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The Only Log Guide You Need (Part 3) — Cracking Crypto Wallets from Logs (+ Free Tool)
You mfers welcome back. If youre just joining us stop right there. Go read
Part 1 and
Part 2 first. Weve covered the basics of logs how to get em and how to morph into your victim. Now were diving into the deep end:
crypto wallets.
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Lets. Fucking. Go.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.
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Beyond Passwords and Cookies
You might think logs are just about
passwords, cookies and
credit card details. Thats not the whole story. These
digital treasure chests are packed with way more including full archives of
crypto wallets just sitting there waiting to be cracked open.
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See these crypto wallet extensions like
MetaMask or
Coinbase Wallet theyre not just fancy bookmarks. They store a
vault - a heavily encrypted file containing the wallets
seed phrase. You know that string of random words thats basically the keys to the persons balances? Yeah thats the shit were after. And any mfer with that
seed phrase can drain the wallet and enrich themselves.
How Crypto Wallets Work
crypto wallet extension saves its vault in a specific location on the victims machine. For example
MetaMask usually stores it in the browsers extension data directory.
Now these vaults are
password-protected. But dont get your panties in a twist just yet. This isnt some basic encryption you can crack with a script. Were talking
military-grade protection here.
Brute-forcing these passwords with a password list is more hard than its worth - youre just gonna look stupid trying.
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But heres the juicy part: people are
lazy. They reuse passwords. And since these crypto wallets are browser extensions you cant just use a password manager to autofill the damn password. So what do these morons do? They use the same password they use everywhere else.
Thats where our logs come in. Remember how we talked about these
malware logs recording every clipboard every password entered on every site? Yeah thats our shot. Were gonna take those passwords and try them on their crypto vaults.
Why Log Freshness Matters
I know Ive said this but its worth repeating that the quality and
freshness of your logs correlates directly to your chance of success especially when it comes to cracking wallets. Wallets are the lowest-hanging fruit in any log. Theyre easy money and everyone knows it.
Imagine youre a
botnet operator. Youve spent thousands of dollars on
Google Ads infecting unsuspecting victims and harvesting their data. Youve got hundreds maybe thousands of logs coming in every day. Your main gig is selling these logs in bulk but whats stopping you from skimming a little off the top?
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Its a piece of cake for any
malware distributor to scrape their own logs for crypto wallets. It doesnt affect the rest of the logs contents and its easy money. They can literally double-dip getting paid for the wallets AND the logs.
And it gets worse. These operators often sell to
bulk buyers who then resell to the little guys like us. Guess what these bulk buyers do? You got it - they run their own scripts to extract wallets siphon off funds and leave us with the scraps.
So ideally you want logs that are
fresh - same-day if possible. This way you can be reasonably sure that nobody above you in the food chain has had a chance to pick the wallets clean. This is exaclty like those
resold cards I keep talking about.
This is why having a
trusted log seller is important. You need someone whos not gonna screw you over by pre-raping the wallets before they even get to you.
Log Services
You see this guide has been brewing for a while and Ive been putting off finishing it. Not because Im a lazy bastard (well maybe a little) but because I hadnt found a log service I could genuinely vouch for. I dont like recommending shit that might turn out to be garbage or worse rip people off. So Ive been putting various log subscriptions and providers through the wringer.
Thats until I stumbled upon
Dark Cloud here in the forum. Let me be crystal clear: I havent received a dime to talk about his service. No kickbacks no incentives nothing. He didnt even ask for anything as I was the one who approached him first. He gave me access to his
private logs to test and test them I did.
Telegram channel :
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My test for log freshness is twofold:
- Check the information text file for the logs date (which yeah can be easily faked).
- Find a wallet that had (or has) a balance and check its history.
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The first check is obvious. Its simple but any two-bit scammer can tamper with the date or metadata. The second check is where the real genius lies. You hunt for logs with wallets that had a balance and examine their transaction history. For instance heres a wallet I snagged from one of his logs in his private channel:
When you check these wallets pay attention to when they were last drained. If you see withdrawals happening right around when the log dropped thats a good sign - means the logs are fresh off the press. And the other fuckers beat you to it. But if you open a bunch of wallets and see they were all emptied weeks months or even years ago with zero activity since then youre looking at stale logs that have been passed around like a
whore. Fresh logs mean
fresh opportunities - old logs just mean youre digging through someone elses leftovers.
The only real downside Ive found with
Dark Clouds setup is the search functionality - or lack thereof. Unlike marketplaces like
Russianmarket you cant easily search across logs for specific sites or patterns. But lets be real - there are workarounds. You can automate downloading and extracting logs as they come in then run folder searches.
Dark Clouds even offered to help users search for specific sites across his logs. Its a small price to pay for getting your hands on fresh unraped logs that havent been picked clean by every reseller in the chain.
But still do your due diligence and dont just blindly buy subscription or logs from any service. Dont take my word for it. Try it and assess each services for yourself.
Pillaging Crypto Wallets
First things first you need your logs. Whether youre subscribing to a service like
Dark Clouds or buying individual logs make sure theyve got wallets included.
Dark Cloud and most other half-decent services will tell you which logs have wallets making your life a little easier.
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Once youve got your grubby hands on a log archive download it and extract the contents. Youre looking for a folder named "Wallets." Inside youll find more folders each representing a different wallet and the browser it was ripped from.
