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Carding Novice
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View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

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Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
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  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
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  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
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  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
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How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

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When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

交易是这样的:Forter 在页面上运行一些高级分析来跟踪您的一举一动。你必须像真正的客户一样浏览 - 橱窗商店在你的购物车中添加狗屎,然后删除它。优柔寡断,就像你真的在考虑花自己的钱一样。这一切都是为了融入成为他妈的变色龙。


好了,让我们切入正题。你的目标是在 Fiverr 上智胜 Forter?你最好被锁起来并加载。这不是什么业余时间的废话;正在处理一个高级欺诈检测系统,该系统的骗局比后巷纸牌游戏还多。但不要拉屎,我在这里引导你完成它。

  • Antidetect 浏览器这是你的数字伪装。甚至不要考虑使用你的常规浏览器,除非你想让 Forter 知道你母亲的婚前姓氏。
  • 新鲜代理 Fiverr看到的重复使用的 IP 比公共厕所还多。给自己买一些干净的住宅代理,这些代理还没有被标记为地狱又回来。
  • 具有电子邮件访问权限的卡这就是游戏规则的变化所在。由于 Fiverr 从事数字服务,因此他们对 Forter 的实施更加重视电子邮件地址。您需要 - 美国或国际,请避免使用带有 SCA欧盟国家 - 持卡人电子邮件附带。这是没有商量余地的。

但这里有另一个关键组成部分:您需要找到电子邮件地址尚未用于创建 Fiverr 帐户的。如果某个可怜的 SAP 已经用那封电子邮件注册了,那你就完蛋了。把那张卡留到另一天,然后继续前进。这是关键的一步,所以不要偷懒。

过程:绕过 Forter

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  1. 账户创建在您浏览结帐页面之前,请使用持卡人电子邮件创建一个 Fiverr 帐户。这是关于打持久战。你不仅仅是一个打了就跑的卡片;你他妈的就是个渗透者。
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  2. 电子邮件轰炸一旦您使用他们的电子邮件注册,就该释放地狱了。使用您最喜欢的电子邮件垃圾邮件机器人并淹没他们的收件箱。谈论的是如此深入的废话雪崩,他们甚至不会看到 Fiverr的验证电子邮件。这是关于制造混乱和掩盖你的踪迹。
  3. 跳过验证Fiverr 将尝试验证电子邮件。忽略它。我们不需要那些狗屎。已经进来了,那个验证链接不是我们需要的。此外,Fiverr 不需要电子邮件验证即可结帐。
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  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
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  5. 绿灯如果您按照说明作并在结账时表现得很酷,您将看到 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'。那是你的金票。这意味着 Forter 认为您只是另一个准备浪费钱的愚蠢客户。View attachment 50665
  6. 电子邮件切换这是我们采取行动的地方。快速将帐户电子邮件更改为您控制的电子邮件并进行验证。砰,你刚刚在 Forter的眼皮底下达成了一笔交易。你已经在你验证了并且你已经付款了。

Forter 如何评估您的 Fiverr 交易

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Forter 评估您的交易时,有几种方式可以关闭:
  1. 如果 Forter 足够信任你(他们不应该是那些蠢货),你就会通过检查,他们会从你的上扣款。如果有足够的资金,您就进去了。
  2. 如果 Forter 犹豫不决并且不确定他们会以您的方式抛出 3DS 检查。为此,autoVBV/NONVBV 服务可以创造奇迹。但是,最好先以欺诈分数为目标,这样您就不会将钱浪费在甚至可能没有余额的 NONVBV 上。


看看这可是你的普通梳理指南。不是来这里赚几块钱然后跑路的。正在建立一个帝国,一次一笔欺诈交易。Fiverr 凭借其糟糕的安全性和对 Forter 的依赖,只是倒下的第一张多米诺骨牌。



所以,请睁大你的眼睛,让你的代理保持新鲜,让你的头脑保持敏锐。网络欺诈的世界是一个危险的地方,但对于那些有胆量的人来说,回报是他妈的无限。现在出去征服我伟大的孩子们。d0ctrine 出局。


