CPN is a virtual person with all the data under your control (address, phone, email), with a high scoring, excellent credit history and a high level of credit usage. Purpose - to take credit cards / loans / business loans.. Real Americans use it to:

Get credit cards from banks

Get personal loans

Get business loans!

Take the so-called department store cards

Receive catalog and shop credit cards

Get medical financing

Rent an apartment and property

Rent a car

Buy and decorate phones

Pay bills and send checks

As you can see, 90% of the need for CPN to take a credit card or a loan. The rest goes to staff in shops (payment for goods with a credit line). And the rest is trifles. In general, this is all more than logical. A CPN with a good annual income, high scoring, high and unused credit usage should definitely not be used to buy a phone
?Custom name, full address, phone number, dob
? Any state/address. Adding your phone number and email.

5 HEAVY public records!

We will add for FREE email in Westlaw and Lexis
A lot of banks check email = email of holder

Full clear file in all Credit Bureau.

You can receive EIN number (STRONGLY RECOMENDED! )
?Following info is required! Read carefully.
1. Name - any gender.
2. DOB - any convenient.
3. Phone Number - only real number! No virtual numbers.
4. Address - no PO Box, UPS Stores or Mailbox etc. We need a real address. Any state.
5. Email - Required with full access. Then we recommend changing the password.

Blank CPN is created for about a week
? We create the highest quality for your needs! Don't believe those who do fast in 1 day, it's impossible if you want good quality of your CPN

It takes 10-12 days to produce with a credit history.
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