2• Click on APPLY HERE
3• Choose The option (3rd option)
4• Check ? All the Boxes
5• For the Business and Trade Name, Put the First and Last Name of the ssn info you using
6• Put the ssn info of the client there , and choose Sole Proprietorship. If asked about Non-Profit Organization choose NO
7• For the Gross Revenue, put any amount above $150,000
8• For the cost of goods, write anything Above $50k
9• For the rental properties, write anything below $35k
10• From the Non-Profit to the Compensation Sources, you can leave those boxes empty
11• When they ask for Business address, Put the Address of the Ssn information you are using there
12• You can use any phone Number there, but you must create a new email either using gmail or Hotmail and put it there as the Business Email ??
13• With the Business Activity, Choose anything related to Sales or business information or Retail
14• Now this is the most IMPORTANT, when they ask for employees, put in any number between 10 and 17, this will make you eligible for high amount
15• At this page, Choose NO
16• Write the same information on the ssn info you are using, with Ownership percentage, write 100 and you can choose either Owner or CEO as title
17• Choose NO for all the questions on this page
18• Leave this whole page blank
19• This is where you will write the account info of the account you want to recieve the money into, you can use a prepaid card or a bank account .. But NOTE?? : Make sure the name on the application is the same as the name on the account to receive the money or else they won’t approve nor pay ??
20• Now on the Last Page (Summary)
21• Make sure the information is correct for the last time, here is the Business information U filled
22• Make sure the information is correct for the last time, here is the Business Owners information U filled
23• Complete this Captcha
24• Application has now being submitted ??
25• You will have to check your email within 24-48hrs for the approval email ?? then you will be asked to review the amount to receive
26• Now After 24hrs you will recieve an email telling you that your SBA application is ready for next step and you are to “CREATE ACCOUNT”
27• Click on Create Account and you will be opened to a new page
28• Now on this page , you will be asked to review the Loan amount , and then Continue to Verify the identity
29• You will be asked 4 background questions, this is where you will need background website like truthfinder familytree and lendingtree and many others. You need to get atleast 3 out of 4 questions correct
30• Now if u get 3/4 or all the questions correct, this the next page which will come up
31• If this comes up, it means u didn’t get the right answers , when this comes up, don’t bother yourself .. it won’t work again no matter what you do, it the end for you
32• Your Application is now being processed, it doesn’t mean it done tho, they processing it cos u have finished verification.
Verification =Complete
Electronic disbursement= Complete
• Now with the SBA verify identity , the trick is that they ask the same kind of questions so before you start an application make sure you know the answers to the following????????
a• The car type
- Mostly if you don’t know the answer for this type of question , the answer is mostly None of the above unless you don’t get lucky
b• The date of birth
- This question is the easiest to get the answer to because every ssn info comes with Dob
c• The associated addresses or states
d• Associated names or relatives
- Now with the associated address and associated relatives , you can easily get them from background sites like truthfinder or familytree or People Finder a TLO plug ??
32• So after you done with that, the application is now processing
33• After 2-3 days, they will send another email, however what you must know is that many people are filing for this SBA so sometimes it takes longer for them to respond to you.
34• Once all the information u input Checks our, you will be approved ??
Now previously I told you guys that the Name on the Ssn information should be the same as the name on the account receiving the money or else they won’t pay the SBA loan
1• Now after you done with the first stage of filing the SBA, you will recieve this email after 2/3 days and they will ask you to signup
2• Once you create an account, This is where you can Edit the amount of money you are eligible for, so depending on the limit of the account or prepaid card you got, click here to change amount
3• So you can write any amount depending on how much you want them to send you, they don’t send in bit, the amount you write here is what sent to you at once
4• So if your account limit is $20k, then u write $20k there and then continue
5• Just because you have being asked to process your loan doesn’t mean you will be approved automatically
6• Amount has being confirmed, now next stage
7• With the Electronic Disbursements, you can review the account you want the payment to be sent to,you can change the account there or keep it like that, this will be your last chance to make this changes
8• Once you confirm the recieving account , it will be marked completed
9• Next stage will be the verification stage
10• As usual, you will be asked question about your date of birth, your associated address and associated relatives
11• If you get more than one question wrong, your identity won’t be Able to be verified , if you get this, then you are not getting paid, forget it??
12• Even if you click Submit and it shows Completed, it doesn’t mean they have verified you, you still won’t get paid
13• If you are able to answer all the questions correct, this is what supposed to show
14• If you get approved, you will recieve an email like this
14• If your client has an account with high limit, You can decide to allow the high amount to be paid
15• And you can have this kind of money conversation when the money enters
1• The IP you used to do the first loan application, should be the same IP you use for the second application and it advisable to get same state IP as the fullz you using
1• The IP you used to do the first loan application, should be the same IP you use for the second application and it advisable to get same state IP as the fullz you using. And If you started with phone , finish the job with a phone , if you started with a PC, finish all the application with PC even after the emails
2• Make sure the credit score of the ssn you used is high and not low; this is a loan so they don’t pay to just anyone whom they feel can’t pay back
You can check your credit score using any of the sites below
(But use USA IP to access the site below)
3• The probability of them paying the money is higher if the name on the loan application is the same as the bank receiving the money.
However if you can’t send the money to account with same name on Ssn, Or you don’t have the account attached to the Ssn then you can try this below
a• Use the ssn or fullz info to create a Paypal account
Telegram: @MonopolyM