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carding 2021

  1. Lincoln

    Carding Debunking a Huge Myth: “Carding is dead”

    I remember back in 2020 a lot of carders of the Sunday afternoon after 6 beers, and then grabbing a free cvv giveaway on a thread with 1 billion reads was saying: Carding is dead ! It was easier back in 2019… Now with the otp and new vbv system it’s blah blah blah and just sitting on the couch...

    ?CRONOZ SHOP? Free VPNs /// Бесплатный VPN /// أشياء مجانية للمساعدة

    Free nord VPNs for Everyone!!! pls understand some will be Burn!! Telegram @ CronozShop NORD VPN
  3. H


    Whatsup, First sorry for my Bad englisch.. I am from Germany , and searching for someone to work/ Cooperate with. When maybe somebody Have something like : Psyical Cards to cashout we can work together. I will cashout we will Split 50/50. I will Exchange the Money to BTC and Send. Here in...
  4. F

    Method in Germany EU DE 2021

    Hello Im looking for a guide or method that i can easy use in Germany. Thanks !
  5. J

    Carding Sports Betting Carding Method 2021 + BIN Guide

    This past year I've discovered an interesting process for carding specific sports betting sites in the United States that has been valid through October 2021. The final cashout method can be either Paypal or a bank log and I've had varying results of hitting for between $200-$1500 per...
  6. K

    looking for someone to help will pay for your time

    Hey I’m looking for anyone that has carded amusement park tickets as in Disneyland knotts Berry farm universal studios etc. if anyone know how to card these sites hit me up on telegram @goneyeah12 or reply on here .


    Hello World, Today, I will show you my full carding attempt on a website called DING. As all of you already know what kind of website DING is, there is no need for me to talk about it. Here is the link for the FREE VIDEO: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden...
  8. N

    Buy Bnumb Shop Invite at cheap Rate

    hello guy i got bnumb shop invites if you need it like this post and message @gcpro78 on telegram for buying at cheap rate . is also available . -Fullz -CC -Bank Logins -Carded Gift Cards -DL - SSN - DOB LOOKUPS -Stripe Carding -Skrill Private method available -Genesis shop invite
  9. A

    Looking for Australian bank logs

    Yo I’m looking for someone to supply me with Australian bank logs or files consistently. I’m happy to buy files or we split takings. I’m the only guy in Australia who can bypass sms and cash Aussie logs. I’ve attached some proof of my work just from this last week. The btc accounts are btc I’ve...
  10. M


    Looking for a serious professional carder to work with on my UK square online merchant store. Payouts are next business day so there will be very little downtime for chargebacks etc... Only interested in 50/50 splits and you will receive your cut via your crypto of preference but BTC will be...
  11. KYLE XYY

    Carding VCLUB HITS 2021

    Hi there, I made short video of my carding today using a cc from a vclub *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Enjoy @vclub
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