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Carding Novice
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🅿️ PayPal Checkout Method 🅿️

PayPal is fucking everywhere. Every major retailer every dinky little Shopify store theyre all waving that blue and yellow buttons in your face. But most carders treat PayPal checkouts like kryptonite and for good reason. Those clever bastards at PayPal have been beefing up their anti-fraud systems year after year making it a goddamn nightmare to get through their checkouts.

View attachment 49759

But heres where it gets interesting - Ive been sitting on a method thats been consistently hitting PayPal checkouts for the past two years. This is a fundamental design flaw in their system that they cant just patch away with a quick update. And today Im going to break it down for you step by bloody step.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

PayPal Checkout Flow

View attachment 49760

Before we dive into the exploit lets break down how PayPals checkout flow actually works. There are two main paths a transaction can take:

PayPal Express Checkout (Immediate Payment)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal for payment
  • Payment processes immediately on PayPals end
  • Customer returns to store with completed transaction
  • No additional confirmation needed
  • Common on basic ecommerce sites

PayPal Standard Checkout (Two-Step Process)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal to authorize (but not process) payment
  • Returns to merchant site with PayPal token
  • Can still modify shipping/billing details
  • Must hit final 'Pay Now' button to complete
  • Used by larger retailers for flexibility

View attachment 49766

This second flow - the Standard Checkout - is where our vulnerability lies. That gap between authorization and final processing? Thats our golden ticket. The two-step process creates a window of opportunity that PayPals fraud detection cant easily close without breaking legitimate functionality.

PayPals Fraud Detection

PayPals fraud detection is a multi-layered beast thats been fine-tuned over decades of fighting fraudsters. At its core its built around one critical insight - shipping addresses dont lie. While most payment processors obsess over browser fingerprints and IP PayPal knows that physical orders leave a paper trail you cant fake. Theyve built an extensive database of trusted delivery locations tied to every PayPal account and card thats ever touched their system.

Think about it - that $5 shit card youre trying to use? Chances are its legitimate owner has ordered something through PayPal at some point in their life. PayPal already knows their home address their work address their moms house where they ship Christmas presents. Every successful transaction leaves a footprint in PayPals massive web of trusted locations. When you try to ship that 65-inch TV to some random address theyve never seen before alarm bells start ringing.

This obsession with shipping addresses extends beyond just individual transaction history. PayPals algorithms analyze delivery locations across their entire network building heat maps of legitimate commerce versus suspicious activity. They know which zip codes have high fraud rates which addresses are associated with drops even which buildings tend to see unusual shipping patterns. Your seemingly innocent order gets run through this long list of location-based risk factors before it ever hits the payment processing stage.

PayPal欺诈检测真正强大的地方在于它如何将这种运输情报与其庞大的用户数据集相结合。几乎每个美国成年人都曾与PayPal互动过- 无论是通过直接购买、接收付款,还是只是创建一个他们从未使用过的账户。这些互动中的每一个都会影响他们的风险模型,从而形成一个错综复杂的信任关系和经过验证的行为网络,而传统的信用卡欺诈技术几乎不可能渗透这些网络。

为什么 Bill=Ship Trick 不起作用

祝你好运。与常规信用卡交易不同,大多数网站在PayPal付款完成后都不会让你更改任何东西。这有一个很好的理由 - PayPal基本上是他们的无欺诈保证

想想看:当你用信用卡付款时,网站会对你进行一次又一次的欺诈检查和各种验证。但是用PayPal付款?那玩意第二天就打包发货,不会问任何问题。为什么?因为这些商家知道PayPal 的欺诈检测是神级的。他们看到了PayPal打击欺诈者的记录,他们比自己的母亲更信任它。




View attachment 49771

  1. 将您的商品添加到购物车并继续结帐
  2. 在运输信息中输入持卡人真实地址
    • 这很关键——PayPal需要看到他们信任的地址
    • 确保它与PayPal 的卡记录相符
  3. 单击“下一步”,然后在付款页面上点击“使用 PayPal 付款”按钮
    • PayPal看到一个值得信赖的送货地址
    • 他们的欺诈检测让人感觉很温暖
    • 授权过程干净利落
  4. 奇迹就在这里发生:
    • PayPal授权后,最终确认前
    • Shopify将允许您最后一次“审核”您的订单(除非商店使用快速结账,在这种情况下它将立即继续交易)
    • 这是当你将送货地址切换到你的送货地址
    • PayPal已经同意了,他们不会再检查
  5. 按下最后一个“立即付款”按钮
    • 通过PayPal预授权令牌进行交易
    • Shopify获取您的更新后的送货信息
    • 包裹将送至您的托运处,而不是持卡人处


