quick path to failure if you dont.

Heres the deal: understanding how Shopify works isnt just about increasing your success rate (though itll do that too). Its about opening up a whole new world of opportunities. When you really get how this platform ticks, youll start seeing vulnerabilities and exploits that the average script kiddie couldnt spot if their life depended on it.

So buckle up, buttercup. Were about to plunge headfirst into the world of Shopify. By the time were done, youll either be getting those dildo orders shipped or youll have realized youre in the wrong fucking business. Either way, youre in for one hell of a ride.

Knowing A Shopify When We See One

The first step to understanding Shopify is knowing if the site youre trying to hit is actually powered by Shopify. Any seasoned carder should know this by now, since most Shopify sites tend to have a specific look, most especially during checkout. But if you dont, heres the simplest and most accurate way to know if the sites Shopi-fucking-fy:

  • Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or View Page Source (or hit Ctrl+U on most browsers).
  • Once youre looking at the source code, hit Ctrl+F to open the search function.
  • Type in shopify and hit enter.
  • If you get a bunch of hits, especially from cdn.shopify.com, congratulations - youve found yourself a Shopify store.

This method is foolproof because Shopify leaves its fingerprints all over the source code like a sloppy burglar at a crime scene.

Now, if youre too lazy to do that or youre trying to find Shopify stores to hit, there are tools like Wappalyzer and BuiltWith. These browser extensions can tell you what platform a site is using before you squeeze in your nasty cards. Just keep in mind that while these tools are great for bulk searching, theyre not always 100% accurate for specific sites. They might miss some cleverly disguised Shopify stores or give false positives on others. What they are good however, which is something Ill explain later, is looking for Shopify stores to hit.

The Shopify Maze

Lets get one thing straight: theres no one-size-fits-all approach with Shopify stores. Theyre all are a unique beasts with their own configuration and security measures. Some have AI fraud systems thatll leave you scratching your head, others are running on the digital equivalent of a rusty bike lock. The key? You have to know your fucking target.

Before you even think about hitting a Shopify store, do your goddamn homework. Run a test checkout with Burp or Caido like we always do in our Live Carding series. This isnt just busy work - its your roadmap to understanding the sites security measures, payment flow, and all the dirty little secrets that could determine your success or failure.

Now, lets dive into how Shopify processes payments, because this is where most of you dipshits are getting tripped up.

Direct vs. External Payments

Shopify stores generally fall into two camps: Direct Payment and External Payment.

Direct Payment (Shopify Payments):


The vast majority of Shopify stores use Direct Payment, and most of those are running Shopify Payments. How can you tell? If youre not redirected to another page to complete your payment, youre dealing with Direct Payment.
And heres the twist: Shopify Payments is just Stripe in disguise.
Yeah, you heard that right. That Stripe motherfucker is the reason your orders are getting cancelled or declined. Store owners love Shopify Payments because its cheaper and easier to set up. But for us? Its like trying to rob a bank thats inside a police station.

External Payment:

Basically any site that redirects to a different payment gateway. Approaches here will depend on which payment gate you are redirected to.

The Stripe Radar Mindfuck

Every goddamn transaction that goes through Shopify Payments gets a once-over from Stripe Radar. Heres the flow:


Now, heres where it gets interesting. Due to some legal bullshit and privacy rules, Stripe Radar in Shopify Payments doesnt get your full details of your session. Like trying to judge a beauty pageant while wearing a blindfold - Radar only gets to fondle the card details, and it has, in my experience, no access to your the IP or fingerprint when checking out of a Shopify store.

What does this mean for you, dipshit? It means hitting a Shopify store is often easier a Stripe checkout page. Shopifys assessment of your IP and fingerprint is so dumb and broken and easy to bypass its as strict as a drunk bouncer at 2 AM.

But dont get cocky. Because Stripe Radar still assessing your card, and heres roughly how it breaks down in my personal experience:


  • Radar score > 90: Youre fucked. Order gets declined or cancelled instantly.
  • Radar score > 80: 3DS challenge. Better have a bypass ready.
  • Radar score > 60: Youre in limbo. Might go through, might get cancelled, might need to jump through more hoops.
  • Radar score < 50: Youre golden. Order accepted and shipped.

Heres an example of an order that failed Stripes assessment in a Shopify panel:


See how the entire list on Shopifys fraud analysis shows passed, but the it has a red alert? The specific card I used here has been checked with a bind-checker, and in that case it defaults to high fraud score on Stripe. If you do not understand what Im talking about better review my other guide:

🔥 A CrdPro Exclusive: Why the cards you bought never work, and what you can do about it. 💳

One thing you should also consider is that Shopify has plugins that let store owners customize their fraud rules based on Shopify assessment (not Stripe). Some paranoid fucks might cancel if your IPs a hundred kilometers away from the billing, while others might let an obvious fraudulent order slide if sales are slow. Its a goddamn crapshoot, but its a million times easier to pull off than other payment gates.

