Hey everyone, long time no see! Here's a quick rundown of the most important updates from the last month. For more details, check out our
https://read-cryptograb-org.transla...uto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) and our Private channel.

New offer available in the bot

T̷O̷N̷ Drainer

New offer available in the bot

Tron Drainer (without alert and amount)

Bypass KT for

MetaMask and an automatic system for changing links


was invited and nominated for MAC Yerevan 2024. Many of our top members and admins were there. Check out the photos
here or
here (

Purchase bulletproof domains directly in the bot with no commission (1 account, 1 domain – they don't die off in batches)

Bypass KT from N amount by Blockaid - more details in Private

Unbans and antibans - added filtering options and access to stubs and Cloudflare settings for black protection. The antiban system is actively working, removing antiviruses, Chrome, etc.

Many updates and improvements across all offers and the product overall. Those who are actively working will see the news in Private and in the bot itself.

We've also added private offers, bundles, and methods for TOP and above - more details in Private and legends.