1. The Manual Method (For Masochists)
The most straightforward way to get into these wallets is the manual method. Its a pain in the ass but it works. Heres how:
- Install a fresh Chrome or Chromium browser. If youre already using Chrome install Chromium or vice versa. This is to avoid fucking up your own wallet if you have one.
- Locate the vault folder. This is where the wallets encrypted data is stored. For MetaMask its usually in one of these locations:
C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Local Extension Settings\nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
If you cant find it make sure MetaMask is installed.
- Replace the vault. Close Chrome completely. Clear out the contents of your browsers MetaMask vault folder and replace them with the contents from the logs vault folder.
- Brute-force the password. Start Chrome again and open MetaMask. It should prompt you for a password. Now comes the tedious part: find the passwords in the log (often in a file named `Passwords.txt` or similar) and try them one by one until you unlock the wallet.
- Profit (maybe). If youre lucky and the victim reused a password youre in. If not well youve wasted a bunch of time.
2. The BinX Decryptor (For the Slightly Less Masochistic)
Copier-coller manuellement des mots de passe est une tâche difficile. C'est lent, ennuyeux et ça donne envie de percer un trou dans son écran. C'est pourquoi j'ai créé
BinX Decryptor , un outil qui automatise la recherche de mots de passe.
Voici comment l'utiliser :
- Accédez au site.
Plutôt explicite, non ?
- Faites glisser et déposez les fichiers du coffre-fort. Sélectionnez tous les fichiers du coffre-fort dans le dossier « Portefeuilles » des journaux et faites-les glisser dans la zone désignée sur le site.
- Collez les mots de passe. Copiez tous les mots de passe du journal (généralement dans un fichier « Passwords.txt » ou « Brute.txt ») et collez-les dans la zone de texte.
- Cliquez sur « Rechercher le mot de passe ». L'outil va maintenant essayer chaque mot de passe sur chaque fichier du coffre-fort.
- Récupérez le mnémonique (avec un peu de chance). S'il trouve un mot de passe fonctionnel, il crachera la phrase mnémonique du portefeuille.
- Importez le portefeuille. Créez un nouveau portefeuille dans MetaMask (ou tout autre portefeuille prenant en charge les mnémoniques) et importez-le en utilisant la phrase mnémonique. Vous pouvez également coller les fichiers du coffre-fort dans votre dossier MetaMask et utiliser le mot de passe que nous avons trouvé.
Attention : le
décrypteur BinX n'est pas parfait. Il a parfois du mal à analyser certains portefeuilles, ce qui signifie qu'il ne vous fournira pas toujours le mnémonique même s'il trouve le bon mot de passe. Et il ne prend en charge que les portefeuilles
MetaMask pour le moment. S'il ne parvient pas à trouver un coffre-fort valide, il vous suffit de reconstruire le coffre-fort :
- Collez les fichiers du coffre-fort dans votre dossier d'installation MetaMask (voir les emplacements ci-dessus).
- Démarrez Chrome et ouvrez MetaMask . Il devrait vous demander le mot de passe.
- Les fichiers seront automatiquement reconstruits.
- Essayez de télécharger à nouveau les fichiers reconstruits sur BinX Decryptor .
Tout cela se passe dans votre navigateur. Aucune de vos précieuses données ne touche à aucun serveur, vous pouvez donc être tranquille en sachant que vos secrets sont en sécurité (du moins pour moi).
Vérificateurs de masse et fonds à siphonnage automatique
Maintenant, je sais ce que certains d'entre vous pensent : « doctrine, espèce d'abruti, il existe des outils qui automatisent tout ce processus ! Ils récupèrent les portefeuilles, essaient les mots de passe et siphonnent même les fonds automatiquement ! »
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Le Grind et la Gloire
Soyons réalistes : pirater ces coffres-forts de portefeuille est une vraie corvée. Vous passerez des heures, voire des jours, à parcourir des journaux obsolètes et à forcer des mots de passe juste pour trouver des portefeuilles vides ou de la monnaie de poche. C'est un travail fastidieux et épuisant qui vous fera remettre en question vos choix de vie.
Mais voici pourquoi nous le faisons : quand vous gagnez, vous gagnez GROS. Je parle d'argent qui change la vie. Je connais personnellement quelqu'un qui a piraté un coffre-fort contenant plus de 100 000 $. Ces licornes sont rares, mais elles existent - des bûches fraîches avec de gros portefeuilles qui n'attendent qu'à être vidés.
Le monde des journaux et des portefeuilles cryptographiques est une jungle impitoyable. Il grouille
de voleurs et de
script kiddies qui se battent tous pour le même prix. Pour survivre, vous devez être plus intelligent, plus rapide et plus déterminé que les autres. Alors, sortez et chassez ces coffres. Mais n'oubliez pas : ce n'est pas un sprint, c'est un marathon. Restez vigilant, restez paranoïaque et vous serez peut-être le prochain à pirater un portefeuille de baleines.
Et puisque je viens de vous transmettre une tonne de connaissances, le moins que vous puissiez faire est d'interagir et de vous engager. Ces guides ne s'écrivent pas tout seuls. Donc si vous vous retrouvez avec une tonne d'argent grâce à ce guide, n'hésitez pas à m'en envoyer.
Nouveau portefeuille :
doctrine dehors.