So whats the takeaway? When youre hitting Shopify stores that use Shopify Payments, your success or failure boils down to one thing: how Radar judges your fucking card. Thats it. Thats the ballgame. Shopify's own fraud analysis is easy to bypass, but if Stripe tells Shopify your cards fucked, your order is definitely fucked. Know this, and you'll be hitting Shopify stores like its your job (which, lets face it, it kind of is). Obligatory self-insert: if you want good first-hand cards, get them from me: d0ctrine.

Shopify Fraud Check Bypass Method

Now, lets talk about a little trick that will save your ass when Shopify stores try to play detective. You know the drill - you card successfully, then they hit you with that verification refund bullshit.

Instead of pissing away money on Visa Alerts or Enrolls, heres a method that works 100% of the time that I cooked up personally and its simpler than a cavemans diet.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Its that fucking easy. No more guessing games, no more relying on unreliable tools. Just pure, unadulterated access to the refund amount you need.
This method works because most Shopify store owners are too busy counting their money to realize theyve left the back door wide open. Use it while its hot, because in this game, good loopholes dont stay secret forever. Find sites that check for the refund, and fuck them dry.

Remember, half of carding is about finding these little cracks in the system. While everyone else is playing checkers, youre now playing 4D chess. Dont waste this knowledge - apply it, perfect it, and watch your success rate soar.

Finding Sites

Now that youve got the chops and understand how Shopify operates, its time to find your targets. This is where tools like Wappalyzer, Builtwith, and other scraping tools come to play.

These tools will give you a list of Shopify sites longer than your possible rap sheet. But dont just go in gunsblazing. Be strategic and look for stores that match your cards and your skills. A highend boutique might have tighter security but the payoff could be worth it. Meanwhile some mom-and-pop shop selling handmade coasters might be an easy score but is it worth your fucking time? Also why even hit small stores, dont you have morals?
Heres a pro tip: Use Google to your advantage. Try searching:

site:myshopify.com NAME OF ITEM

This will bring up Shopify sites with the specific items youre after. Whether its dildos, gift cards, or rat food, Shopifys got it all. Its like a goddamn shopping mall for carders.
But wait, theres more. Shopifys own search engine is a goldmine:


Theyve even got an AI chatbot to help you find your next score. Theyre pretty much begging us to card their stores.

One last thing: Dont underestimate the power of niche markets. That obscure store selling artisanal dog treats might just be your ticket to a fat payday. The more specific the product,. the less likely they have topnotch security on top of Shopify. Plus who the fuck is going to suspect fraud on gourmet Pomeranian snacks?


Lets wrap this shit up. Weve dissected Shopify like a frog in a high school biology class and now youve got the knowledge to turn this e-commerce giant into your personal wallet.
Remember: Shopify isnt just another platform - its a prime opportunity if you know how to fondle it. From spotting Shopify stores in the wild to understanding their payment flow and bypassing their half-assed security measures, youre now armed with tools to make Shopify your bitch.

But heres the thing: knowledge without action is about as useful as a cock that doesnt get hard. Dont just sit on this info like its a prized possession. Use it. Refine it. Make it your own.

Also: stay adaptable. The methods we hve covered today might work like a charm now, but like I always say, nothing stays the same for long. Keep learning, keep evolving, and stay one step ahead of the security teams that are either reading this guide right now or in the future (Hi there, Shopify devs!).


Lastly: remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Dont be a dumbass and overplay your hand. Hit smart, hit strategically, and live to card another day.
Class dismissed, you beautiful bastards.

Now get out there and make your daddy proud. d0ctrine out.
big respect


Carding Novice
Reaction score

🛒 Carding Bites: Understanding Shopify 🛒

Alright, you delinquents, its time to get into the beast thats been both a blessing and a curse for carders everywhere: Shopify. If youve been in this game for more than a while, you probably hit more Shopify stores than you had hot meals. But how much do you really understand about whats going on under the hood?


So get in, shut up and pay attention. Class is in session, and todays lesson might just be the difference between your next big score and your next big failure.

What is Shopify and Why?

Unless youve been living under a rock (or in a federal penitentiary), youve run into Shopify more times than you can count. This e-commerce giant powers over 29% of all online stores in the US, making it the 800-pound gorilla of the digital marketplace. As a carder, understanding Shopify isnt just useful - its fucking essential, especially if you like card physical stuff and none of the gay ass bank logs shit.


Now, you might be thinking, Its just another checkout page, whats the big deal? Wrong. Shopify is a labyrinth of configurations, security measures, and potential loopholes. Each store might look the same on the surface, but under the hood, its a whole different ballgame. One Shopify store might roll over easier than a submissive in a BDSM club, while another might be locked down tighter than a nuns asshole.

