
Carding Novice
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Hello, I had logged into my account 12 hours ago, and now it tells me that I am entering the wrong password, although this is not so. What happened? How can I access my account back?
I have username, first password and first payment, if it is needed.
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Hello, I had logged into my account 12 hours ago, and now it tells me that I am entering the wrong password, although this is not so. What happened? How can I access my account back?
I have username, first password and first payment, if it is needed.

I still cant log into my account

write me its info to pm, please, guys

for restore password


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TOR https://wizardjmndkyakr6x5m2woiax3olaijp7c63juk6t6oliiqsvs5hq4qd.onion

@Harry Potter site down for
Tech works on the servers. shop will be online again soon.
follow the news in the telegram channel @wizardshop_news and forums!
please kindly let us know when site is up and running. thank you
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Dear users. We've experienced a store break-in. Your accounts and balances are safe, after the vulnerabilities are fixed - we will restore work on the old domain.



Do not panic and do not believe the impostors and follow the news on the forums and in our telegram channel wizardshop_news.

The store will be back up and running soon.
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Try vclub

You on acid or something ? Pay $90 to be allowed access to their "AMAZING" shop so you can spend your money buying their products which I have extensively tested and is same crap you may get 1-2 valid ccs per every 10 or so you buy... They know that and extort newbies the $90 to enter their shit scam shop so they can lose the rest of their money and obviously never visit vshit again after being burned hence why this ridiculous fee to register. Vshit is actually one of the better ones LMAO most other shops on here and other forums like this are almost always complete scam and reading their threads is usually enough to confirm this. It took me a while to realize these "vendors" who advertise on here as well as these bullshit forums like this one or the other similar rippers are actually aiming to scam newbies who want to learn and try find info on such places but all they end up getting is some clowns trying to sell "methods" or cc's or just about anything anyone might be looking for with the only intention to scam some newbie who made the mistake to actually trust forums and cc vendors and falsely believe these forums actually teach anything or there is any real knowledge being shared here...

E.g: $300 Carding class ? Excuse me, wtf did you say ? $300 to teach me to use proxy,rdp,mac changer, flush ip, clean with bitbleach and ccleaner and few other minor details are you serious ? A newbie may buy it again falsely believing there is more to this than publicly known or that there is a "method" to succeed fml you jokers.... Method is you somehow find legit cc with balance preferably non vbv which itself is enough of a limitation to make carding more or less a waste of money and time unless you get fire cc as opposed to paying top dollar for garbage that usually no matter which ripper shop you choose to hand out your money to you will most likely get some dead or worse totally invalid cc info and there goes another $20 out the window and you feel like you would of had a better chance making $ going to the slots in the casino...

I guess if you card in US then that's much better ROI since you will usually be able to use most cards without having to bypass OTP or any hiccups provided you match billing location, actually have right billing which it seems most shops are unable to verify and often provide wrong billing and god knows what else could be wrong in there if a "vendor" is unable to provide correct billing which is basic information then how could anyone trust this so called "vendor" in my books a scammer who just tries to sell whatever fully well knowing it's garbage and a waste of money.. I can literally open my own shop then fill it up with whatever cc info I find by whomever and sell for $20 a piece LMAO. So I pay $20 for a MAYBE I will get something but this "vendor" is unable to provide me accurate information be it billing or something else. What tf am I paying for then ? I can play roulette at the casino and gamble all I want as is usually the case with these bullshit shops where most times you gamble with your money and due to the stacked odds of you hitting another invalid blank you most likely will lose more than you make if you even make anything.

At least these guys here at CrdPro offer some sort of a "class" for $300 lmao but at least it sounds legit although idk what they will teach yo that will increase your success rate myb how to get your own cc as that is the only reason most of us don't make shit because whatever tools you may have if the cc some fuck face is selling you on here is some generated random invalid crap you got no chance...

Like this Wizard "professional" NO REFUND bullshit... That means only one thing and that is that this dude has no clue how good his shit is and therefore does not do refunds if he actually stood behind his 95% "valid" rate then why not refund us if you sold us shit ? Sure I got one classic live and hit for the huge amount of $15 having spent $70 + a bunch of other shit like proxy, rdps and what not only to get fucked up the ass yet again by some "professional" twat on here... 542418 my fav bin I've had countless of purchases when I had my own supply just 2 weeks ago and I buy 1 cc from this joker Mr Wizard (Mr Scam) and it's dead... I get BOA my most successful BIN and guess what DEAD, I get a shitty classic piece of shit and it hits for $15 and I get no refund... Sure I don't! I guess when you intentionally scam people by selling crap you don't really intent on REFUNDING but more on collecting deposits and selling whatever shit you have which is most likely invalid crap as usual or dead.