*** 隐藏文字:无法引用。***


所以你看, PayPal结账的秘密就暴露无遗了。我们并不是随便往墙上扔东西,然后希望有东西粘住。这是对他们结账流程中一个根本缺陷的精心策划和利用。

但请记住 - 这不是什么“快速致富”的废话。PayPal欺诈检测仍然很厉害。

他妈的,一定要严密保护你的OPSEC 。混合你的购买金额,不要重复使用同一个PayPal账户。




Carding Novice
Reaction score

🅿️ PayPal Checkout Method 🅿️

PayPal is fucking everywhere. Every major retailer every dinky little Shopify store theyre all waving that blue and yellow buttons in your face. But most carders treat PayPal checkouts like kryptonite and for good reason. Those clever bastards at PayPal have been beefing up their anti-fraud systems year after year making it a goddamn nightmare to get through their checkouts.

View attachment 49759

But heres where it gets interesting - Ive been sitting on a method thats been consistently hitting PayPal checkouts for the past two years. This is a fundamental design flaw in their system that they cant just patch away with a quick update. And today Im going to break it down for you step by bloody step.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

PayPal Checkout Flow

View attachment 49760

Before we dive into the exploit lets break down how PayPals checkout flow actually works. There are two main paths a transaction can take:

PayPal Express Checkout (Immediate Payment)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal for payment
  • Payment processes immediately on PayPals end
  • Customer returns to store with completed transaction
  • No additional confirmation needed
  • Common on basic ecommerce sites

PayPal Standard Checkout (Two-Step Process)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal to authorize (but not process) payment
  • Returns to merchant site with PayPal token
  • Can still modify shipping/billing details
  • Must hit final 'Pay Now' button to complete
  • Used by larger retailers for flexibility

View attachment 49766

This second flow - the Standard Checkout - is where our vulnerability lies. That gap between authorization and final processing? Thats our golden ticket. The two-step process creates a window of opportunity that PayPals fraud detection cant easily close without breaking legitimate functionality.

PayPals Fraud Detection

PayPals fraud detection is a multi-layered beast thats been fine-tuned over decades of fighting fraudsters. At its core its built around one critical insight - shipping addresses dont lie. While most payment processors obsess over browser fingerprints and IP PayPal knows that physical orders leave a paper trail you cant fake. Theyve built an extensive database of trusted delivery locations tied to every PayPal account and card thats ever touched their system.

Think about it - that $5 shit card youre trying to use? Chances are its legitimate owner has ordered something through PayPal at some point in their life. PayPal already knows their home address their work address their moms house where they ship Christmas presents. Every successful transaction leaves a footprint in PayPals massive web of trusted locations. When you try to ship that 65-inch TV to some random address theyve never seen before alarm bells start ringing.

This obsession with shipping addresses extends beyond just individual transaction history. PayPals algorithms analyze delivery locations across their entire network building heat maps of legitimate commerce versus suspicious activity. They know which zip codes have high fraud rates which addresses are associated with drops even which buildings tend to see unusual shipping patterns. Your seemingly innocent order gets run through this long list of location-based risk factors before it ever hits the payment processing stage.

But what makes PayPals fraud detection truly formidable is how it combines this shipping intelligence with their massive user data set. Nearly every adult in the US has interacted with PayPal at some point - whether through direct purchases receiving payments or just creating an account they never used. Each of these interactions feeds into their risk models creating an intricate web of trusted relationships and verified behaviors thats nearly impossible to penetrate with traditional carding techniques.

Why Bill=Ship Trick Doesn't Work

Good luck. Unlike regular credit card transactions most sites wont let you change jack shit once a PayPal payment goes through. And theres a damn good reason for that - PayPal is basically their fraud-free guarantee.

Think about it: When you pay with a credit card sites put you through a fraud checks upon fraud checks and all sorts of verification bullshit. But pay with PayPal? That shit gets packed and shipped next day no questions asked. Why? Because these merchants know PayPals fraud detection is god-tier. Theyve seen PayPals track record of shutting down fraudsters and they trust it more than their own mothers.

The merchants logic is simple: Nobodys stupid enough to try carding through PayPal. The risk models are too sophisticated and the data set is too massive. So when they see a PayPal payment come through they treat it like its blessed by the fraud prevention gods themselves as long as no info is changed after payment.