I get more messages about Shopify than almost anything else. Every day, some newbie slides into my DMs asking how to crack Shopify like its a fucking Rubiks Cube. And you know what? Theyre not entirely wrong. Hitting Shopify stores can print you money if you know what youre doing, or a quick path to failure if you dont.

Heres the deal: understanding how Shopify works isnt just about increasing your success rate (though itll do that too). Its about opening up a whole new world of opportunities. When you really get how this platform ticks, youll start seeing vulnerabilities and exploits that the average script kiddie couldnt spot if their life depended on it.

So buckle up, buttercup. Were about to plunge headfirst into the world of Shopify. By the time were done, youll either be getting those dildo orders shipped or youll have realized youre in the wrong fucking business. Either way, youre in for one hell of a ride.

Knowing A Shopify When We See One

The first step to understanding Shopify is knowing if the site youre trying to hit is actually powered by Shopify. Any seasoned carder should know this by now, since most Shopify sites tend to have a specific look, most especially during checkout. But if you dont, heres the simplest and most accurate way to know if the sites Shopi-fucking-fy:

  • Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or View Page Source (or hit Ctrl+U on most browsers).
  • Once youre looking at the source code, hit Ctrl+F to open the search function.
  • Type in shopify and hit enter.
  • If you get a bunch of hits, especially from cdn.shopify.com, congratulations - youve found yourself a Shopify store.

This method is foolproof because Shopify leaves its fingerprints all over the source code like a sloppy burglar at a crime scene.

Now, if youre too lazy to do that or youre trying to find Shopify stores to hit, there are tools like Wappalyzer and BuiltWith. These browser extensions can tell you what platform a site is using before you squeeze in your nasty cards. Just keep in mind that while these tools are great for bulk searching, theyre not always 100% accurate for specific sites. They might miss some cleverly disguised Shopify stores or give false positives on others. What they are good however, which is something Ill explain later, is looking for Shopify stores to hit.

The Shopify Maze

Lets get one thing straight: theres no one-size-fits-all approach with Shopify stores. Theyre all are a unique beasts with their own configuration and security measures. Some have AI fraud systems thatll leave you scratching your head, others are running on the digital equivalent of a rusty bike lock. The key? You have to know your fucking target.

Before you even think about hitting a Shopify store, do your goddamn homework. Run a test checkout with Burp or Caido like we always do in our Live Carding series. This isnt just busy work - its your roadmap to understanding the sites security measures, payment flow, and all the dirty little secrets that could determine your success or failure.

Now, lets dive into how Shopify processes payments, because this is where most of you dipshits are getting tripped up.

Direct vs. External Payments

Shopify stores generally fall into two camps: Direct Payment and External Payment.

Direct Payment (Shopify Payments):


The vast majority of Shopify stores use Direct Payment, and most of those are running Shopify Payments. How can you tell? If youre not redirected to another page to complete your payment, youre dealing with Direct Payment.
And heres the twist: Shopify Payments is just Stripe in disguise.
Yeah, you heard that right. That Stripe motherfucker is the reason your orders are getting cancelled or declined. Store owners love Shopify Payments because its cheaper and easier to set up. But for us? Its like trying to rob a bank thats inside a police station.

External Payment:

Basically any site that redirects to a different payment gateway. Approaches here will depend on which payment gate you are redirected to.

The Stripe Radar Mindfuck

Every goddamn transaction that goes through Shopify Payments gets a once-over from Stripe Radar. Heres the flow:


Now, heres where it gets interesting. Due to some legal bullshit and privacy rules, Stripe Radar in Shopify Payments doesnt get your full details of your session. Like trying to judge a beauty pageant while wearing a blindfold - Radar only gets to fondle the card details, and it has, in my experience, no access to your the IP or fingerprint when checking out of a Shopify store.

What does this mean for you, dipshit? It means hitting a Shopify store is often easier a Stripe checkout page. Shopifys assessment of your IP and fingerprint is so dumb and broken and easy to bypass its as strict as a drunk bouncer at 2 AM.

But dont get cocky. Because Stripe Radar still assessing your card, and heres roughly how it breaks down in my personal experience:


  • Radar score > 90: Youre fucked. Order gets declined or cancelled instantly.
  • Radar score > 80: 3DS challenge. Better have a bypass ready.
  • Radar score > 60: Youre in limbo. Might go through, might get cancelled, might need to jump through more hoops.
  • Radar score < 50: Youre golden. Order accepted and shipped.

