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Your best worker, that KILLS for you, will work 24/7


Carding Novice
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Hello everyone!
Judging by the number of topics hanging in the this part of the forum, the chances of finding a job, not being a specialist somewhere, in something, a bit small, but I'll still try, and leave here my resume, and maybe I'll be lucky).
Actually, my resume:
I don't know what it's like to be a cool hacker, or a proger, or a scammer, but I do know what it's like to be a responsible, ambitious worker. (Perhaps that's the kind of person YOU are looking for right now?)
At the moment I'm interested in two directions: carding projects where you need sapports or related where you need partial knowledge of programming languages, I'm slowly learning them, you can say I just started, because I still know not enough to create a malware or software, or write some script. But I'm sure that I can cope with some monotonous work in networks like scanning or picking in the date, because such work is required one way or another. And so in general I am ready to work anywhere.
Also at first I'm quite satisfied and the position of the type of bring/supply, find, buy/sell, go away do not interfere.
I am quite a pleasant person in communication (at least I am told so) I have a normal speech in terms of business correspondence
I am punctual, I value other people's time, I will always be online like clockwork at the time you need.
I always approach work honestly and responsibly, no matter what it was
Russian language I know, written freely, worked earlier in drop projects on shipping, and was sapportov in the shop where mostly Englishand Russian speaking customers,
I can work under conditions of strict multitasking, as a man-orchestra, even 24 hours a day.
With learnability problems are not, ADHD seems to have not been noticed, so if I do not know something or do not know how to - it's a matter of time, I will fit into any of your movement
I am ready to consider any direction and any work, but only in the already existing project or team. Please do not offer me participation in projects that are supposed to earn sometime later. I have had enough of these breakfasts for a lifetime ahead, sorry)))
To summarize:
If you need such a responsible, hard-working man, as well as, you approximately understand what, where and when I will do at you - waiting for you in PM !!!!

Yes, I perfectly understand that there are already a lot of such “workers” like me on the form, and on the mind, I should first learn something before putting my ass on the labor exchange, but, excuse me, already now I need something to daub on bread. Not black caviar, of course, but at least cheese friendship.

If you have anything to offer, please contact me at
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