CARDING FORUMS AND THESE RIPPER "VENDORS" CLAIMING VALID RATES AND IN GENERAL CLAIMING THEY EVEN GOT REAL CC TO SELL IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE AND A LIE. BOTH FORUM OPERATORS AND THESE SCAMMING CUNTS ARE IN ON IT AND MOST LIKELY SPLIT PROFITS. If finding legit cc isn't hard enough then add to that if your not in US or UK or other big country but instead using UK or US cc's to make purchases overseas you're doomed. Most times you won't even make it to the OTP stage bank just denies transaction despite matching billing which may be incorrect and on top of spending $20 on crap cc I gotta spend some more on subscription where to look up victims address and other info make sure it matches the crap your being sold lmao that's literally like ordering a pizza and only getting the dough and some tomato sauce on top and then tell you to put your own toppings... Scamming clowns ya'll are! NEWBS DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOUR FUNDS TRYING TO SCORE ANYTHING USING CC FROM ANY OF THESE NASTY RIPPERS who try make a quick buck selling you 90% fake invalid bullshit for $20 and refuse refund due to being fully aware most the crap they list on their pathetic scam shops is useless crap that won't even go through on Netflix or $1 sub to test the cc..

This is not shops nor these clowns vendors... You will be sold something totally random with low chance to even be live and even if it is the amount you will actually get out of it will most likely be peanuts to what you wasted looking for live cc's..A REAL VENDOR WITH A REAL SHOP KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE SELLING AND MAKE SURE IT'S QUALITY THAT WILL HAVE CLIENTS COME BACK FOR MORE. Saying this i really fucking miss Jstash and even more street money which somehow turned out to actually be a super legit vendor but went down and god knows if it will ever return. Until then the admins have been so kind to list all scammers incl this Wizard "professional" and the rest of them twats who will sell your sorry ass invalid generated cc for $20 and if you complain you will be told you don't know how to use that cards or better yet you will be told nothing as they DO NOT CARE :D :D These pigglets are here only to scam as many gullible individuals as much as they dare deposit, then sell them fake info and when their thread gets totally trashed by a bunch of unhappy, ripped losers then scammer simply DELETES, new username, makes a few accounts to write fake review for his new shop, puts it up on here and more losers get jacked by some nasty fuck face whom this forum stands behind and vouches for LMAO LMAO LMAO. Guess it's so hard actually getting good cc that some bastards have more luck creating "carding" forums where everyone is trying to charge you something for any info you may need and where scam shops are vouched for and assisted in scamming whoever is dumb enough to waste his money. Wizards 95% valid rate was DOPE btw 1/4 and if I waste another $70 I may get another live one out of 5 and be denied any refund even though this valid rate advertised is total bullshit without any fucking doubt. I could take a bet and guess it's no more than 10-15% valid rate and still I got better chance making a good bet rather than deposit money to buy some random invalid piece of crap this cunt either added by himself or got from some other ripper kid out there who understand how much easier it is to scam carders then to actually card succesfully. Anyway though... Economy will get so fucking bad very soon that neither carding nor scamming carders will return any significant profits so all the slimy Indian fuck twat "Vendors" will be better off getting vending machines instead of being "vendors" in a dying trade where unless you live in US/UK and other main countries you will need NON VBV bins that are quite limited, most are classic so cunts have no money on them anyway and in general a ROYAL WASTE OF TIME unless you got a way of obtaining your own cc which you can try for free and collect more working bins etc. If you buy from these fuck faces selling their invalid shit here and on other forums like this bullshit you will be paying $20 to get DECLINED and stupid errors 9 out of 10 times.
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你上酸什么的?支付 90 美元即可进入他们的“神奇”商店,这样您就可以花钱购买他们的产品,这些产品我已经广泛测试过,同样的废话,您每购买 10 个左右可能会获得 1-2 个有效 cc... 他们知道并勒索新手 90 美元进入他们的狗屎诈骗店,这样他们就可以损失剩下的钱,而且显然在被烧毁后再也不会访问 vshit,因此为什么要收取如此荒谬的注册费用。Vshit 实际上是最好的 LMAO 之一,这里的大多数其他商店和其他类似的论坛几乎总是完全是骗局,阅读他们的帖子通常足以证实这一点。我花了一段时间才意识到这些“供应商”