Heres an example of an order that failed Stripes assessment in a Shopify panel:


See how the entire list on Shopifys fraud analysis shows passed, but the it has a red alert? The specific card I used here has been checked with a bind-checker, and in that case it defaults to high fraud score on Stripe. If you do not understand what Im talking about better review my other guide:

🔥 A CrdPro Exclusive: Why the cards you bought never work, and what you can do about it. 💳

One thing you should also consider is that Shopify has plugins that let store owners customize their fraud rules based on Shopify assessment (not Stripe). Some paranoid fucks might cancel if your IPs a hundred kilometers away from the billing, while others might let an obvious fraudulent order slide if sales are slow. Its a goddamn crapshoot, but its a million times easier to pull off than other payment gates.

So whats the takeaway? When youre hitting Shopify stores that use Shopify Payments, your success or failure boils down to one thing: how Radar judges your fucking card. Thats it. Thats the ballgame. Shopify's own fraud analysis is easy to bypass, but if Stripe tells Shopify your cards fucked, your order is definitely fucked. Know this, and you'll be hitting Shopify stores like its your job (which, lets face it, it kind of is). Obligatory self-insert: if you want good first-hand cards, get them from me: d0ctrine.

Shopify Fraud Check Bypass Method

Now, lets talk about a little trick that will save your ass when Shopify stores try to play detective. You know the drill - you card successfully, then they hit you with that verification refund bullshit.

Instead of pissing away money on Visa Alerts or Enrolls, heres a method that works 100% of the time that I cooked up personally and its simpler than a cavemans diet.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Its that fucking easy. No more guessing games, no more relying on unreliable tools. Just pure, unadulterated access to the refund amount you need.
This method works because most Shopify store owners are too busy counting their money to realize theyve left the back door wide open. Use it while its hot, because in this game, good loopholes dont stay secret forever. Find sites that check for the refund, and fuck them dry.

Remember, half of carding is about finding these little cracks in the system. While everyone else is playing checkers, youre now playing 4D chess. Dont waste this knowledge - apply it, perfect it, and watch your success rate soar.

Finding Sites

Now that youve got the chops and understand how Shopify operates, its time to find your targets. This is where tools like Wappalyzer, Builtwith, and other scraping tools come to play.

These tools will give you a list of Shopify sites longer than your possible rap sheet. But dont just go in gunsblazing. Be strategic and look for stores that match your cards and your skills. A highend boutique might have tighter security but the payoff could be worth it. Meanwhile some mom-and-pop shop selling handmade coasters might be an easy score but is it worth your fucking time? Also why even hit small stores, dont you have morals?
Heres a pro tip: Use Google to your advantage. Try searching:

site:myshopify.com NAME OF ITEM

This will bring up Shopify sites with the specific items youre after. Whether its dildos, gift cards, or rat food, Shopifys got it all. Its like a goddamn shopping mall for carders.
But wait, theres more. Shopifys own search engine is a goldmine:


Theyve even got an AI chatbot to help you find your next score. Theyre pretty much begging us to card their stores.

One last thing: Dont underestimate the power of niche markets. That obscure store selling artisanal dog treats might just be your ticket to a fat payday. The more specific the product,. the less likely they have topnotch security on top of Shopify. Plus who the fuck is going to suspect fraud on gourmet Pomeranian snacks?


Lets wrap this shit up. Weve dissected Shopify like a frog in a high school biology class and now youve got the knowledge to turn this e-commerce giant into your personal wallet.
Remember: Shopify isnt just another platform - its a prime opportunity if you know how to fondle it. From spotting Shopify stores in the wild to understanding their payment flow and bypassing their half-assed security measures, youre now armed with tools to make Shopify your bitch.

But heres the thing: knowledge without action is about as useful as a cock that doesnt get hard. Dont just sit on this info like its a prized possession. Use it. Refine it. Make it your own.

Also: stay adaptable. The methods we hve covered today might work like a charm now, but like I always say, nothing stays the same for long. Keep learning, keep evolving, and stay one step ahead of the security teams that are either reading this guide right now or in the future (Hi there, Shopify devs!).


Lastly: remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Dont be a dumbass and overplay your hand. Hit smart, hit strategically, and live to card another day.
Class dismissed, you beautiful bastards.

Now get out there and make your daddy proud. d0ctrine out.
big respxect bro


Carding Novice
Reaction score

🛒 Carding Bites: Understanding Shopify 🛒

Alright, you delinquents, its time to get into the beast thats been both a blessing and a curse for carders everywhere: Shopify. If youve been in this game for more than a while, you probably hit more Shopify stores than you had hot meals. But how much do you really understand about whats going on under the hood?


So get in, shut up and pay attention. Class is in session, and todays lesson might just be the difference between your next big score and your next big failure.

What is Shopify and Why?

Unless youve been living under a rock (or in a federal penitentiary), youve run into Shopify more times than you can count. This e-commerce giant powers over 29% of all online stores in the US, making it the 800-pound gorilla of the digital marketplace. As a carder, understanding Shopify isnt just useful - its fucking essential, especially if you like card physical stuff and none of the gay ass bank logs shit.