Carding Novice
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

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Хорошо, у тебя есть снаряжение. Теперь поговорим о стратегии. Здесь мужчины отделяются от мальчиков, кардеры от подражателей.
  1. Создание учетной записи : прежде чем вы даже взглянете на страницу оформления заказа, создайте учетную запись Fiverr , используя адрес электронной почты держателя карты. Это игра в долгую. Вы не просто наездник , вы чертов лазутчик.
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  2. Email Bombardation : Как только вы зарегистрировались с их email, пришло время устроить ад. Используйте своего любимого спам-бота и завалите их входящие. Мы говорим о лавине дерьма, настолько глубокой, что они даже не увидят проверочное письмо Fiverr . Речь идет о создании хаоса и заметании следов.
  3. Пропустить проверку : Fiverr попытается проверить адрес электронной почты. Игнорируйте это. Нам не нужна эта хрень. Мы уже вошли, и эта ссылка для проверки нам не нужна. Плюс Fiverr не требует проверки адреса электронной почты для оформления заказа.
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  4. Время оформления заказа : Сейчас и только сейчас вы переходите к оформлению заказа. Но держите глаза открытыми. Откройте Chrome DevTools и следите за запросом fiverrpay_forter_verify . Вот где Forter делает свой ход.
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  5. Зеленый свет : Если вы следовали инструкциям и не беспокоились при оформлении заказа, вы увидите 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved' . Это ваш золотой билет . Это значит, что Forter считает вас просто очередным тупым клиентом, готовым потратить свои деньги впустую.View attachment 50665
  6. Смена адреса электронной почты : вот где мы делаем свой ход. Быстро меняйте адрес электронной почты учетной записи на тот, который вы контролируете, и проверяйте его. Бум, вы только что совершили транзакцию прямо под носом у Forter . Вы в системе, вы проверены и вы заплатили.
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Как Forter оценивает вашу транзакцию Fiverr

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При оценке вашей транзакции компанией Forter возможны несколько вариантов ее отклонения:
  1. Если Forter доверяет вам достаточно (чего они не должны, тупицы), вы пройдете проверку, и они снимут деньги с вашей карты . Если на карте достаточно средств, вы в деле.
  2. Если Forter колеблется и не уверен, что они бросят вам 3DS- чек. Для этого служба autoVBV / NONVBV может творить чудеса. Но всегда лучше сначала стремиться к низкому показателю мошенничества , чтобы не тратить деньги на карты NONVBV , у которых может даже не быть баланса.

Пора вам платить, грязные животные

Послушайте, это не среднестатистическое руководство по кардингу . Мы здесь не для того, чтобы заработать пару баксов и сбежать. Мы строим империю, совершая одну мошенническую транзакцию за раз. Fiverr с его дерьмовой безопасностью и зависимостью от Forter — это просто первая падающая костяшка домино.

Помните, что это марафон, а не спринт. Вы должны быть терпеливы, скрупулезны и беспощадны. Один неверный шаг, и вы влипли . Но играйте с умом, и вы будете купаться в деньгах, прежде чем вы это осознаете.

Это только начало. У нас есть еще две части этого руководства, и поверьте мне, дальше будет только лучше. Давайте погрузимся в создание пуленепробиваемых счетов , отмываем деньги как профессионалы и выкачиваем дерьмо из этой системы, пока она не высохнет.

Так что держите глаза открытыми, ваши прокси-серверы свежими , а ваш ум острым. Мир онлайн- мошенничестваопасное место, но для тех, у кого есть яйца, чтобы в нем ориентироваться, награды чертовски безграничны. Теперь идите вперед и покоряйте моих великолепных детей. doctrine out.


Active Carder
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

View attachment 50670
Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
    View attachment 50662
  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
    View attachment 50663
  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
    View attachment 50664
  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

View attachment 50671
When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.