例如:$300 梳理课程?对不起,你说什么?300 美元教我使用代理、rdp、mac 转换器、刷新 ip、用 bitbleach 和 ccleaner 清理以及其他一些小细节你是认真的吗?新手可能会再次购买它,并错误地认为这比公众所知的要多,或者有一种“方法”可以让你的小丑们成功……方法是你以某种方式找到平衡的合法 cc,最好是非 vbv,这本身就足够了限制使梳理或多或少浪费金钱和时间,除非你得到火 cc 而不是为垃圾支付高价,通常无论你选择哪个开膛手店给你钱,很可能会死或更糟糕的是完全无效的 cc 信息,窗外还有 20 美元,你觉得你有更好的机会赚到美元去赌场的老虎机......

我想如果你在美国刷卡,那么投资回报率会更高,因为你通常可以使用大多数卡,而无需绕过 OTP 或任何打嗝,只要你匹配账单位置,实际上有正确的账单,似乎大多数商店都无法验证和经常提供错误的帐单,上帝知道如果“供应商”无法提供正确的帐单(这是基本信息),那么还有什么可能是错误的无论如何都知道这是垃圾和浪费钱。我可以从字面上开自己的商店,然后用我找到的任何 cc 信息填满它,然后以每件 20 美元的价格出售 LMAO。所以我花了 20 美元买了一个也许我会得到一些东西,但是这个“供应商” 无法向我提供准确的信息,无论是帐单还是其他信息。那我要付什么钱?我可以在赌场玩轮盘赌,想玩什么就玩什么如果你什至做任何事情。

至少 CrdPro 的这些人以 300 美元的价格提供某种“课程” lmao,但至少听起来是合法的,尽管 idk 他们会教你什么会提高你的成功率 myb 如何获得自己的 cc,因为这是唯一的原因我们大多数人都不会做屎,因为如果 cc 一些他妈的脸在这里卖给你,你可能拥有的任何工具都是一些随机生成的无效废话,你没有机会......

就像这个巫师“专业”不退款废话......这仅意味着一件事,那就是这个家伙不知道他的狗屎有多好,因此如果他当时真的支持他的 95%“有效”率,则不会退款如果你卖给我们狗屎,为什么不退还我们?当然,我得到了一场经典的现场直播,并且花了 70 美元 + 一堆其他的东西,比如代理、rdps 以及什么,不仅让这里的一些“专业”混蛋再次搞砸了屁股,而且花了 15 美元。 542418 my fav bin 两周前我有自己的供应时,我已经购买了无数次,我从这个小丑巫师先生(骗局先生)那里买了 1 cc,它已经死了......我得到了我最成功的 BIN 并猜测什么死了,我得到了一个糟糕的经典狗屎,它打了 15 美元,我没有得到退款......当然我没有!

梳理论坛和这些开膛手“供应商”声称有效费率,并且一般声称他们甚至可以出售真正的 CC 是绝对的笑话和谎言。论坛运营商和这些骗局都参与其中,并且最有可能分割利润。如果找到合法的 cc 还不够难,那么如果您不在美国或英国或其他大国,而是使用英国或美国的 cc 在海外购买,那么您注定要失败。大多数情况下,您甚至无法进入 OTP 阶段银行,尽管匹配的账单可能不正确,但您甚至拒绝交易,而且除了在垃圾 cc 上花费 20 美元之外,我还得在订阅上花更多的钱在哪里查找受害者地址和其他信息确定它与你被卖的废话相匹配 lmao 就像点披萨,只在上面放面团和一些番茄酱,然后告诉你自己放配料……你们都是骗子!NEWBS 不要浪费您的时间,最重要的是您的资金试图使用 CC 从这些讨厌的 RIPPER 中获得任何分数他们在可悲的骗局商店上列出的都是无用的废话,甚至不会在 Netflix 上通过或 1 美元的订阅来测试 cc..

