This shop brings the quality no doubt, which makes the refund policy all the more unusual..
I know I'm a small time buyer compared to some of the bulk buyers here, but I've already spent around $300 (with $200 still in my balance) and bought 14 cards out of which only 3 were invalid, including 1 that I just bought from a 3 day old 85% val rate base for $25 expecting the usual quality, unfortunately not the case as the card was invalid (couldn't add to Google Pay).
Money down the drain because my "trust score" is now "too low" in order to request the card be checked and refunded if invalid.
The only refund requests I made were for cards that are confirmed not valid. If anyone's trust score should be impacted - it's the seller's although I don't think that's called for either, maybe just reflect this in the real validate rate score for the base that everyone should be able to see next to their claimed valid date..
Buyer's trust score should only be reduced if he requests valid cards to be checked. If they are invalid, it makes no sense to penalize the buyer.
Anyway I'm still happy with this store, but it would be amazing if the those running it would consider rethinking this policy.