
Fraud Daddy
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🛒 Carding Guide: Etsy.com 🛒


Etsy- the online bazaar of vintage crap. Dont let all the artsy fartsy bullshit fool you. This platforms a cash cow begging to be milked by carders who know their shit.

Were about to crack Etsy wide open and feast on the profits. So grab your cards and proxies - class is in session.

Why Etsy?

Etsy isnt just a platform for artisanal soap and quirky home decor. This e commerce giant is a site that most carders overlook. Heres why Etsy needs our attention:

  • High-value items Etsys loaded with some seriously expensive shit. Were talking:
    • Original paintings going for tens of thousands of dollars.
    • Vintage items and limited-run pieces fetching astronomical prices.
    • Custom pieces worth more than your average car.
  • High transaction volume Millions of daily orders provide perfect cover for our activities.
  • Diverse product range From cheap trinkets to high-end artworks, this variety lets us mix up our patterns and stay under the radar.
  • Multiple sellers Thousands of individual shops mean inconsistent security across the platform.
  • Gift-friendly Different billing and shipping addresses are common, making it easier to use drops without raising eyebrows.
  • International market Global operations open up opportunities for those with the right setups.
  • Resale potential Many items, especially vintage pieces, can be flipped for a tidy profit.
  • CC to BTC pipeline If youve read my ASCarding guide on converting CC to BTC, you know Etsys the golden goose. Out of all the shops there, Etsys the easiest to hit. Its basically the express lane for turning cc into crypto.
  • Diverse inventory We can mix high-value hits with lower-risk items, spreading out our activities and keeping them looking natural. Its not just about one big score; its about sustainable carding that keeps the money flowing without raising red flags.

This high ticket inventory is goated. We can potentially score big with a single hit, rather than wasting time through cheaper items. Plus these expensive pieces often face less checks than typical high value targets like electronics shops.
Just imagine: one good run on a pricey vintage watch or rare painting and youre looking at a payday thatll make your usual drops look like chump change. Its all about finding those golden needles in Etsys handcrafted haystack.
Etsy might look like small potatoes compared to some big name targets but dont be fooled. Theres serious cash to be made here if you approach it right. So lets dig in and see how we can make dough.

Etsy and the Risk Value Equilibrium


Now that weve covered why Etsy's worth our time lets see how it fits into our Risk Value Equilibrium. For those who missed the memo heres the quick and dirty:

The Risk Value Equilibrium is about finding the sweet spot between an items value and the risk of carding it. Low risk, low value is a waste of time. High risk, high value is also a waste of time for how much effort is needed to get some good hits. The sweet spot? low risk, high value.

It isnt some bullshit theory. Its about finding that sweet spot where the value of what youre carding balances perfectly with the risk of the order not getting through. Etsy? Its like this concept came to life and started selling handmade shit.

Think about it. On one end, youve got your typical high risk, high value targets - your Apple Stores, your Guccis, your Tiffanys. Sure the payoff is big, but so is the chance of getting your ass handed to you. On the other end, youve got low risk, low value crap thats barely worth the effort.

Etsy? Its right in the fucking middle. Those high value items we talked about before? Theyre sitting pretty in a sea of cheap handmade crap. Its like hiding a diamond in a pile of garbage.

Firing up our trusty HTTP analyzer (Burp Suite) we scanned Etsy's checkout process. Surprise surprise - theres jack shit in terms of obvious fraud checks. No third party antifraud systems and no first party payment gate fraud analysis integration. Just some basic analytics crap.

etsyburps (1).png

But dont get cocky. A quick Google search reveals Etsy isnt as defenseless as it looks. Theyre using Stripe for payments, and if youve folowed my guides youd know that Stripe doesn't cooperate sometimes.

I tested this myself. Cards virgin to Stripe? Orders shipped. But try using a card thats been run through Stripe before and youre fucked. Either you get outright declined (despite having enough funds) or worse: your order goes through initially only to get cancelled later.

If youve been paying attention to my other guides you should already know the drill with Stripe. Weve covered this shit extensively so you should have a good idea of what works and what doesnt by now.

The key takeaway is that your success on Etsy hinges on how clean your card is in Stripes eyes. This setup means we need to be extra careful with our card selection. Its not just about having a card with funds anymore. Its about having a card that Stripe hasnt seen before or at least one that hasnt raised any red flags in their system.

Apply what youve learned from our previous Stripe encounters and youll be ahead of the game.

Requirements and Process

Heres what you need to successfully card Etsy:
  • Cards not burned on Stripe
  • Any country works since Etsy's global
  • Clean residential proxies matching your cards country
  • Solid antidetect browser setup
  • (Optional) Aged Etsy accounts

An aged account isnt required but it can save your ass if things go south.

Set up your antidetect and proxy.
  1. Browse Etsy naturally. Favorite some items and maybe message a seller about custom orders.
  2. When ready, proceed to checkout.
  3. If your cards been overused on Stripe youll get a generic decline and your payment wont even go through.
  4. If your fraud scores low enough to pass but still suspicious your order might go through. But itll likely end up in manual review where a real human person will analyze it an approve or reject it depending on their mood that day.
  5. This is where aged accounts are valuable. They can help your order survive scrutiny.
  6. If your setups clean and your cards fresh you should pass easily. Order confirmed, seller notified and youre set.
Remember to take your time. Dont rush and never reuse a declined setup. Etsy sells crafts but their security isnt a joke.

Sample of an ACTUALLY CONFIRMED Order:


Closing Thoughts

Weve cracked Etsys code and given you the roadmap to success. This will make you money if you do it right.

Etsys strength is in its diversity. Dont just go for the big scores, do it sustainably by mixing it up. One day its vintage watches, the next its custom jewelry. Keep it varied and unpredictable.
Dont under estimate Etsys security. Sure it looks soft with all the handmade crap, but Stripes running the show behind the scenes. Fresh cards are key here. Try using overexposed cards and youll be seeing more declines than profits.


Etsy success is all about patience and precision. Take your time, build those aged accounts and never reuse declined sets. Youre not just another buyer - youre a carding empire.
Now go put this to use. Turn those artsy crafts into real cash. Just remember when youre counting your profits that you didnt learn any of this from me.

Class dismissed. Go make money. d0ctrine out.
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Fraud Daddy
Reaction score
I hope you do an article on booking flights.
Maybe in the future. I just don't want to make guides that isn't substantial or doesn't work personally for me, and I haven't touched flights in ages.
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