这不是商店,也不是这些小丑供应商......您将被出售一些完全随机的东西,甚至很少有机会活着,即使这是您实际从中获得的金额,也很可能是您浪费寻找的花生live cc's..一个真正的供应商和一个真正的商店知道他们到底在卖什么,并确保它的质量会让客户回来更多。这么说我真的很想念 Jstash 甚至更多的街头钱,不知怎的,它实际上是一个超级合法的供应商,但失败了,天知道它是否会回来。在那之前,管理员非常友好地列出了所有骗子,包括这个“专业”向导,其余的都是笨蛋,他们会以 20 美元的价格出售你的抱歉的屁股无效生成的 cc,如果你抱怨,你会被告知你不要':D :D 这些小猪来这里只是为了欺骗尽可能多的容易上当的人,然后向他们出售虚假信息,当他们的帖子被一群不开心的、被撕毁的失败者完全破坏时,骗子只需删除新用户名,创建几个帐户为他的新店写假评论,把它放在这里,更多的失败者被这个论坛支持的一些讨厌的他妈的脸顶住,并为 LMAO LMAO LMAO 担保。猜猜实际上很难获得良好的抄送,以至于一些混蛋更有运气创建“梳理”论坛,每个人都试图向您收取您可能需要的任何信息的费用,并且骗局商店被担保并协助诈骗任何愚蠢到可以浪费的人他的钱。奇才队 95% 的有效利率是 DOPE btw 1/4,如果我再浪费 70 美元,我可能会得到另一个活生生的 5 分,并被拒绝任何退款,即使广告中的这个有效利率完全是胡说八道,毫无疑问。我可以打赌,猜猜它的有效率不超过 10-15%,但我仍然有更好的机会做出一个好的赌注,而不是存钱去买一些随机的无效垃圾,这个混蛋要么是他自己添加的,要么是从其他人那里得到的那里的开膛手孩子知道骗取卡片比实际成功卡片要容易得多。无论如何……经济很快就会变得如此糟糕,无论是刷卡还是诈骗刷卡者都不会获得任何可观的利润,所以所有黏糊糊的印度他妈的“小贩”最好还是买自动售货机而不是“小贩”


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You on acid or something ? Pay $90 to be allowed access to their "AMAZING" shop so you can spend your money buying their products which I have extensively tested and is same crap you may get 1-2 valid ccs per every 10 or so you buy... They know that and extort newbies the $90 to enter their shit scam shop so they can lose the rest of their money and obviously never visit vshit again after being burned hence why this ridiculous fee to register. Vshit is actually one of the better ones LMAO most other shops on here and other forums like this are almost always complete scam and reading their threads is usually enough to confirm this. It took me a while to realize these "vendors" who advertise on here as well as these bullshit forums like this one or the other similar rippers are actually aiming to scam newbies who want to learn and try find info on such places but all they end up getting is some clowns trying to sell "methods" or cc's or just about anything anyone might be looking for with the only intention to scam some newbie who made the mistake to actually trust forums and cc vendors and falsely believe these forums actually teach anything or there is any real knowledge being shared here...

E.g: $300 Carding class ? Excuse me, wtf did you say ? $300 to teach me to use proxy,rdp,mac changer, flush ip, clean with bitbleach and ccleaner and few other minor details are you serious ? A newbie may buy it again falsely believing there is more to this than publicly known or that there is a "method" to succeed fml you jokers.... Method is you somehow find legit cc with balance preferably non vbv which itself is enough of a limitation to make carding more or less a waste of money and time unless you get fire cc as opposed to paying top dollar for garbage that usually no matter which ripper shop you choose to hand out your money to you will most likely get some dead or worse totally invalid cc info and there goes another $20 out the window and you feel like you would of had a better chance making $ going to the slots in the casino...

I guess if you card in US then that's much better ROI since you will usually be able to use most cards without having to bypass OTP or any hiccups provided you match billing location, actually have right billing which it seems most shops are unable to verify and often provide wrong billing and god knows what else could be wrong in there if a "vendor" is unable to provide correct billing which is basic information then how could anyone trust this so called "vendor" in my books a scammer who just tries to sell whatever fully well knowing it's garbage and a waste of money.. I can literally open my own shop then fill it up with whatever cc info I find by whomever and sell for $20 a piece LMAO. So I pay $20 for a MAYBE I will get something but this "vendor" is unable to provide me accurate information be it billing or something else. What tf am I paying for then ? I can play roulette at the casino and gamble all I want as is usually the case with these bullshit shops where most times you gamble with your money and due to the stacked odds of you hitting another invalid blank you most likely will lose more than you make if you even make anything.

At least these guys here at CrdPro offer some sort of a "class" for $300 lmao but at least it sounds legit although idk what they will teach yo that will increase your success rate myb how to get your own cc as that is the only reason most of us don't make shit because whatever tools you may have if the cc some fuck face is selling you on here is some generated random invalid crap you got no chance...