The Shipping Address Switcharoo

Heres where shit gets interesting. Remember that two-step PayPal Standard Checkout flow we talked about? That gap between authorization and final processing isnt just a quirk - its our fucking hammer. To better get the point across lets illustrate it with a random Shopify store.

View attachment 49771

When youre dealing with a Shopify store using PayPal Standard Checkout heres how were gonna fuck with their system:
  1. Add your shit to cart and proceed to checkout
  2. At shipping info enter the CARDHOLDERS REAL ADDRESS
    • This is crucial - PayPal needs to see an address they trust
    • Make sure it matches what PayPal has on records for the card
  3. Click 'Next' and on the payment page hit that 'Pay with PayPal' button
    • PayPal sees a trusted shipping address
    • Their fraud detection gets a warm fuzzy feeling
    • Authorization goes through clean as a whistle
  4. Heres where the magic happens:
    • After PayPal authorization but BEFORE final confirmation
    • Shopify will let you 'review' (unless the store uses Express Checkout in which case it will proceed with the transaction instantly) your order one last time
    • This is when you switch that shipping address to your drop
    • PayPals already given their blessing they aint checking again
  5. Smash that final 'Pay Now' button
    • Transaction processes through PayPals pre-authorized token
    • Shopify gets your updated shipping info
    • Package heads to your drop instead of the cardholder

How and Why This Works Like A Charm

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Final Thoughts

So there you have it - the holy grail carding PayPal checkout laid bare. Were not just throwing shit at the wall here and hoping something sticks. This is calculated precise exploitation of a fundamental flaw in their checkout flow.

Remember though - this aint some 'get rich quick' bullshit. PayPals fraud detection is still a beast.

And for fucks sake keep your OPSEC tight. Mix up your drops vary your purchase amounts and never reuse the same PayPal account twice.

Class dismissed. Now go make that money - just dont come crying to me when you fuck it up by cutting corners.

d0ctrine out.


Carding Novice
Reaction score

🅿️ PayPal Checkout Method 🅿️

PayPal is fucking everywhere. Every major retailer every dinky little Shopify store theyre all waving that blue and yellow buttons in your face. But most carders treat PayPal checkouts like kryptonite and for good reason. Those clever bastards at PayPal have been beefing up their anti-fraud systems year after year making it a goddamn nightmare to get through their checkouts.

View attachment 49759

But heres where it gets interesting - Ive been sitting on a method thats been consistently hitting PayPal checkouts for the past two years. This is a fundamental design flaw in their system that they cant just patch away with a quick update. And today Im going to break it down for you step by bloody step.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

PayPal Checkout Flow

View attachment 49760

Before we dive into the exploit lets break down how PayPals checkout flow actually works. There are two main paths a transaction can take:

PayPal Express Checkout (Immediate Payment)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal for payment
  • Payment processes immediately on PayPals end
  • Customer returns to store with completed transaction
  • No additional confirmation needed
  • Common on basic ecommerce sites

PayPal Standard Checkout (Two-Step Process)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal to authorize (but not process) payment
  • Returns to merchant site with PayPal token
  • Can still modify shipping/billing details
  • Must hit final 'Pay Now' button to complete
  • Used by larger retailers for flexibility

View attachment 49766

This second flow - the Standard Checkout - is where our vulnerability lies. That gap between authorization and final processing? Thats our golden ticket. The two-step process creates a window of opportunity that PayPals fraud detection cant easily close without breaking legitimate functionality.

PayPals Fraud Detection

PayPals fraud detection is a multi-layered beast thats been fine-tuned over decades of fighting fraudsters. At its core its built around one critical insight - shipping addresses dont lie. While most payment processors obsess over browser fingerprints and IP PayPal knows that physical orders leave a paper trail you cant fake. Theyve built an extensive database of trusted delivery locations tied to every PayPal account and card thats ever touched their system.

Think about it - that $5 shit card youre trying to use? Chances are its legitimate owner has ordered something through PayPal at some point in their life. PayPal already knows their home address their work address their moms house where they ship Christmas presents. Every successful transaction leaves a footprint in PayPals massive web of trusted locations. When you try to ship that 65-inch TV to some random address theyve never seen before alarm bells start ringing.

This obsession with shipping addresses extends beyond just individual transaction history. PayPals algorithms analyze delivery locations across their entire network building heat maps of legitimate commerce versus suspicious activity. They know which zip codes have high fraud rates which addresses are associated with drops even which buildings tend to see unusual shipping patterns. Your seemingly innocent order gets run through this long list of location-based risk factors before it ever hits the payment processing stage.