Now, you might be thinking, Its just another checkout page, whats the big deal? Wrong. Shopify is a labyrinth of configurations, security measures, and potential loopholes. Each store might look the same on the surface, but under the hood, its a whole different ballgame. One Shopify store might roll over easier than a submissive in a BDSM club, while another might be locked down tighter than a nuns asshole.

I get more messages about Shopify than almost anything else. Every day, some newbie slides into my DMs asking how to crack Shopify like its a fucking Rubiks Cube. And you know what? Theyre not entirely wrong. Hitting Shopify stores can print you money if you know what youre doing, or a quick path to failure if you dont.

Heres the deal: understanding how Shopify works isnt just about increasing your success rate (though itll do that too). Its about opening up a whole new world of opportunities. When you really get how this platform ticks, youll start seeing vulnerabilities and exploits that the average script kiddie couldnt spot if their life depended on it.

So buckle up, buttercup. Were about to plunge headfirst into the world of Shopify. By the time were done, youll either be getting those dildo orders shipped or youll have realized youre in the wrong fucking business. Either way, youre in for one hell of a ride.

Knowing A Shopify When We See One

The first step to understanding Shopify is knowing if the site youre trying to hit is actually powered by Shopify. Any seasoned carder should know this by now, since most Shopify sites tend to have a specific look, most especially during checkout. But if you dont, heres the simplest and most accurate way to know if the sites Shopi-fucking-fy:

  • Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or View Page Source (or hit Ctrl+U on most browsers).
  • Once youre looking at the source code, hit Ctrl+F to open the search function.
  • Type in shopify and hit enter.
  • If you get a bunch of hits, especially from cdn.shopify.com, congratulations - youve found yourself a Shopify store.

This method is foolproof because Shopify leaves its fingerprints all over the source code like a sloppy burglar at a crime scene.

Now, if youre too lazy to do that or youre trying to find Shopify stores to hit, there are tools like Wappalyzer and BuiltWith. These browser extensions can tell you what platform a site is using before you squeeze in your nasty cards. Just keep in mind that while these tools are great for bulk searching, theyre not always 100% accurate for specific sites. They might miss some cleverly disguised Shopify stores or give false positives on others. What they are good however, which is something Ill explain later, is looking for Shopify stores to hit.

The Shopify Maze

Lets get one thing straight: theres no one-size-fits-all approach with Shopify stores. Theyre all are a unique beasts with their own configuration and security measures. Some have AI fraud systems thatll leave you scratching your head, others are running on the digital equivalent of a rusty bike lock. The key? You have to know your fucking target.

Before you even think about hitting a Shopify store, do your goddamn homework. Run a test checkout with Burp or Caido like we always do in our Live Carding series. This isnt just busy work - its your roadmap to understanding the sites security measures, payment flow, and all the dirty little secrets that could determine your success or failure.

Now, lets dive into how Shopify processes payments, because this is where most of you dipshits are getting tripped up.

Direct vs. External Payments

Shopify stores generally fall into two camps: Direct Payment and External Payment.

Direct Payment (Shopify Payments):


The vast majority of Shopify stores use Direct Payment, and most of those are running Shopify Payments. How can you tell? If youre not redirected to another page to complete your payment, youre dealing with Direct Payment.
And heres the twist: Shopify Payments is just Stripe in disguise.
Yeah, you heard that right. That Stripe motherfucker is the reason your orders are getting cancelled or declined. Store owners love Shopify Payments because its cheaper and easier to set up. But for us? Its like trying to rob a bank thats inside a police station.

External Payment:

Basically any site that redirects to a different payment gateway. Approaches here will depend on which payment gate you are redirected to.

The Stripe Radar Mindfuck

Every goddamn transaction that goes through Shopify Payments gets a once-over from Stripe Radar. Heres the flow:


Now, heres where it gets interesting. Due to some legal bullshit and privacy rules, Stripe Radar in Shopify Payments doesnt get your full details of your session. Like trying to judge a beauty pageant while wearing a blindfold - Radar only gets to fondle the card details, and it has, in my experience, no access to your the IP or fingerprint when checking out of a Shopify store.

What does this mean for you, dipshit? It means hitting a Shopify store is often easier a Stripe checkout page. Shopifys assessment of your IP and fingerprint is so dumb and broken and easy to bypass its as strict as a drunk bouncer at 2 AM.

But dont get cocky. Because Stripe Radar still assessing your card, and heres roughly how it breaks down in my personal experience:


  • Radar score > 90: Youre fucked. Order gets declined or cancelled instantly.
  • Radar score > 80: 3DS challenge. Better have a bypass ready.
  • Radar score > 60: Youre in limbo. Might go through, might get cancelled, might need to jump through more hoops.
  • Radar score < 50: Youre golden. Order accepted and shipped.