Like this Wizard "professional" NO REFUND bullshit... That means only one thing and that is that this dude has no clue how good his shit is and therefore does not do refunds if he actually stood behind his 95% "valid" rate then why not refund us if you sold us shit ? Sure I got one classic live and hit for the huge amount of $15 having spent $70 + a bunch of other shit like proxy, rdps and what not only to get fucked up the ass yet again by some "professional" twat on here... 542418 my fav bin I've had countless of purchases when I had my own supply just 2 weeks ago and I buy 1 cc from this joker Mr Wizard (Mr Scam) and it's dead... I get BOA my most successful BIN and guess what DEAD, I get a shitty classic piece of shit and it hits for $15 and I get no refund... Sure I don't! I guess when you intentionally scam people by selling crap you don't really intent on REFUNDING but more on collecting deposits and selling whatever shit you have which is most likely invalid crap as usual or dead.

CARDING FORUMS AND THESE RIPPER "VENDORS" CLAIMING VALID RATES AND IN GENERAL CLAIMING THEY EVEN GOT REAL CC TO SELL IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE AND A LIE. BOTH FORUM OPERATORS AND THESE SCAMMING CUNTS ARE IN ON IT AND MOST LIKELY SPLIT PROFITS. If finding legit cc isn't hard enough then add to that if your not in US or UK or other big country but instead using UK or US cc's to make purchases overseas you're doomed. Most times you won't even make it to the OTP stage bank just denies transaction despite matching billing which may be incorrect and on top of spending $20 on crap cc I gotta spend some more on subscription where to look up victims address and other info make sure it matches the crap your being sold lmao that's literally like ordering a pizza and only getting the dough and some tomato sauce on top and then tell you to put your own toppings... Scamming clowns ya'll are! NEWBS DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOUR FUNDS TRYING TO SCORE ANYTHING USING CC FROM ANY OF THESE NASTY RIPPERS who try make a quick buck selling you 90% fake invalid bullshit for $20 and refuse refund due to being fully aware most the crap they list on their pathetic scam shops is useless crap that won't even go through on Netflix or $1 sub to test the cc..

This is not shops nor these clowns vendors... You will be sold something totally random with low chance to even be live and even if it is the amount you will actually get out of it will most likely be peanuts to what you wasted looking for live cc's..A REAL VENDOR WITH A REAL SHOP KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE SELLING AND MAKE SURE IT'S QUALITY THAT WILL HAVE CLIENTS COME BACK FOR MORE. Saying this i really fucking miss Jstash and even more street money which somehow turned out to actually be a super legit vendor but went down and god knows if it will ever return. Until then the admins have been so kind to list all scammers incl this Wizard "professional" and the rest of them twats who will sell your sorry ass invalid generated cc for $20 and if you complain you will be told you don't know how to use that cards or better yet you will be told nothing as they DO NOT CARE :D :D These pigglets are here only to scam as many gullible individuals as much as they dare deposit, then sell them fake info and when their thread gets totally trashed by a bunch of unhappy, ripped losers then scammer simply DELETES, new username, makes a few accounts to write fake review for his new shop, puts it up on here and more losers get jacked by some nasty fuck face whom this forum stands behind and vouches for LMAO LMAO LMAO. Guess it's so hard actually getting good cc that some bastards have more luck creating "carding" forums where everyone is trying to charge you something for any info you may need and where scam shops are vouched for and assisted in scamming whoever is dumb enough to waste his money. Wizards 95% valid rate was DOPE btw 1/4 and if I waste another $70 I may get another live one out of 5 and be denied any refund even though this valid rate advertised is total bullshit without any fucking doubt. I could take a bet and guess it's no more than 10-15% valid rate and still I got better chance making a good bet rather than deposit money to buy some random invalid piece of crap this cunt either added by himself or got from some other ripper kid out there who understand how much easier it is to scam carders then to actually card succesfully. Anyway though... Economy will get so fucking bad very soon that neither carding nor scamming carders will return any significant profits so all the slimy Indian fuck twat "Vendors" will be better off getting vending machines instead of being "vendors" in a dying trade where unless you live in US/UK and other main countries you will need NON VBV bins that are quite limited, most are classic so cunts have no money on them anyway and in general a ROYAL WASTE OF TIME unless you got a way of obtaining your own cc which you can try for free and collect more working bins etc. If you buy from these fuck faces selling their invalid shit here and on other forums like this bullshit you will be paying $20 to get DECLINED and stupid errors 9 out of 10 times.
All facts. They be verifying a lot of these scam sites on these forums and every site be bullshit. Paying newbies or creating other account to make it look realistic
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