This service is provided by professional CPA Donna who makes best quality tax form in darknet market.
Here are some of clients testmonial on my tax form.
Brief introduction:
I used this tax form drawing skill to get myself 1.2 Millions SBA and 1.5 Millions approved. and I also helped lots of client get their SBA, ERAP, all kinds of US loan, unemployment, all kinds of government projects approved using this skill. Sometimes I don’t even know about the project, but clients bring me descriptions and screenshots of what underwriter/officer asked for, and I tailored him tax form for his project and helped him approved. Pls feel free to ask for Donna to see screenshot.
Knowledge is Power.
My tax form is waaaay more than just simply calculation.
All my tax form can tell a story to underwriter. and I write the story he/she wants to hear the most

depends on what project it is.
for instance, if ur project is to get CC or loan approved, I will use tax form to tell a story that this fullz owner knows how to invest money and very good at making money, so that loan officer see a good cash flow and don't worry about the applicant doesn't have the ability to pay the money back, so that he/she will be more than happy to give u the loan.
if it's unemployment, the above mentioned approach will definitely not work. I will make tax form to tell a story that this person lost his job and struggling. And that's why he needs help from government and can get benefits succesfully.
This skill of making flawless tax form took me four years to learn in university and can not be learnt within one hours.
I don't do basic drawing like DL, etc, these are too easy.
I have earned more than enough and semi retired. I will only do things other person not capable of, like this tax form or complicated docs. Would love to help you guys earn money.
If you have any projects that request u to submit tax form, pls feel free to send me a msg and tell me what projects you are applying and I will analysis for you.If you don’t know how to describe, pls simply send me a screenshot of email from loan officer/underwriter requesting docs. I will analysis and tell you what schedules and forms are needed.




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