But what makes PayPals fraud detection truly formidable is how it combines this shipping intelligence with their massive user data set. Nearly every adult in the US has interacted with PayPal at some point - whether through direct purchases receiving payments or just creating an account they never used. Each of these interactions feeds into their risk models creating an intricate web of trusted relationships and verified behaviors thats nearly impossible to penetrate with traditional carding techniques.

Why Bill=Ship Trick Doesn't Work

Good luck. Unlike regular credit card transactions most sites wont let you change jack shit once a PayPal payment goes through. And theres a damn good reason for that - PayPal is basically their fraud-free guarantee.

Think about it: When you pay with a credit card sites put you through a fraud checks upon fraud checks and all sorts of verification bullshit. But pay with PayPal? That shit gets packed and shipped next day no questions asked. Why? Because these merchants know PayPals fraud detection is god-tier. Theyve seen PayPals track record of shutting down fraudsters and they trust it more than their own mothers.

The merchants logic is simple: Nobodys stupid enough to try carding through PayPal. The risk models are too sophisticated and the data set is too massive. So when they see a PayPal payment come through they treat it like its blessed by the fraud prevention gods themselves as long as no info is changed after payment.

The Shipping Address Switcharoo

Heres where shit gets interesting. Remember that two-step PayPal Standard Checkout flow we talked about? That gap between authorization and final processing isnt just a quirk - its our fucking hammer. To better get the point across lets illustrate it with a random Shopify store.

View attachment 49771

When youre dealing with a Shopify store using PayPal Standard Checkout heres how were gonna fuck with their system:
  1. Add your shit to cart and proceed to checkout
  2. At shipping info enter the CARDHOLDERS REAL ADDRESS
    • This is crucial - PayPal needs to see an address they trust
    • Make sure it matches what PayPal has on records for the card
  3. Click 'Next' and on the payment page hit that 'Pay with PayPal' button
    • PayPal sees a trusted shipping address
    • Their fraud detection gets a warm fuzzy feeling
    • Authorization goes through clean as a whistle
  4. Heres where the magic happens:
    • After PayPal authorization but BEFORE final confirmation
    • Shopify will let you 'review' (unless the store uses Express Checkout in which case it will proceed with the transaction instantly) your order one last time
    • This is when you switch that shipping address to your drop
    • PayPals already given their blessing they aint checking again
  5. Smash that final 'Pay Now' button
    • Transaction processes through PayPals pre-authorized token
    • Shopify gets your updated shipping info
    • Package heads to your drop instead of the cardholder

How and Why This Works Like A Charm

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Final Thoughts

So there you have it - the holy grail carding PayPal checkout laid bare. Were not just throwing shit at the wall here and hoping something sticks. This is calculated precise exploitation of a fundamental flaw in their checkout flow.

Remember though - this aint some 'get rich quick' bullshit. PayPals fraud detection is still a beast.

And for fucks sake keep your OPSEC tight. Mix up your drops vary your purchase amounts and never reuse the same PayPal account twice.

Class dismissed. Now go make that money - just dont come crying to me when you fuck it up by cutting corners.

d0ctrine out.
Hi tysm


Carding Novice
Reaction score

🅿️ PayPal Checkout Method 🅿️

PayPal is fucking everywhere. Every major retailer every dinky little Shopify store theyre all waving that blue and yellow buttons in your face. But most carders treat PayPal checkouts like kryptonite and for good reason. Those clever bastards at PayPal have been beefing up their anti-fraud systems year after year making it a goddamn nightmare to get through their checkouts.

View attachment 49759

But heres where it gets interesting - Ive been sitting on a method thats been consistently hitting PayPal checkouts for the past two years. This is a fundamental design flaw in their system that they cant just patch away with a quick update. And today Im going to break it down for you step by bloody step.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this writeup and all my writeups and guides are intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material or any material posted by my account. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

PayPal Checkout Flow

View attachment 49760

Before we dive into the exploit lets break down how PayPals checkout flow actually works. There are two main paths a transaction can take:

PayPal Express Checkout (Immediate Payment)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal for payment
  • Payment processes immediately on PayPals end
  • Customer returns to store with completed transaction
  • No additional confirmation needed
  • Common on basic ecommerce sites

PayPal Standard Checkout (Two-Step Process)
  • Customer hits 'Pay with PayPal' button
  • Gets redirected to PayPal to authorize (but not process) payment
  • Returns to merchant site with PayPal token
  • Can still modify shipping/billing details
  • Must hit final 'Pay Now' button to complete
  • Used by larger retailers for flexibility

View attachment 49766

This second flow - the Standard Checkout - is where our vulnerability lies. That gap between authorization and final processing? Thats our golden ticket. The two-step process creates a window of opportunity that PayPals fraud detection cant easily close without breaking legitimate functionality.