Heres an example of an order that failed Stripes assessment in a Shopify panel:


See how the entire list on Shopifys fraud analysis shows passed, but the it has a red alert? The specific card I used here has been checked with a bind-checker, and in that case it defaults to high fraud score on Stripe. If you do not understand what Im talking about better review my other guide:

🔥 A CrdPro Exclusive: Why the cards you bought never work, and what you can do about it. 💳

One thing you should also consider is that Shopify has plugins that let store owners customize their fraud rules based on Shopify assessment (not Stripe). Some paranoid fucks might cancel if your IPs a hundred kilometers away from the billing, while others might let an obvious fraudulent order slide if sales are slow. Its a goddamn crapshoot, but its a million times easier to pull off than other payment gates.

So whats the takeaway? When youre hitting Shopify stores that use Shopify Payments, your success or failure boils down to one thing: how Radar judges your fucking card. Thats it. Thats the ballgame. Shopify's own fraud analysis is easy to bypass, but if Stripe tells Shopify your cards fucked, your order is definitely fucked. Know this, and you'll be hitting Shopify stores like its your job (which, lets face it, it kind of is). Obligatory self-insert: if you want good first-hand cards, get them from me: d0ctrine.

Shopify Fraud Check Bypass Method

Now, lets talk about a little trick that will save your ass when Shopify stores try to play detective. You know the drill - you card successfully, then they hit you with that verification refund bullshit.

Instead of pissing away money on Visa Alerts or Enrolls, heres a method that works 100% of the time that I cooked up personally and its simpler than a cavemans diet.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Its that fucking easy. No more guessing games, no more relying on unreliable tools. Just pure, unadulterated access to the refund amount you need.
This method works because most Shopify store owners are too busy counting their money to realize theyve left the back door wide open. Use it while its hot, because in this game, good loopholes dont stay secret forever. Find sites that check for the refund, and fuck them dry.

Remember, half of carding is about finding these little cracks in the system. While everyone else is playing checkers, youre now playing 4D chess. Dont waste this knowledge - apply it, perfect it, and watch your success rate soar.

Finding Sites

Now that youve got the chops and understand how Shopify operates, its time to find your targets. This is where tools like Wappalyzer, Builtwith, and other scraping tools come to play.

These tools will give you a list of Shopify sites longer than your possible rap sheet. But dont just go in gunsblazing. Be strategic and look for stores that match your cards and your skills. A highend boutique might have tighter security but the payoff could be worth it. Meanwhile some mom-and-pop shop selling handmade coasters might be an easy score but is it worth your fucking time? Also why even hit small stores, dont you have morals?
Heres a pro tip: Use Google to your advantage. Try searching:

site:myshopify.com NAME OF ITEM

This will bring up Shopify sites with the specific items youre after. Whether its dildos, gift cards, or rat food, Shopifys got it all. Its like a goddamn shopping mall for carders.
But wait, theres more. Shopifys own search engine is a goldmine:


Theyve even got an AI chatbot to help you find your next score. Theyre pretty much begging us to card their stores.

One last thing: Dont underestimate the power of niche markets. That obscure store selling artisanal dog treats might just be your ticket to a fat payday. The more specific the product,. the less likely they have topnotch security on top of Shopify. Plus who the fuck is going to suspect fraud on gourmet Pomeranian snacks?


Lets wrap this shit up. Weve dissected Shopify like a frog in a high school biology class and now youve got the knowledge to turn this e-commerce giant into your personal wallet.
Remember: Shopify isnt just another platform - its a prime opportunity if you know how to fondle it. From spotting Shopify stores in the wild to understanding their payment flow and bypassing their half-assed security measures, youre now armed with tools to make Shopify your bitch.

But heres the thing: knowledge without action is about as useful as a cock that doesnt get hard. Dont just sit on this info like its a prized possession. Use it. Refine it. Make it your own.

Also: stay adaptable. The methods we hve covered today might work like a charm now, but like I always say, nothing stays the same for long. Keep learning, keep evolving, and stay one step ahead of the security teams that are either reading this guide right now or in the future (Hi there, Shopify devs!).


Lastly: remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Dont be a dumbass and overplay your hand. Hit smart, hit strategically, and live to card another day.
Class dismissed, you beautiful bastards.

Now get out there and make your daddy proud. d0ctrine out.
tryna learn this sauce


Reaction score

🛒 Carding Bites: Understanding Shopify 🛒

Alright, you delinquents, its time to get into the beast thats been both a blessing and a curse for carders everywhere: Shopify. If youve been in this game for more than a while, you probably hit more Shopify stores than you had hot meals. But how much do you really understand about whats going on under the hood?


