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⚠️ Still Not Using Escrow? Here’s Why You Should!


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How many words were said about the Escrow Service? How many users suffered?
But there are still those who don't use it! What could be the reasons? Let's think...

💸 The desire to economize.
- If you don't mind losing a couple hundred bucks instead of a couple dozen - then fine...
🕓 The deal needs to be completed urgently and there's no time to wait for an answer.
- Recently, an AutoEscrow appeared on the forum. So there's no need to wait for anyone.
😇 I have already worked with this user and he didn't deceive me. So now I can trust him!
- Fine, but this user can gain trust and cheat for a larger amount. Especially if he is a reseller.
📣 The seller has paid advertising on the forum. It's not profitable for him to scam anyone!
- You may not be the only one he is going to cheat. He can collect many orders with the total amount exceeding the advertising costs and then disappear... After this, he will appear under a new name and start working again. For example, this often happens among sellers of avia/hotels.

There are many other excuses that "don't allow" working through an Escrow. It's like with fitness: you will find thousands of excuses and not go to training, but in the end you will remain fat. Working with an Escrow Service, you will not be ripped off. Next, another reason why you should use it:

The Escrow disciplines the seller!

The seller doesn't intend to scam, but with prepayment the money is already in his hands and he doesn't rush, saying he'll do it tomorrow while today he has more important things to do: drink with friends, go on a date with his girlfriend, etc. In the case of an Escrow, deadlines are set and the seller has the motivation to prioritize sending the goods over going to a brothel. But with prepayment, the buyer has to patiently listen to excuses. Force majeure situations also occur: like the seller getting sick, his laptop breaking or he was taken by the police. No, he didn't intend to scam you - it just happened and he bears no responsibility for what occurred. But the buyer is also not at fault. And with Escrow he will get his money back. That's it!

❗If the deal is made through Telegram, ask the seller to send the payment details on the forum and immediately take a screenshot of his message there.
❗If he sends you the link to his profile on the forum, ask him to message you from his profile - I don't think it's worth explaining why this is so necessary...


Due to regular scams, deception and misleading of users, I decided to write this note. If anyone has additions or advice, please write in the thread.
Using an Escrow is also a good way to thank the forum for its existence. After all, you discovered things here that you can't find in a regular store...

Remember: a miser pays twice, a fool - always!
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Yeah I've fallen victim to not using escrow, I'm the number fan of this now! Too many broke actors out here portraying an image, USE ESCROW don't lose money lol
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