PayPals Fraud Detection

PayPals fraud detection is a multi-layered beast thats been fine-tuned over decades of fighting fraudsters. At its core its built around one critical insight - shipping addresses dont lie. While most payment processors obsess over browser fingerprints and IP PayPal knows that physical orders leave a paper trail you cant fake. Theyve built an extensive database of trusted delivery locations tied to every PayPal account and card thats ever touched their system.

Think about it - that $5 shit card youre trying to use? Chances are its legitimate owner has ordered something through PayPal at some point in their life. PayPal already knows their home address their work address their moms house where they ship Christmas presents. Every successful transaction leaves a footprint in PayPals massive web of trusted locations. When you try to ship that 65-inch TV to some random address theyve never seen before alarm bells start ringing.

This obsession with shipping addresses extends beyond just individual transaction history. PayPals algorithms analyze delivery locations across their entire network building heat maps of legitimate commerce versus suspicious activity. They know which zip codes have high fraud rates which addresses are associated with drops even which buildings tend to see unusual shipping patterns. Your seemingly innocent order gets run through this long list of location-based risk factors before it ever hits the payment processing stage.

But what makes PayPals fraud detection truly formidable is how it combines this shipping intelligence with their massive user data set. Nearly every adult in the US has interacted with PayPal at some point - whether through direct purchases receiving payments or just creating an account they never used. Each of these interactions feeds into their risk models creating an intricate web of trusted relationships and verified behaviors thats nearly impossible to penetrate with traditional carding techniques.

Why Bill=Ship Trick Doesn't Work

Good luck. Unlike regular credit card transactions most sites wont let you change jack shit once a PayPal payment goes through. And theres a damn good reason for that - PayPal is basically their fraud-free guarantee.

Think about it: When you pay with a credit card sites put you through a fraud checks upon fraud checks and all sorts of verification bullshit. But pay with PayPal? That shit gets packed and shipped next day no questions asked. Why? Because these merchants know PayPals fraud detection is god-tier. Theyve seen PayPals track record of shutting down fraudsters and they trust it more than their own mothers.

The merchants logic is simple: Nobodys stupid enough to try carding through PayPal. The risk models are too sophisticated and the data set is too massive. So when they see a PayPal payment come through they treat it like its blessed by the fraud prevention gods themselves as long as no info is changed after payment.

The Shipping Address Switcharoo

Heres where shit gets interesting. Remember that two-step PayPal Standard Checkout flow we talked about? That gap between authorization and final processing isnt just a quirk - its our fucking hammer. To better get the point across lets illustrate it with a random Shopify store.

View attachment 49771

When youre dealing with a Shopify store using PayPal Standard Checkout heres how were gonna fuck with their system:
  1. Add your shit to cart and proceed to checkout
  2. At shipping info enter the CARDHOLDERS REAL ADDRESS
    • This is crucial - PayPal needs to see an address they trust
    • Make sure it matches what PayPal has on records for the card
  3. Click 'Next' and on the payment page hit that 'Pay with PayPal' button
    • PayPal sees a trusted shipping address
    • Their fraud detection gets a warm fuzzy feeling
    • Authorization goes through clean as a whistle
  4. Heres where the magic happens:
    • After PayPal authorization but BEFORE final confirmation
    • Shopify will let you 'review' (unless the store uses Express Checkout in which case it will proceed with the transaction instantly) your order one last time
    • This is when you switch that shipping address to your drop
    • PayPals already given their blessing they aint checking again
  5. Smash that final 'Pay Now' button
    • Transaction processes through PayPals pre-authorized token
    • Shopify gets your updated shipping info
    • Package heads to your drop instead of the cardholder

How and Why This Works Like A Charm

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Final Thoughts

So there you have it - the holy grail carding PayPal checkout laid bare. Were not just throwing shit at the wall here and hoping something sticks. This is calculated precise exploitation of a fundamental flaw in their checkout flow.

Remember though - this aint some 'get rich quick' bullshit. PayPals fraud detection is still a beast.

And for fucks sake keep your OPSEC tight. Mix up your drops vary your purchase amounts and never reuse the same PayPal account twice.

Class dismissed. Now go make that money - just dont come crying to me when you fuck it up by cutting corners.

d0ctrine out.
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