So get in, shut up and pay attention. Class is in session, and todays lesson might just be the difference between your next big score and your next big failure.

What is Shopify and Why?

Unless youve been living under a rock (or in a federal penitentiary), youve run into Shopify more times than you can count. This e-commerce giant powers over 29% of all online stores in the US, making it the 800-pound gorilla of the digital marketplace. As a carder, understanding Shopify isnt just useful - its fucking essential, especially if you like card physical stuff and none of the gay ass bank logs shit.


Now, you might be thinking, Its just another checkout page, whats the big deal? Wrong. Shopify is a labyrinth of configurations, security measures, and potential loopholes. Each store might look the same on the surface, but under the hood, its a whole different ballgame. One Shopify store might roll over easier than a submissive in a BDSM club, while another might be locked down tighter than a nuns asshole.

I get more messages about Shopify than almost anything else. Every day, some newbie slides into my DMs asking how to crack Shopify like its a fucking Rubiks Cube. And you know what? Theyre not entirely wrong. Hitting Shopify stores can print you money if you know what youre doing, or a quick path to failure if you dont.

Heres the deal: understanding how Shopify works isnt just about increasing your success rate (though itll do that too). Its about opening up a whole new world of opportunities. When you really get how this platform ticks, youll start seeing vulnerabilities and exploits that the average script kiddie couldnt spot if their life depended on it.

So buckle up, buttercup. Were about to plunge headfirst into the world of Shopify. By the time were done, youll either be getting those dildo orders shipped or youll have realized youre in the wrong fucking business. Either way, youre in for one hell of a ride.

Knowing A Shopify When We See One

The first step to understanding Shopify is knowing if the site youre trying to hit is actually powered by Shopify. Any seasoned carder should know this by now, since most Shopify sites tend to have a specific look, most especially during checkout. But if you dont, heres the simplest and most accurate way to know if the sites Shopi-fucking-fy:

  • Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or View Page Source (or hit Ctrl+U on most browsers).
  • Once youre looking at the source code, hit Ctrl+F to open the search function.
  • Type in shopify and hit enter.
  • If you get a bunch of hits, especially from cdn.shopify.com, congratulations - youve found yourself a Shopify store.

This method is foolproof because Shopify leaves its fingerprints all over the source code like a sloppy burglar at a crime scene.

Now, if youre too lazy to do that or youre trying to find Shopify stores to hit, there are tools like Wappalyzer and BuiltWith. These browser extensions can tell you what platform a site is using before you squeeze in your nasty cards. Just keep in mind that while these tools are great for bulk searching, theyre not always 100% accurate for specific sites. They might miss some cleverly disguised Shopify stores or give false positives on others. What they are good however, which is something Ill explain later, is looking for Shopify stores to hit.

The Shopify Maze

Lets get one thing straight: theres no one-size-fits-all approach with Shopify stores. Theyre all are a unique beasts with their own configuration and security measures. Some have AI fraud systems thatll leave you scratching your head, others are running on the digital equivalent of a rusty bike lock. The key? You have to know your fucking target.

Before you even think about hitting a Shopify store, do your goddamn homework. Run a test checkout with Burp or Caido like we always do in our Live Carding series. This isnt just busy work - its your roadmap to understanding the sites security measures, payment flow, and all the dirty little secrets that could determine your success or failure.

Now, lets dive into how Shopify processes payments, because this is where most of you dipshits are getting tripped up.

Direct vs. External Payments

Shopify stores generally fall into two camps: Direct Payment and External Payment.

Direct Payment (Shopify Payments):


The vast majority of Shopify stores use Direct Payment, and most of those are running Shopify Payments. How can you tell? If youre not redirected to another page to complete your payment, youre dealing with Direct Payment.
And heres the twist: Shopify Payments is just Stripe in disguise.
Yeah, you heard that right. That Stripe motherfucker is the reason your orders are getting cancelled or declined. Store owners love Shopify Payments because its cheaper and easier to set up. But for us? Its like trying to rob a bank thats inside a police station.

External Payment:

Basically any site that redirects to a different payment gateway. Approaches here will depend on which payment gate you are redirected to.

The Stripe Radar Mindfuck

Every goddamn transaction that goes through Shopify Payments gets a once-over from Stripe Radar. Heres the flow:


Now, heres where it gets interesting. Due to some legal bullshit and privacy rules, Stripe Radar in Shopify Payments doesnt get your full details of your session. Like trying to judge a beauty pageant while wearing a blindfold - Radar only gets to fondle the card details, and it has, in my experience, no access to your the IP or fingerprint when checking out of a Shopify store.

What does this mean for you, dipshit? It means hitting a Shopify store is often easier a Stripe checkout page. Shopifys assessment of your IP and fingerprint is so dumb and broken and easy to bypass its as strict as a drunk bouncer at 2 AM.

