Recently, a lot vendors have appeared on the forum, who don't have web shop, and sells CC directly with Telegram, ICQ, Jabber.
As practice has shown, they resort to flooding in their threads to raise the position of the topic and hide negative feedback from real users. Example was vendor Rie86 (already banned), who just resell CC from autoshops and didn't make any refunds:
I bought it 14cc for a total of $490. However, he deliberately used invalid ccs, causing me to lose many accounts. I asked him to refund the money but he ignored it. Admin please ask him to refund me or he will have to close his topic. He is a scammer
An example of such vendors:
Apollo CC TOP
My suggestion - is to make it mandatory for these vendors to transact only through the forum escrow. Mark each their post that they should work only through escrow. And if vendor refuses work through escrow, open black claim on him.
This will help to understand which vendors are bona fide and which are fraudulent.