Carding ðŸ’³ Live Carding Demo (LCD): Carding 💳


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💳 Live Carding Demo (LCD): Carding 💳

Today were hitting Wayfair.

Because while youre chasing pocket change Wayfair's swimming in big money. Average order on their site is $250. Thats not chump change when you consider the amount of cheap items they have in stock.

Wayfair's no pushover though. They've got Turboretard AI fraud detection. But high volume means we can slip through the cracks.
You in or you gonna keep carding Netflix?
Lets fuck shit up.

These guides are for newbies: No fancy talk, just the basics of how to card without fucking up. If youre already pro at this, you might pick up a trick or two, but dont expect any groundbreaking shit.

Why Wayfair?

Wayfair is a fucking god in the world of home goods. These bastards ship everything from through pillows to entire kitchen sets across the planet earth. Their inventory is massive which means there are shitload of price points we can play with.

Wayfair's security's hit or miss. Tight in some spot but weak in others. They track everything you do on there site.

Their fraud detection is tuned for high-volume and not precision. Its like trying to spot a single turd in a seawage treatment plant. If you can mimic a legit customer's behavior youre absolutely golden.


Before we dive in headfirst like a bunch of brain-dead lemmings lets do some actual fucking research. Fire up Google. Yeah, that thing you usually use for looking up porn.

Type in "AI antifraud Wayfair" and what do we get?

Well, well, well. Looks like Wayfair's in bed with Riskified. Ring any bells? Its the same shit FarFetch uses. This means if youve hit FarFetch before, youve got a leg up.

But theres more. Fire up your HTTP sniffer and what do we see?

Holy fucking shit. Wayfair isnt just using Riskified. Theyve got Forter AND Signifyd too. These paranoid fucks have a threesome of AI cockblocks in place.

Threesome AI Systems

Now, you might be thinking, "Fuck me, three AIs? Were screwed!" But slow your roll, Chicken Little.
Having three systems doesnt mean shit if theyre not used right. Its like having three condoms on - youre just more likely to fuck up.

From what Ive seen, each system is probably checking different shit:

- One for account fuckery
- Another for sketchy addresses
- And the last for card fraud

In my experience, Wayfair's got a hard-on for delivery addresses. Why? Because its a bitch to ship a fucking couch to multiple drops.
So if youve got a bunch of residential addresses and youve read my guide on address jigging, youre in for a good time.

Remember, more security doesnt always mean better security. Sometimes, it just means more holes to exploit.

Email Trust in Wayfair

Wayfairs fraud process is like the retard version of FarFetch, it leans hard on Riskified for fraud prevention. And what have we learned so far? Riskified has a fucking fetish for email addresses. Theyre looking for emails with history especially ones that have dropped cash on other Riskified-protected sites.

Now Wayfair tries to be slick. They wont let you sign up from the homepage without verifying your email. But heres where they fucked up:during checkout they skip that verifiction bullshit. This means our little trick of using the cardholders email still works effectively.

So whats the game plan? Simple, you dense motherfuckers:

1. Snag the cardholders email
2. Use it at checkout on Wayfair
3. Place your order
4. Unleash email hell with your spam tool

This buries that pesky confirmation email faster than a mob hit. The best part? If the cardholders bought shit on FarFetch or any other Riskified site, youre riding them straight to the bank.

Remember how we pulled this off on FarFetch? Same shit, different toilet. But with Wayfair, youve got even less hurdles to jump through.
Just dont fuck up the timing. Hit that email with spam the second you place the order.

Step-by-Step: Wayfair Takedown
1. Load up Wayfair: Fire up your antidetect and proxies​
2. Shop like a boss: Pick your overpriced desginer furniture (keep it below $500 to start)​
3. Cooldown: Let your item sit in your cart for a couple of hours. This helps with Signifyd in my experience.​
4. Checkout: Use the cardholders email, no verification needed​
5. Place the order: Pull the trigger on that purchase. Don't forget to smile, always.​
6. Spam attack: Unleash your email bomber immediately blasting the poor guy's email address with Viagra ads.​
7. Sit back: Wait for your designer furniture to ship​

Video Guide
This will be the last LCD entry which will have a late video upload. My shit about to get fixed and Ill render and upload the videos for the other guides soon. Apologies!

Wayfair vs FarFetch The Home Stretch

Look, I feel like a broken fucking record here, but most of what we covered in the FarFetch guide applies to Wayfair too. If you skipped that chapter, go back and read it, you lazy bastard.

For big purchases, let that shit marinate in your cart for a few hours. Wayfair gets suspicious of script kiddies prematurely ejaculating with their carding and trying to redecorate their whole house in 5 minutes flat.
Oh, and heres a critical bit - Wayfair holds grudges against drops. One fraud flag, and that address is dead. So brush up on your address jigging skills or kiss your favorite drop goodbye.
Remember the email trick? Still works like a charm. Use the cardholders email, then bomb that inbox into oblivion. Just time it right, or youre fucked.
Account warmup, patient browsing, mixed carts - its all still relevant. But instead of faking a champagne lifestyle, youre playing suburban dad with a home improvement addiction which sounds a bit gay, dont you think?

The Bigger Picture

If your brain isnt completely fried, youve noticed the FarFetch and Wayfair parallels. But heres the real lesson: its not about memorizing steps like a fucking robot.
Its about learning how to properly think.

Most of these sites are cut from the same cloth. Theyre all scared of the same thing - us. Thats why Im here to rewire your brain. To teach you how to analyze, adapt, and overcome. Apply this shit everywhere. Learn to spot patterns and exploit weaknesses.

Or I could ramble on, spoonfeed you while rehashing every same detail from the other guide, but if you cant connect those dots yourself, maybe stick to carding pizza and Netflix. d0ctrine out.
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