But dont get cocky. Because Stripe Radar still assessing your card, and heres roughly how it breaks down in my personal experience:


  • Radar score > 90: Youre fucked. Order gets declined or cancelled instantly.
  • Radar score > 80: 3DS challenge. Better have a bypass ready.
  • Radar score > 60: Youre in limbo. Might go through, might get cancelled, might need to jump through more hoops.
  • Radar score < 50: Youre golden. Order accepted and shipped.

Heres an example of an order that failed Stripes assessment in a Shopify panel:


See how the entire list on Shopifys fraud analysis shows passed, but the it has a red alert? The specific card I used here has been checked with a bind-checker, and in that case it defaults to high fraud score on Stripe. If you do not understand what Im talking about better review my other guide:

🔥 A CrdPro Exclusive: Why the cards you bought never work, and what you can do about it. 💳

One thing you should also consider is that Shopify has plugins that let store owners customize their fraud rules based on Shopify assessment (not Stripe). Some paranoid fucks might cancel if your IPs a hundred kilometers away from the billing, while others might let an obvious fraudulent order slide if sales are slow. Its a goddamn crapshoot, but its a million times easier to pull off than other payment gates.

So whats the takeaway? When youre hitting Shopify stores that use Shopify Payments, your success or failure boils down to one thing: how Radar judges your fucking card. Thats it. Thats the ballgame. Shopify's own fraud analysis is easy to bypass, but if Stripe tells Shopify your cards fucked, your order is definitely fucked. Know this, and you'll be hitting Shopify stores like its your job (which, lets face it, it kind of is). Obligatory self-insert: if you want good first-hand cards, get them from me: d0ctrine.

Shopify Fraud Check Bypass Method

Now, lets talk about a little trick that will save your ass when Shopify stores try to play detective. You know the drill - you card successfully, then they hit you with that verification refund bullshit.

Instead of pissing away money on Visa Alerts or Enrolls, heres a method that works 100% of the time that I cooked up personally and its simpler than a cavemans diet.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Its that fucking easy. No more guessing games, no more relying on unreliable tools. Just pure, unadulterated access to the refund amount you need.
This method works because most Shopify store owners are too busy counting their money to realize theyve left the back door wide open. Use it while its hot, because in this game, good loopholes dont stay secret forever. Find sites that check for the refund, and fuck them dry.

Remember, half of carding is about finding these little cracks in the system. While everyone else is playing checkers, youre now playing 4D chess. Dont waste this knowledge - apply it, perfect it, and watch your success rate soar.

Finding Sites

Now that youve got the chops and understand how Shopify operates, its time to find your targets. This is where tools like Wappalyzer, Builtwith, and other scraping tools come to play.

These tools will give you a list of Shopify sites longer than your possible rap sheet. But dont just go in gunsblazing. Be strategic and look for stores that match your cards and your skills. A highend boutique might have tighter security but the payoff could be worth it. Meanwhile some mom-and-pop shop selling handmade coasters might be an easy score but is it worth your fucking time? Also why even hit small stores, dont you have morals?
Heres a pro tip: Use Google to your advantage. Try searching:

site:myshopify.com NAME OF ITEM

This will bring up Shopify sites with the specific items youre after. Whether its dildos, gift cards, or rat food, Shopifys got it all. Its like a goddamn shopping mall for carders.
But wait, theres more. Shopifys own search engine is a goldmine:


Theyve even got an AI chatbot to help you find your next score. Theyre pretty much begging us to card their stores.

One last thing: Dont underestimate the power of niche markets. That obscure store selling artisanal dog treats might just be your ticket to a fat payday. The more specific the product,. the less likely they have topnotch security on top of Shopify. Plus who the fuck is going to suspect fraud on gourmet Pomeranian snacks?


Lets wrap this shit up. Weve dissected Shopify like a frog in a high school biology class and now youve got the knowledge to turn this e-commerce giant into your personal wallet.
Remember: Shopify isnt just another platform - its a prime opportunity if you know how to fondle it. From spotting Shopify stores in the wild to understanding their payment flow and bypassing their half-assed security measures, youre now armed with tools to make Shopify your bitch.

But heres the thing: knowledge without action is about as useful as a cock that doesnt get hard. Dont just sit on this info like its a prized possession. Use it. Refine it. Make it your own.

Also: stay adaptable. The methods we hve covered today might work like a charm now, but like I always say, nothing stays the same for long. Keep learning, keep evolving, and stay one step ahead of the security teams that are either reading this guide right now or in the future (Hi there, Shopify devs!).


Lastly: remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Dont be a dumbass and overplay your hand. Hit smart, hit strategically, and live to card another day.
Class dismissed, you beautiful bastards.

Now get out there and make your daddy proud. d0ctrine out.
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