Active Carder
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

View attachment 50670
Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
    View attachment 50662
  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
    View attachment 50663
  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
    View attachment 50664
  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

View attachment 50671
When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

View attachment 50670
Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
    View attachment 50662
  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
    View attachment 50663
  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
    View attachment 50664
  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

View attachment 50671
When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.


Carding Novice
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

View attachment 50670
Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
    View attachment 50662
  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
    View attachment 50663
  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
    View attachment 50664
  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

View attachment 50671
When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.


Active Carder
Reaction score
View attachment 50657
🤑Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1) 🤑

Welcome to another deep dive into the world of carding and cashouts. Todays target? Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our 'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their radar.

This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting Fiverrs security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to bypass their fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable cashout infrastructure - creating bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform arbitrage techniques that where we will sell Fiverr services to another platform.

Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another 'card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term exploitation of Fiverrs weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for success.

What the Fuck is Fiverr
for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats fucked beyond repair.

But heres what makes it interesting for us: Fiverrs payment system has serious vulnerabilities that make it perfect for carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically cash out cards launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.

Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.

Fiverr Security: Forter

Now Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass fraud detection system called Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to card the more legit you need to look.

Heres the deal: Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.

What You Need

Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart Forter on Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade fraud detection system thats seen more scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.

First the basics. Youll need your standard carding toolkit:
  • Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
  • Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
  • Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.

But heres another critical component: you need to find cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre fucked. Save that card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.

The Process: Bypassing Forter

View attachment 50670
Alright youve got your gear. Now lets talk strategy. This is where the men are separated from the boys the carders from the wannabes.
  1. Account Creation: Before you even glance at the checkout page create a Fiverr account using the cardholders email. This is about playing the long game. Youre not just a hit-and-run carder; youre a goddamn infiltrator.
    View attachment 50662
  2. Email Bombardment: Once youve registered with their email its time to unleash hell. Use your favorite email spam bot and flood their inbox. Were talking about an avalanche of bullshit so deep they wont even see Fiverrs verification email. This is about creating chaos and covering your tracks.
  3. Skip Verification: Fiverr will try to verify the email. Ignore it. We dont need that shit. Were already in and that verification link is not something we need. Plus Fiverr doesnt require email verification to checkout.
    View attachment 50663
  4. Checkout Time: Now and only now do you proceed to checkout. But keep your eyes open. Open up your Chrome DevTools and watch for the fiverrpay_forter_verify request. This is where Forter makes its move.
    View attachment 50664
  5. The Green Light: If youve followed instructions and played it cool upon checkout youll see 'fraud_check_outcome': 'approved'. Thats your golden ticket. It means Forter thinks youre just another dumbass customer ready to waste their money.View attachment 50665
  6. Email Switch: Heres where we make our move. Quickly change the account email to one you control and verify it. Boom youve just hit a transaction right under Forters nose. Youre in youre verified and youve paid.
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

How Forter Assesses Your Fiverr Transaction

View attachment 50671
When Forter assesses your transaction there are a few ways it can go down:
  1. If Forter trusts you enough (which they shouldnt the dumb fucks) youll pass the check and theyll charge your card. If the card has enough funds youre in.
  2. If Forter is on the fence and unsure theyll throw a 3DS check your way. For this an autoVBV/NONVBV service can work wonders. But its always better to aim for a low fraud score first so you dont waste money on NONVBV cards that might not even have balance.

Time to Get Paid You Filthy Animals

Look this aint your average carding guide. Were not here to make a few bucks and run. Were building an empire one fraudulent transaction at a time. Fiverr with its shitty security and reliance on Forter is just the first domino to fall.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. You gotta be patient meticulous and ruthless. One wrong move and youre fucked. But play it smart and youll be swimming in cash before you know it.

This is just the beginning. Weve got two more parts to this guide and trust me it only gets better from here. Well dive into creating bulletproof accounts laundering money like pros and arbitraging the shit out of this system until it bleeds dry.

So keep your eyes peeled your proxies fresh and your minds sharp. The world of online fraud is a dangerous place but for those with the balls to navigate it the rewards are fucking limitless. Now go forth and conquer my magnificent children. d0ctrine out.
thank you
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