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Cashing Out: Fiverr (Part 1)
Welcome to another deep dive into the world of
carding and
cashouts. Todays target?
Fiverr - that massive freelancing platform where millions of dollars flow daily through a system thats desperately needs our
'help'. This guide isnt about making a few quick bucks or running basic
card tests. Were going to systematically break down how to turn
Fiverr into your personal ATM while staying under their
This is part one of a comprehensive three-part series that will transform you from a basic
carder into someone who can consistently pull serious money from the platform. In this first installment were dissecting
security infrastructure and showing you exactly how to
bypass their
fraud detection. Part two will focus on building sustainable
cashout infrastructure - creating
bulletproof accounts that can handle serious volume without raising
flags. And in part three? Thats where we elevate this
operation to an industrial scale implementing cross-platform
arbitrage techniques that where we will sell
Fiverr services to another platform.
Each part builds on the previous one so pay attention to the details. This isnt just another '
card and pray' method - its a carefully engineered system designed for long-term
exploitation of
weaknesses. Whether youre an experienced
carder looking to diversify or a newcomer ready to learn this guide will give you the blueprint for
What the Fuck is Fiverr
Fiverr for those of you living under a rock is a digital marketplace where freelancers hawk their skills for as little as five bucks. Need a logo designed? Someone on
Fiverr will do it for the price of a shitty coffee. Want a website built? You can find some code monkey willing to slave away for peanuts. Its a race to the bottom fueled by desperation and a global economy thats
fucked beyond repair.
But heres what makes it interesting for us:
Fiverrs payment system has serious
vulnerabilities that make it perfect for
carding. Were not just looking at buying a few random services - this platform gives us the opportunity to systematically
cash out cards
launder money and build a sustainable cashout. The combination of high transaction volumes and
weak security measures makes it an ideal target for anyone who knows what theyre doing.
Or maybe youre not interested in all of that and you just want to get your website built graphics designed or any other digital service this guide will show you how to
card Fiverr successfully without breaking a sweat.
Fiverr Security: Forter
Fiverr isnt completely clueless. Theyve got this fancy-ass
fraud detection system called
Forter. If youve been following my guides youd know we already have a few run-ins with these fucks. They log everything you do - every click every scroll every keystroke. Theyre like the
NSA of online transactions but with a hard-on for stopping
carders. So if you want to play in this sandbox you gotta act like a goddamn normie. The higher the amount youre trying to
card the more
legit you need to look.
Heres the deal:
Forter runs some advanced analytics on the page tracking your every move. You gotta browse like a real customer - window shop add shit to your cart then remove it. Act indecisive like youre actually considering spending your own money. Its all about blending in becoming fucking chameleons.
What You Need
Alright lets cut to the chase. Youre aiming to outsmart
Forter on
Fiverr? You better be locked and loaded. This isnt some amateur hour bullshit; were dealing with a high-grade
fraud detection system thats seen more
scams than a back-alley card game. But dont shit your pants just yet Im here to navigate you through it.
First the basics. Youll need your standard
carding toolkit:
- Antidetect Browser: This is your digital disguise. Dont even think about using your regular browser unless you want Forter to know your mothers maiden name.
- Fresh Proxies: Fiverrs seen more reused IPs than a public toilet. Get yourself some clean residential proxies that havent been flagged to hell and back.
- Cards with Email Access: This is where the game changes. Since Fiverr deals in digital services their implementation of Forter puts much more weight on email addresses. You need cards - US or international just avoid those EU countries with SCA - that come with the cardholders email. This is non-negotiable.
But heres another critical component: you need to find
cards where the email address hasnt already been used to create a
Fiverr account. If some poor sap already signed up with that email youre
fucked. Save that
card for another day and move on. This is a crucial step so dont get lazy.
The Process: Bypassing Forter
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Bien, ya tienes tu equipo. Ahora hablemos de estrategia. Aquí es donde se separa a los hombres de los chicos, a los
cardadores de los aspirantes.
- Creación de cuenta : Antes de siquiera mirar la página de pago, crea una cuenta de Fiverr usando el correo electrónico del titular de la tarjeta. Se trata de pensar a largo plazo. No eres un simple estafador ; eres un maldito infiltrado.
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- Bombardeo de correos electrónicos : Una vez que te hayas registrado con su correo electrónico, es hora de desatar el caos. Usa tu bot antispam favorito e inunda su bandeja de entrada. Hablamos de una avalancha de mentiras tan profunda que ni siquiera verán el correo electrónico de verificación de Fiverr . Se trata de sembrar el caos y borrar tus huellas.
- Omitir verificación : Fiverr intentará verificar el correo electrónico. Ignóralo. No necesitamos eso. Ya estamos registrados y ese enlace de verificación no es necesario. Además, Fiverr no requiere verificación de correo electrónico para pagar.
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- Hora de pago : Ahora, y solo ahora, procedes a pagar. Pero estate atento. Abre Chrome DevTools y busca la solicitud fiverrpay_forter_verify . Aquí es donde Forter entra en acción.
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- Luz verde : Si seguiste las instrucciones y te comportaste con calma al finalizar la compra, verás "fraud_check_outcome": "approved" . Ese es tu pase dorado . Significa que Forter piensa que eres un cliente más, listo para malgastar su dinero.View attachment 50665
- Cambio de correo electrónico : Aquí es donde entramos en acción. Cambia rápidamente el correo electrónico de tu cuenta a uno que controles y verifícalo. ¡Listo! Acabas de realizar una transacción justo debajo de las narices de Forter . Estás registrado, verificado y has pagado.
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Cómo evalúa Forter tu transacción en Fiverr
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Forter evalúa su transacción, hay algunas formas en las que puede ocurrir:
- Si Forter confía lo suficiente en ti (y no deberían, esos idiotas), aprobarás el cheque y te cobrarán la tarjeta . Si la tarjeta tiene fondos suficientes, estás dentro.
- Si Forter está indeciso, te harán un cheque de 3DS . Para esto, un servicio autoVBV / NONVBV puede ser de gran ayuda. Pero siempre es mejor intentar conseguir una puntuación de fraude baja primero para no malgastar dinero en tarjetas NONVBV que podrían no tener saldo.
Es hora de que les paguen, animales inmundos
Mira, esta no es una guía de tarjetas cualquiera . No estamos aquí para ganar unos dólares y salir corriendo. Estamos construyendo un imperio, una transacción
fraudulenta a la vez.
Fiverr , con su pésima seguridad y su dependencia de
Forter , es solo la primera ficha de dominó en caer.
Recuerda que esto es un maratón, no un sprint. Debes ser paciente, meticuloso y despiadado. Un paso
en falso y estás
perdido . Pero juega
con inteligencia y estarás nadando en dinero antes de que te des cuenta.
Esto es solo el comienzo. Tenemos dos partes más en esta guía y, créeme, la cosa mejora a partir de ahora. Nos sumergiremos en la creación de cuentas
a prueba de bombas , blanqueando dinero como profesionales y
arbitrando este sistema hasta que se seque.
Así que manténganse alerta, con sus proxies
actualizados y mentes ágiles. El mundo del
fraude en línea es
peligroso , pero para quienes tengan el coraje de navegarlo, las
recompensas son infinitas. ¡Ahora, adelante y conquisten a mis magníficos hijos! ¡Que se vaya la doctrina!